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Design thinking as a strategic lever in promoting tourism in KwaZulu-Natal=Ukucabangakuxazulula okubeka umthengi phambili njengesu lokuthuthukisa ezokuvakasha KwaZulu-Natal.

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Abstract Countries on the African continent, most notably South Africa, have not been immune to global economic issues with the present bout of change globally, which is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. The creation of jobs for the unemployed remains South Africa's biggest challenge. Over the last few years, South Africa has experienced a sharp decline in growth and a significant increase in unemployment. Tourism in South Africa is a key enabler in supporting Local Economic Development (LED), job creation and improved living standards, and this sector requires a joint effort within it to address any concerns that may impede the economy's progress. Design thinking, a problem-solving tool, is an important technique around which organisations may build their strategy to solve problems and challenges. The main aim of the study was to identify the role of design thinking in the tourism sector by first understanding the challenges experienced within this sector currently and in the recent past. The design thinking process was presented to understand how this technique could assist in resolving the challenges of the tourism sector. Focus groups and interviews were used to collect data. For this study, the sample population consisted of 21 participants who were specifically chosen for their experience in the tourism sector. The study outcome resulted in the identification of seven key factors that can influence design thinking in the tourism sector. In addition, nine contributing factors influenced design thinking in leadership. The study also revealed nine key initiatives to drive design thinking in the tourism sector. The main contributions of this study were that it established the presence of design thinking in the tourism sector, whilst also highlighting the role of collaboration. The results of the research also show how effectively leadership and design thinking combined, with the former being able to use the traits to develop a variety of tactics and strategic outcomes. The key recommendations emanating from this study indicate that design thinking should be implemented at all levels of tourism, while the role of leadership is critical in ensuring that proper strategies ae developed to realise the objectives of the industry. Iqoqa Amazwe asezwenikazi lase-Afrika, ikakhulukazi iNingizimu Afrika, ayikwazanga ukugwema ukutheleleka ezinkingeni zomnotho ezikhungethe umhlaba wonke ezibhebhetheka ngendlela engakaze ibonwe. Ukudalwa kwamathuba emisebenzi kulabo abangaqashiwe kuseyinkinga enkulu iNingizimu Afrika ebhekene nayo. Eminyakeni embalwa edlule, iNingizimu Afrika ibhekane nokwehla kokukhula komnotho kanye nokwenyuka kwezinga lokungasebenzi. Ezokuvakasha eNingizimu Afrika zingenye yezindlela zokusekela ukukhula okuyiLocal Economic Development (LED), zokudala amathuba emisebenzi nokuthuthukisa izinga lempilo, kanti lo mkhakha udinga ukuthi kusetshenzwe ngokubambisana ukubhekana nezinselelo ezidodobalisa inqubekela phambili kwezomnotho. Ukucabanga ngomthengi, okuyinsiza yokuxazulula izinkinga, kuyisu elibalulekile elingasetshenziswa yizinkampani ukuxazulula izinkinga nezinselelo. Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuthola ukuthi yiliphi iqhaza elibanjwa wukucabangakuxazulula kwezokuvakasha ngokuqale kuqondisiswe izingqinamba okuhlangatshezwana nazo kulo mkhakha okwamanje naseminyakeni edlule. Le nqubo yokucabanga yethulwa ukuze kuqondisiswe ukuthi ingasetshenziswa kanjani ukuxazulula izingqinamba zomkhakha wezokuvakasha. Amaqoqo ababambiqhaza kanye nemposambuzo kwasetshenziswa ukuqoqa imininingo. Kulolu cwaningo kwakhethwa ababambiqhaza abangama-21 bekhethwa ngokolwazi abanalo emkhakheni wezokuvakasha. Imiphumela yocwaningo yaholela ekuhlonzweni kwezinto eziyisikhombisa ezingaba nomthelela ekucabangeni ngokuxazulula emkhakheni wezokuvakasha. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kunezinto eziyisishiyagalolunye ezinesandla kulokhu kucabanga kwezokuphatha. Ucwaningo lwaphinde lwaveza izindlela eziyisishiyagalolunye ezingaqhubela phambili lokhu kucabanga kwezokuvakasha. Umnikelo omkhulu walolu cwaningo wukuthi lulethe lolu hlobo lokucabanga ngokuxazulula inkinga yomthengi kwezokuvakasha kanti futhi luqhakambise neqhaza elingabanjwa wukusebenza ngokubambisana. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iphinde yaveza nokuphumelela kokuhlanganisa ubuholi nalolu hlobo lokucabanga, ikakhulukazi uma abaholayo bezosebenzisa amaqhinga ahlukahlukene. Iziphakamiso ezinqala eziqhamuka kulolu cwaningo ziveza ukuthi ukucabangakuxazulula kumele kusetshenziswa kuwona wonke amazinga kwezokuvakasha, kanti iqhaza lobuholi libalulekile ekuqinisekiseni ukuthi amasu afanele ayabunjwa ukuze kufezekiswe izinjongo zomkhakha. Amagama asemqoka: Izingqinamba, ukucabangakuxazulula, umnotho, iNingizimu Afrika, umkhakha wezokuvakasha.


Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

