Generation, management and use of school data by the school management team in one primary school.
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A qualitative based study underpinned by the interpretive paradigm which was undertaken to
explore how does the School Management Team (SMT) perceive learners’ data generation,
management and usage in one primary school to inform school practices. This study employed
transformational leadership and distributed leadership theories to understand and explore the
phenomenon. Data was generated using individual semi-structured interviews involving 7 SMT
members: the school principal, two deputy principals, and four departmental head. The study is
grounded by a study by which addresses the importance of data collection in a business or
organisation for gaining quality information for making informed decision/s for further analysis,
study and research, which may result in stumbling of organisations or companies and working in
the dark should they operate without data or using the outdated data (Big Data, 2015). Findings
indicated the importance of data generation, management, and use by the SMT to understand
learner needs better, improving both learner and school performance and assisting in informed
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.