Opportunities and challenges for female student entrepreneurship at University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
Ndaba, Noxolo, Nonjabulo.
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This study investigates female student entrepreneurship at University of KwaZulu Natal by
exploring the challenges and opportunities they encounter at this institution. The three
objectives of the study were: to explore the opportunities available to female students through
entrepreneurship; to explore the challenges faced by female entrepreneurs; and to make
recommendations on how female students can be empowered. The study employed a
qualitative research approach and the interpretive paradigm. The thematic analysis was used to
analyze the findings. Ten semi-structured interviews with female student entrepreneurs, and
observations were used as instruments to collect primary data, and secondary data through an
organization called UKZN Inqubate. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants.
The review of literature revealed that female student entrepreneurship remains one of the leaststudied
significant economic phenomena. This lack of diversity in research topics often resulted
from the assumption that entrepreneurship was the same all over the world. As a result, there
is less focus placed on female student entrepreneurship, especially in higher institutions of
learning, thus placing constraints on female student entrepreneurs to be provided with relevant
support or assistance. This study sought to fill this gap. The study found out that female student
entrepreneurs venture into entrepreneurship due to the financial difficulties. Furthermore, the
findings show that female student entrepreneurs at UKZN, Howard College Campus have less
support in this institution to improve and grow their businesses. This shows that female student
entrepreneurs remain to be on the marginalised line, where support and assistance is difficult
to find. These challenges of female student entrepreneurs at the Howard College Campus
results to them giving up in their journey of entrepreneurship, and results to failures of their
businesses. However, findings from the study shown that regardless of all the challenges,
female student entrepreneurship at Howard College Campus has played a huge role in fighting
against the triple burden (poverty, unemployment, and inequality) of women which keeps them
at the marginalised line. There is indeed a call and need for the improvement support of female
student entrepreneurship at Howard College Campus, not only for the benefit of the individual
entrepreneurs, but also for the enhancement of the economy.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.