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Masters Degrees (Languages, Linguistics and Academic Literacy)

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    IsiZulu Cyber Language: an investigation of bullying language on social media.
    (2022) Ntuli, Thabiso Hilton.
    Bullying studies emerged in the 1970s in the context of the school environment. To date, the phenomenon of bullying is still investigated in the context of schools, higher education, and the workplace in any environment where human interaction exists. The arrival of the internet and the increased use of technology has led to the emergence of a virtual form of bullying known as cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is described as the harm that is inflicted using technological devices and the internet. In the South African context cyberbullying is under-investigated. This study intended to fill that gap by focussing on linguistic aspects of cyberbullying. This study aimed to establish a corpus of the isiZulu cyberbullying language used in social media communications. This was done using University of KwaZulu-Natal students as participants. The participants are currently enrolled at the institution and have active social media accounts. This empirical study used two web-based text analysis software tools: Voyant Tools and Laurence Anthony’s Anthony Concordance. These tools were used to identify the words with higher frequency in the corpus. The investigation found that for IsiZulu, sexting is the most common bullying experience, and words with sexual connotations occur more frequently in the corpus. Furthermore, the study identified differences between implicit and explicit cyberbullying using a phrasal approach and examining key words in context (KWIC). Finally, this investigation yielded data on the participants' usage practices of social media platforms.
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    A study to explore the impact of cremation against Zulu people's cultural belief system.
    (2021) Mnguni, Khayelihle Eric.; Ngubane, Sihawukele Eric.
    Cremation is a widely unpopular practice throughout African culture, especially among the Zulu people as discussed in the novel, Intando KaMufi. Africans at KwaZulu Natal are still battling to familiarize themselves with the practise of cremation, the act of laying to rest a deceased person by burning their body remains in the crematorium. The government through national newspapers has put up a lot of effort to familiarise people within eThekwini and the country in general, with the practice of cremation. However, most of Zulus in KwaZulu Natal still view cremation as a curse and something that totally challenges their culture as portrayed in the selected novel, Intando KaMufi. According to the Zulu culture, there is a strong belief that death is not the end. A departed person enters the afterlife stage and becomes a saviour for the family (Zwane, 2011). Such a person is referred to as idlozi, the ancestor which they respect the most. The aim of this study is to explore the impact of cremation to the Zulu people’s belief systems. The study proposes that individuals must be educated and updated about the impression of cremation before they are exposed to it. It is also prominent for this study to review various studies conducted by other scholars and views from different countries of different continents. The data for the study is a sample drawn in the novel, Intando KaMufi. It is about the huge family conflict because of the practice of cremation. One side of the family opts for cremation while the other side denies. Astonishingly, events result when the members of the family plots to kill one another. The researcher believes that this work is necessary and imperative since it aims to caution and educate people on presumptions of crenature so that they will be able to make an informed decision around the matter of cremation. Postmodern theory with its perspective is applied to view the data while conducting the study. Conclusive facts and recommendations are asserted at the end of the studys.
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    Ukuhlaziya indikimba yokufa ngesibhamu ezindabeni ezimfishane eziseqoqweni elisihloko sithi kunjalo-ke emhlabeni.
    (2023) Manqele, Nkosinathi Nqubeko.; Zulu, Nogwaja Shadrack.
    Lo msebenzi ubheka ukuvezwa kwendikimba yokubula ngesikhali encwadini esihloko esithi Kunjalo-ke Emhlabeni, okuyincwadi eyiqoqo lezindaba ezimfishane ebhalwe ngolimi lwesiZulu ibhalwa nguMeshack. M Masondo. Ukwenziwa kwalo msebenzi kwenziwe ngaphansi kwendlela yethemathiki (Thematic). Lolu cwaningo luzophendula imibuzo ekhethwe ngaphansi kwendlela yokuqoka ngenhloso (Purposive sampling).
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    A comparative study of SV/VS word order in Arabic and Bantu.
    (2018) Shakhatreh, Mohammad Gaseem.; Zeller, Jochen Klaus.
