Exploring pre-service teachers’ experiences of mentoring during teaching practice.
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Mentorship is a global phenomenon where a skilled individual trains a less skilled individual.
This study is based on mentoring in education which takes place during teaching practice.
Teaching practice is a period when pre-service teachers undergo a practical component during
their training to become professional teachers. The mentor who is a school teacher, then mentors
and trains the pre-service to acquire skills needed for teaching. The study employed a qualitative
approach which was detailed and in-depth. Furthermore, the study made use of case study
methodology where mentoring experiences of pre-services teachers were explored thoroughly.
Five participants (pre-service teachers) were interviewed to generate data on their mentoring
experiences. Semi-structured interviews were used as data generation instruments through which
participants could answer open ended questions freely, with regards to their mentoring
experiences. In addition, the study employed thematic analysis where one theme was central
with seven other sub-themes emerging from the findings. The findings of the study indicated
that, although pre-service teachers experienced mentoring in different schools, there were
common patterns in their experiences and knowledge of mentorship as a process. For instance,
four out of five mentees indicated having had a good relationship with mentor since they
communicated well with each other and there was willingness to help and learn between both
mentor and mentee. Other mentees indicated having had issues with their assigned mentors
leading them to seeking assistance from other teachers in their practice school. The study
furthermore provided recommendations for mentoring pre-service teachers such as familiarising
mentors and mentees with duties of mentoring through mentoring workshops on how to mentor
pre-service teachers. In addition, the study recommended that pre-service teachers in different
institutions undergo similar programmes before teaching practice commences.
Masters Degrees, University of KwaZulu-Natal.