Exploring the effects of land invasion on government in the upgrading of informal settlements in Cato Manor, Durban.
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This study aimed to explore the effects of land invasion on informal dwellers before
and during the in-situ upgrading of the informal settlements in Cato Manor, in Durban.
The mushrooming of informal settlements, and the increasing cases of land invasion
in metropolitan cities can be attributed to the struggle over the use and control of the
urban spaces, as well as a shortage of houses. Informal dwellers and land invaders
occupy the urban space to reproduce themselves, even though they are excluded from
the formal wage labour, and the formal housing markets. This move has seen
individuals collectively acting to defend their access to the urban space, thus
countering state-led dispossessions. These dispossessions are some of the crucial
aspects of the increasing incidents of land invasion and informal settlements that
sparked collective action by individuals to defend their access to the urban spaces
from state-led dispossession.
This study was guided by three theoretical frameworks – (i) the theory of Quiet
Encroachment of the ordinary life, (ii) the Marxist theory, and (iii) the Structuralism
theory. These theories pull together the various separate paradigms and perspectives
into an integrated theoretical framework to guide the study.
This study adopted social constructivism as a central research paradigm. How land
invasion is perceived is largely dependent on local and social interpretations and
perceptions. As a theory, social constructivism offers a counter-argument to a common
perception that social problems arise as undesirable disorders that threaten social and
cultural harmony. Social constructionism is based on the fundamentals of knowledge
as a central influence in the construction of perceptions on an individual and their
position and status in society. Thus, this study was empirical in nature, where the data
were collected and analysed. However, it also integrated conceptual research – as the
literature reviewed was referred to throughout the study. The study also employed
thematic data analysis, which involves organising the data in relative themes and
having it coded.
The selected study area is occupied by informal settlers where land invasion appears
to be common. The researcher had anticipated that informal settlements protests
would hinder the collection of the data. The findings of this study suggest that land
invaders perceive land invasions as a way of securing shelter and accessing land.
However, government is strongly opposed to this. It was also evident that acts of land
invasion are carried out largely by the people from the same settlement, owing to
general population growth and settlements expansion. Thus, one would be justified to
conclude that the effects of land invasion on informal settlements upgrading is a
perspective of Governments, whereas beneficiaries of land invasions also note the
effects of the Upgrading Projects as a stimulant. This study proposes three
recommendations which are: Collaborative Response, Inclusive Housing Settlements,
and Planning for Settlements Growth.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.