    This thesis studies the SV/VS word orders in Bantu languages and Arabic dialects. This word orders alternation is correlated with other grammatical features as well as semantic/pragmatic readings of the constituents. The main grammatical feature associated with the SV/VS word order dichotomy discussed in this thesis is: subject-verb agreement and realization of agreement on the verb. If the subject precedes the verb, the verb bears full agreement with the subject; in person, number and gender in Arabic and in noun class in Bantu. However, when the subject follows the verb, the verb bears partial agreement with the subject; in gender (and sometimes person) in Standard Arabic, and full agreement in the modern dialects of Arabic while it bears a default agreement in Bantu. The position of the subject (post-or pre-verbal) also affects the pragmatic reading of the subject. In the SV word order, in most Bantu languages as well Standard Arabic, the subject is interpreted as topic. However, in some modern Arabic dialects, it can be interpreted as focus. In the VS word order, a focus reading is available for the subject in Bantu (and sometimes obligatory), while in Arabic, the whole sentence is presented as all new-information (presentational focus). The study shows that, although both SV/VS word orders in these two language groups can have a unified analysis for their derivational properties and the syntactic operations responsible for deriving both SV/VS word order (Fassi Fehri 1993, Benmamoun 2000, Soltan 2006, Zeller 2006, 2008, Halpert 2012 and many others), it cannot however provide a unified analysis to capture the formal grammatical features such as agreement, and pragmatic ideas such as topic and focus that are correlated with SV/VS word orders in both Bantu and Arabic dialects.
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    A comparative study of selected ellipsis constructions in English and IsiZulu.
    (2018) Bevis, Andrew John.; Zeller, Jochen Klaus.
    This work is a comparative study of verb phrase ellipsis (and verb-stranding verb phrase ellipsis), sluicing and gapping, along with some of their subtypes, in English and the Bantu language isiZulu. The goal of the present study was to determine from the literature how ellipsis is characterised in English and which ellipsis constructions are attested in isiZulu, which remains practically unstudied in this regard. There is a large body of literature written in the framework of the Minimalist Program (as part of Generative Grammar) on these ellipsis constructions as they appear in English. I draw on selected discussions from this literature in order to give an overview of these constructions and of the key research questions surrounding the study of ellipsis. These questions involve the nature of the ellipsis site in which linguistic material that would otherwise be required is not pronounced but is nevertheless still interpreted, how ellipsis is licensed, how unpronounced material is recovered and how the process of ellipsis is implemented. This thesis focuses on arguments which suggest that the ellipsis site contains fully articulated syntactic structure which is elided by way of being deleted at PF under the correct focus conditions. Evidence for syntactic conditions on ellipsis is also considered, as are some alternative analyses of ellipsis. The literature on ellipsis in Bantu languages is very scant. I highlight the findings of the few studies on Bantu which do exist, and make an original contribution to this area of study by providing data for the aforementioned ellipsis constructions in isiZulu. Unlike the Bantu languages which have already been reported on, isiZulu does seem to have a type of VP-ellipsis which is just like English VP-ellipsis. A further unexpected finding is that isiZulu does not have verb-stranding VP-ellipsis, which has been reported to exist in some Bantu languages as well as in non-Bantu languages with verb raising. Finally, sluicing and gapping have been reported to be possible in some Bantu languages, and my data shows that they are attested in isiZulu as well.
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    An exploration of religio-cultural concepts of transgender identities in Ethiopian Zionist churches in the Midlands, KZN.
    (2019) Sithole, Sindisiwe Gloria.; Van der Walt, Charlene.
    Transgender people experience incongruence between their gender identity and sex assigned at birth. In South Africa, the transgender population has remained an invisible population until the development of organisations such as Gender Dynamix, who are lobbying for the rights and the visibility of transgender and intersex people in Africa. This study aimed to explore the religio-cultural concepts used to negotiate and engage transgender individuals located within the landscape of African Independent churches in the Midlands area, KwaZulu Natal. Part of this study was to explore the experiences of transgender people in the development of their gender identity. How the transgender identity is embodied in the Zion churches and how transgender individuals respond to an embodiment of their identity in these churches. The study focused mainly on the three key central themes that form an important part in the development of the transgender identity, the key themes are Naming, body, and cultural identity. Feminist queer and transgender theorise were utilised in this study and the study used the phenomenological approach as it explored the lived experiences of transgender individuals. Findings highlighted that four of the transgender participants identified between the gender categories of feminine and masculine, which was different from their sex category assigned to them at birth. This challenged the essentialist view of understanding gender in relation to sex. Findings further suggested that the Zion churches lack a vocabulary and theories to engage transgender people. The identity of transgender people is often mistaken for gayness or lesbianism. Often the church adopted Zulu names such as Inkonkoni/ Isitabane to refer to transgender people. Further findings suggested that transgender people suffered from gender dysphoria because their anatomic bodies did not align with their lived gender identity. To align their bodies transgender individuals stuffed their bodies with objects. Transgender participants illustrated that a dominant trend in their community was that there were accepted for who they are and their communities were aware of their identities from an early age. Therefore they did not experience any discrimination and culture was never used as a tool of discrimination against their lived gender identity.
