An investigation of educators' constructions of their pastoral role in an under-resourced school.
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Pastoral care is rather a difficult construct to define and the actions that bring this construct to life are no less difficult to identify. This study therefore sought to explore educators’ constructions of their pastoral role in an under-resourced school and also sought to identify the ways in which educators navigate this role.
Since the focus was on the constructs offered by educators, this study adopted a single case study design embedded in the interpretive approach. A total of 6 educators were selected using non-probability sampling method and one to one interviews were conducted to investigate their constructions of pastoral care. The participants also engaged in a focus group discussion with the use of images pertaining to the implementation of pastoral care. Once the data was gathered, it was thematically analysed and the social constructionist theory was the lens through which the data was viewed.
The findings revealed that educators made reference to constructs such as counseling, guidance and moral development in their overall construction of pastoral care with minimal distinction between these constructs. Furthermore, altruism and compassion appeared to be the main constructs attached to pastoral care which were evidenced in the form of educators giving uniforms and lunch to learners, listening to learners presenting with different problems and empathising with them. Overall, each educator had their own construction of pastoral care and concluding on one construct as the definition of such a broad term appeared limited as pastoral care is an umbrella for all humanitarian actions.
Master of Education in Educational Psychology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood 2014.
Pastoral care -- Education -- South Africa., Students -- Pastoral counseling of -- South Africa., Christian educators -- South Africa., Theses -- Education., Under-resourced schools.