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    (Re)construction de l’image, de l’identité féminine africaine et la Rébellion féminine contre le pouvoir préétabli: Représentation des femmes noires africaines dans des romans féminins spécifiques des années 1980: Analyse des romans écrits par Angèle Rawiri, Calixthe Beyala, Evelyne Mpoudi Ngolle et Nafissatou Niang Diallo.
    (2018) Dola, Pita Rui.; De Meyer, Bernard Albert Marcel Sylvain.
    Ayant son origine après l'indépendance des pays africains, dans les années 1970/1980, la littérature féminine francophone s’avère enrichissante. Avec l’arrivée de la femme dans le monde romanesque, les thèmes, le style et les protagonistes ont changé, si on le compare à la production de la fiction masculine. Ils commencent par la création de romans autobiographiques et épistolaires pour décrire les problèmes qui les concernent, tels que la polygamie, la folie, le traitement injuste infligé par la société patrilinéaire, la stérilité et l'exploration par les parents. Le corpus de notre étude est composé de quatre romans de différents pays africains francophones : RAWIRI, Angèle N. (1989). Fureurs et cris des femmes, Paris, L’Harmattan; BEYALA, Calixthe. (1988). Tu t’appelleras Tanga, Paris, Albin Michel; NGOLLE, Evelyne M. (1990). Sous la cendre le feu, Dakar, L’Harmattan; DIALLO, Nafissatou N. (1988). La princesse de Tiali, Paris, Nouvelles Ed. Africaines. Ces quatre romans féminins se situent dans la période postcoloniale. La colonisation a laissé des traces permanentes qui affectent le monde littéraire ainsi que le monde politico-idéologique. C'est pourquoi la théorie postcoloniale et féministe a été utilisée pour analyser les quatre romans. Notre étude s’attache aux romans existants dans cette période littéraire (1980-1990), tout particulièrement la deuxième moitié des années 1980, car elle analyse les innovations, la nouvelle identité de la femme, sa rébellion et rupture de ce qui a été écrit sur les femmes. Pour répondre aux questions de recherche relatives au type de personnage et thèmes majeurs que préoccupent les femmes et atteindre les objectifs visés, nous avons effectué une analyse théorique, textuelle et discursive et comparative de romans qui font partie de la littérature féminine d’Afrique subsaharienne et une analyse bibliographique et citographique pour comprendre le contexte de leur production. A la fin de recherche, nous avons découvert que les femmes se préoccupent pour la création de leur nouvelle image (image positive), écrivent de thèmes considérés comme tabou par la société africaine comme forme de la démonstration nette de leur rupture et révolte contre le pouvoir préétabli.
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    Narrative text production in L1 IsiZulu/L2 English speaking children from rural KwaZulu-Natal : a case study based on the wordless picture books Abongi’s Journey (Saadien-Raad and Rosser, 2004) and frog, where are you? (Mayer, 1969).
    (2017) Jiyane (nee Mntungwa), Mbali Gloria.; Tappe, Heike Magdalena Elfriede.
    The investigation of children’s narrative skills is important as they yield literate language use and a child’s comprehending abilities (Curenton and Justine 2004) and at the same time provide access to a child’s level of competence concerning narrative-specific aspects of their linguistic development. Narrative abilities are interlinked to literacy development and academic achievement (Dickinson and Tabor 2001) and are often used to predict language progress (Botting, Faragher, Simkin, Knox and Conti-Ramsden 2001). Sadly, children in multilingual societies may find themselves in an “educational environment in which their cultural and linguistic practices are misaligned with the language(s) of their teaching and learning” (Tappe and Hara, 2013:299). Investigations of narrative text structure are needed in multilingual countries so that curricula may be adjusted in order to not only preserve cultural and linguistic diversity but to also cater for the needs of multilingual children. This study sets out to analyze narrations produced by isiZulu speaking children from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, by using the Narrative Scoring Schema (NSS) (Heilmann et al., 2010, 2010). This study aims to concentrate on language and culture specific narrative text structure elements and to investigate whether the children’s storytelling is based on a ‘Canonical’ Narrative Text Structure (CNTS, Heilmann et al., 2010, 2010) which is taught at school or on a Southern African Narrative Text Structure (SANTS, Tappe and Hara, 2013), which is akin to the text structure underlying traditional Southern African Folktales. The investigation furthermore considers the factors of “cultural familiarity” and “urban/rural upbringing” as possible parameters that might influence the children’s narrations. The participants in this study numbered 44 children (26 female and 18 male) whose age range was 10 to 16 years from Northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, as the primary group of participants and a second group of 39 10-12-year-old children from the urban Centre Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The results reveal that in the children’s narration(s) some of the ‘canonical’ narrative text structure elements are absent or demoted. The children’s narrations consisted of more African narrative text structure elements than ‘canonical’ narrative text structure elements. This finding was also irrespective of the cultural familiarity of the stimulus material and the upbringing in a rural versus an urban area. Importantly, the results demonstrate that the narrations of children do not conform to the ‘canonical’ scoring schemas. The results reveal that children seem to possess a Southern African story grammar that is in line with Southern African folktales. The Southern African Text Structure appears to be different to the narrative text structure proposed by Stein and Glen’s (1979) and other versions of narrative text structure that researchers developed from Stein and Glen’s (1979) narrative text structure (see e.g. Anderson and Evans, 1996). This study recommends that further research be done to investigate narrative skills of Southern African children to explore the Southern African Narrative Text Structure proposal in greater depth. Additionally, it recommends that further research be conducted in languages which have been under-represented in or are absent from text production research. Existing research has not concentrated enough on macrostructural differences between texts produced in different languages, in particular, non-European languages; more research is therefore required to assess language- and culture-specific narrative text structure elements.
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    Code-switching during church sermons: implications on language development.
    (2017) Dladla, Celimpilo Piety.; Dlamini, Phindile Dorothy Mamsomi.; Ndebele, Hloniphani.
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    Light verbs in Hindi.
    (2015) Suleman, Faheem.; Zeller, Jochen Klaus.
    Light verbs (LVs) can be defined as a group of grammatical verbs that are semantically bleached, which means that they have lost some of their lexical content. While light verbs are found in many languages throughout the world, a study of the South Asian language Hindi reveals a wealth of light verbs of various types. Syntactically, the light verb category (v) in transitive sentences is considered to have a causal feature that is responsible for the thematic licensing of the so-called ‘external’ agent argument (Hale and Keyser 1993; Chomsky 1995). Previous studies of Hindi light verbs have shown that they can appear in the forms N+V, A+V and V+V , (Mohanan 1991, 2006; Kachru 2006). In addition, light verbs have been assumed to be responsible for hosting tense and aspect features, licensing arguments, and functioning as auxiliaries. I argue that there are four LV categories in Hindi: conjunct LV, compound LV, permissive LV, passive LV. Due to the variety of light verb constructions (LVCs) in Hindi and the diversity of situations in which they are used, the Minimalist definition of the LV, which only assumes a single category, v, is inadequate to account for all types of LVs at a cross-linguistic level. The presence of multiple light verbs that can co-occur in a single sentence is evidence that there are several light verb categories or verbal extended projections within the syntactic architecture that need to be investigated. In this dissertation, I provide a syntactic account of LVCs in Hindi by classifying the different types of light verbs according to their functions and morphological properties. In addition, I postulate an expanded syntactic representation, the v Domain, that includes all four light verbs in Hindi as extended v projections within the vP. This assumption is guided by the theoretical framework of Cartography, which investigates the presence of detailed syntactic configurations within the current Minimalist architecture, see Cinque and Rizzi (2008).
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    Ukuvezwa kwabalingiswa besifazane ezinganekwaneni zesiZulu.
    (2016) Zuma, Lungile Friedah.; Sibiya, Nakanjani Goodenough.
    Abstract available in PDF file.
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    Light verbs in Hindi.
    (2015) Suliman, Faheem.; Zeller, Jochen Klaus.
    Abstract available in PDF file.
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    Bodylands : inscriptions of the body and embodiment in the novels of Lauren Beukes. Key terms : South African literature, inscriptions of the body and space, gender, abjection, the disciplined body, the grotesque and classical body.
    (2015) King, Natasha.; Dimitriu, Ileana.; Sandwith, Corinne.
    This dissertation takes up the question of the body and embodiment(s) in contemporary South African fiction, paying particular attention to the novels of award-wining author, Lauren Beukes. In the first three fictional works published to date, namely Moxyland (2008), Zoo City (2010) and The Shining Girls (2013), the body emerges as a persistent focus of narrative interest and attention. My aim in this dissertation is to explore how these fictional bodies are imagined and constructed; to ask what kinds of bodies predominate in Beukes’s texts and to consider their thematic, narrative, aesthetic and political significance. Taking my cue from contemporary cultural theory (the work of Foucault, Bakhtin and Scarry), and various studies in feminist theory (such as Gatens, Grosz and Butler), I hope to bring renewed attention to the body and its inscriptions within discourse by offering a reading of the body in Beukes’s first three fictional works: Moxyland (2008), Zoo City (2010) and The Shining Girls (2013). By extending the existing critical literature on the body, as well as these novels, I aim to provide a reading of the body in these texts in terms of the following themes: the disciplined body, the body in pain, the gendered body, the body in relation to power and the vulnerable body.
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    Die funksie van siekte en gestremdheid in die werke van Etienne van Heerden en sy tydgenote.
    (2016) Du Plessis, Wilhelmina Johanna Christina.; David, Darryl Earl.
    Abstract not available.
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    Representations of gender and sexuality in the key characters of Lauren Beukes's interstitial fiction.
    (2015) Wilkinson, Robyn.; Stobie, Cheryl.
    In the past seven years South African author Lauren Beukes has published four highly successful novels: Moxyland (2008), Zoo City (2010), The Shining Girls (2013), and Broken Monsters (2014). Beukes’s novels have garnered much attention both locally and overseas, with critics frequently praising the social awareness of her writing and noting her unique use of genre. Beukes employs a number of techniques to render the settings of her novels realistic and recognisable to a contemporary reader; however, disrupting the familiarity of the world in each case is an unexpected speculative twist. The supernatural elements of the texts become vehicles for the exploration of a number of topical social issues, offering fresh perspectives on these issues, and encouraging reader engagement with them. This dissertation focuses specifically on the presentation of contemporary gender issues in the novels, using textual analysis in order to consider how Beukes’s manipulation of genre tropes affects a reading of gender and sexuality in the key characters of her texts, and relating this to various contemporary gender theories. What emerges is a thorough demonstration of the socially constructed and multifaceted nature of gender and sexuality, together with insightful commentary on the complexities of enacting masculinities and femininities in a modern world influenced by rapid technological advancement and associated social developments. Through her narratives Beukes challenges the patriarchal ideologies which remain a significant feature of both South African and American social landscapes, advocating in their place a postfeminist egalitarianism.
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    Idea generation and planning time in second language academic writing: an empirical investigation at Howard College campus, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa.
    (2015) Aljoundi, Entisar Khalifa.; Tappe, Heike Magdalena Elfriede.
    Ideas generation is a cognitive process which underlies the production of coherent writing. However, little is known about the nature of this process and how it is affected by different preparatory conditions. The current study examines the effects of three planning time conditions; “planning time” (10 minutes), “extended planning time” (20 minutes), and “no planning time” and two task conditions namely “topic given” and “topic and ideas given” and their effect on the quality and the quantity of idea units produced in the planning notes and essays of thirty English Second Language (ESL) learners at a South African University. The study aims to replicate an earlier study by Ong (2013) and tests four hypotheses: Hypotheses (1) and (2) state that an extended planning time has a positive effect on both the quantity and the quality of ideas generated in the planning notes (hypothesis 1) and essays (hypothesis 2). Hypotheses (3) and (4) state that additional ideas alongside a topic enhance the idea generation process in both the planning notes (hypothesis 3) and the essays (hypothesis 4). My findings do not verify hypothesis (1) as neither in the planning notes nor essays was the quantity of ideas affected by the planning time conditions. Hypothesis (2) was partially verified as the quality of ideas in the essays – but not in the planning notes – improved as an effect of an extended planning time. These results differ from Ong (2013) whose data fully support both hypotheses (1) and (2). My data falsify hypotheses (3) and (4) as the topic given condition consistently produced both a better quality and a larger quantity of ideas in the planning notes and in the essays of my participants. This finding concurs with Ong (2013). In conclusion, my attempt at a replication of Ong (2013) only partially yielded the same results. Interestingly, my data indicate that the idea generation process differed between the production of the planning notes and the production of the essays.
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    An investigation into the role of codeswitching in classroom interaction in Transkei junior secondary schools.
    (1995) Gila, Bruella N.; Kamwangamalu, Nkonko M.
    This study investigates the role of codeswitching in classroom interactions involving teachers and pupils in Transkei Junior Secondary schools. Codeswitching practices, the alternate use by teachers in these schools of two languages within the same speech event, bear most of the characteristics of bilingual communication. These characteristics include the use of lexical items, phrases and grammatical structure of one language in an utterance that is predominantly in another language. Data gathered from the schools shows that codeswitching is used to perform both academic and social functions in the classroom. As an academic tool, codeswitching functions to clarify, emphasize and to repeat the main points of the lesson, while its social function is to create interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Also, it is used by the teachers to symbolize power relations between them and their pupils. The analysis also reveals that codeswitching phenomena occur in the following forms: intersententially and intrasententially. Intersentential codeswitching occurs most frequently in the utterances of the teachers. Attitudes towards codeswitching as a classroom practice are also discussed in this thesis. Finally, the implications of classroom codeswitching for educators and teaching are also examined. This study suggests that codeswitching is the inevitable outgrowth of two languages coming into contact.
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    Ushintsho ekwethiweni kwamagama abantu abangamaZulu esifundweni sase Mkhanyakude ngemuva konyaka wezi 2000.
    (2015) Dlamini, Gladness Bongephiwe.; Ndimande-Hlongwa, Nobuhle Purity.
    This study is an investigation of shift in naming practices among the Zulu speaking people at UMkhanyakude District. It seeks to illustrate the different patterns of naming that are as a result of the change in naming practices and to explore the views and perceptions of the Zulu speakers on shift in naming practices. Naming is a universal cultural practice. In every society in the world, people are given names. How the names are bestowed, the practices and rituals involved and interpretations attached to the names vary from society to society and from one culture to another and changes from time to time. In this study, the researcher employed a qualitative method to examine the shift in naming practice among the Zulu at UMkhanyakude District post-2000. According to Creswell (2009:4), qualitative research is a means for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human problem. A little bit of quantitative research method has also been used. The interpretive paradigm was used in this particular study. This is important because research undertaken with an interpretive paradigm in mind focuses on social relationships, as well as the mechanisms and processes through which members in a setting navigate and create their social worlds. Unstructured interviews were conducted by the researcher at UMkhanyakude District. At least twenty informants between the ages of 18 to 50 were interviewed in this particular study.
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    Ukuhlelwa kokufundwa kolimi lwesiZulu njengolimi lwesibili: kubhekwa abasebenzi kanye nabafundi basenyuvesi ya KwaZulu-Natal.
    (2014) Nene, Buyani Gift.; Ndimande-Hlongwa, Nobuhle Purity.
    Lolu cwaningo lubheka inqubomgomo yolimi yesikhungo semfundo ephakeme iNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali, ngokubheka ukuhlelwa kokufundwa kolimi lwesiZulu njengolimi lwesibili, kubhekwa abasebenzi kanye nabafundi baseNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali. Lolu cwaningo lungena ngaphansi komkhakha wokuhlelwa kolimi. Izilimi zomdabu kufanele zibambe iqhaza elikhulu empilweni yabantu baseNingizimu Afrika ukuze abantu bezokwazi ukuzithuthukisa ngazo. Izikhungo zemfundo ephakeme kumele zikusukumele ukulondoloza kanye nokuthuthukisa izilimi zomdabu. INyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali yona isiphumele obala ukuthi izothuthukisa ulimi lwesiZulu. Lokhu kufakazelwa yinqubomgomo yayo yolimi egqugquzela ubulimimbili (isiZulu kanye nesiNgisi). INyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali yakhipha isinqumo sokuthi bonke abafundi abazokwenza unyaka wokuqala eziqwini eziphansi kusukela ngonyaka wezi-2014 kuzodingeka ukuba bafunde isiZulu, njengesidingo sokuphothula iziqu. Izinhloso zalolu cwaningo ukuthola uvo lwabafundi kanye nabasebenzi besikhungo esiphakeme iNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali ngokufundwa kanye nokufundiswa kwesiZulu, ukuhlola izinhlelo zokufundiswa kwesiZulu eNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali kanye nokuhlola imivuzo yezemfundo ngokufundiswa kwesiZulu eNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali. Indlela esetshenzisiwe ukuqoqa ulwazi kulolu cwaningo yikhwalithethivu (qualitative). Amasampula angahleliwe asetshenzisiwe ukuze wonke umuntu abe nethuba elilinganayo lokubamba iqhaza kulolu cwaningo. Ukubuzwa kwemibuzo engahleliwe kwenziwe ukuthola ulwazi kubafundi kanye nabasebenzi. Lolu hlobo lwemibuzo yilona obelufanele lolu cwaningo ukuze ababambiqhaza bezokhuluma ngokukhululeka. Kubuye kwahlaziywa osomqulu abakhuluma ngenqubomgomo yolimi kanye nezindaba zamaphephandaba ezikhuluma ngenqubomgomo yolimi yaseNyuvesi YaKwaZulu-Natali. Injulalwazi i-Language Management Theory (LMT) iyona esetshenzisiwe ukuhlaziya ulwazi. Kulolu cwaningo kuphakanyiswe ukuthi, bekuvele kunesidingo sokuthi esisodwa sezikhungo eziphakeme ezikhona esiFundazweni saKwaZulu-Natali sithuthukise isiZulu njengolunye lwezilimi ezisemthethweni zesifundazwe.
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    Event verbalization in isiZulu L1 and English L2: a comparative analysis with special reference to tense and aspect.
    (2014) Sibisi, Muhle Praiseworth.; Tappe, Heike Magdalena Elfriede.
    The current study investigates the verbalization of a series of events which culminate into a hypothetical laboratory incident at Mangosuthu University of Technology. The verbalization is in isiZulu (L1) and English (L2). Verbalizing events involves locating events in time as they evolve. As such, verbalization involves the use of tense frames to refer to an event in the past, present or future. The study, thus, focuses on the use of English tenses by isiZulu L1 speakers. A comparison is made in the verbalization of events using English and isiZulu. The study aims at investigating whether isiZulu L1 speakers conceptualize and verbalize events in the same way in both English and isiZulu. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were utilized in the process of this investigation. The findings thereof, will add to a pool of knowledge not only in the learning and teaching of second languages, including English, and assist educators thereof in deciding what best practices may be in the learning and teaching of a second language from the base of prior knowledge of the specific first language and all the related implications, more so in South Africa where an attempt is being made to bring all languages on par. Lolucwaningo luphenya indlela yokulanda ngokwenzeka kwezigameko ezigcina ngokudala okuzenza sangozi e-laboratory eNyuvesi yobucwepheshe i-Mangosuthu. Ukulanda kwenziwa ngesiZulu (ulimi lwebele) kanye nesiNgisi (ulimi lwesibili). Ukulanda ngezigameko kumbandakanya ukuveza izikhathi izigameko ezenzeke ngazo. Ngakho-ke, ukulanda kukhombisa ukusebenza kwezinkathi njengokwenzeka kwezigameko: inkathi edlule, inkathi yamanje noma inkathi ezayo. Ngakho-ke, lolucwaningo lubheke ngqo ukusetshenziswa kwezinkathi zesiNgisi ilabo abakhuluma ulimi lwesiZulu njengolimi lwebele. Lolucwaningo luhlose ukubheka ukuthi labo abakhuluma ulimi lwesiZulu njengolimi lwebele bakubuka bese bekulanda ngendlela efanayo yini ukwenzeka kwezigameko uma besebenzisa ulimi lwesiNgisi kanye nolwesiZulu. Lolucwaningo lusebenzise izindlela ezimbili zokucwaninga, e-qualitative ne-quantitative. Okuzotholakala kuzonezela emthonjeni wolwazi ayi kuphela ekufundiseni nasekufundisweni kolimi lwesibili, okuhlanganisa nolimi lwesiNgisi, kuzophinde kulekelele abafundisi ekuqhamukeni nezindlela ezingcono zokufunda nokufundisa ulimi lwesibili besebenzisa ulwazi lolimi lwebele kanye nokuyimithelela yalo. Lokhu kuzosiza kakhulu kambe eMzansi Afrika lapho kunombhidlango wokufukula izilimi zesintu zonke zibe sezingeni elifanayo.