Information and communication technology integration in an international high school: the influence of leadership.
Fato, Shepherd.
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Information and communication technology (ICT) integration in teaching and learning has become
an imperative worldwide. However, this remains problematic due to various factors in different
contexts. Often, the extent and success of ICT integration depends on the school leadership hence
this study explored ICT integration in an international high school with a focus on the influence
of leadership. A qualitative case study was done with 13 participants from one international high
school. Data were generated through interviews and document analysis to understand how ICT
integration was enacted, the leadership influence and why the school enacted ICT integration in
the way it did. The qualitative data were analysed through open coding followed by axial coding
to identify salient themes. The theories of technology organisation environment and
transformational leadership were used as a lens to make sense of the findings. The results show
that the school’s ICT vision and policy informed resource provision and integration in various
sectors of the school life. ICT integration was a driver for active learning, information management
and school communication. There was decentralisation of responsibilities, strategic ICT
resourcing, and regular professional development activities to upskill staff. ICT integration was
enacted in response to different stakeholder expectations and to sustain effectiveness and
efficiency in school operations. Based on the findings of this study, a needs-based approach to ICT
integration leadership is proposed. The needs stem from the curriculum, people, school
functionality, and the educational context. Empirical research to test this approach is necessary to
develop a better understanding of ICT integration leadership.
Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.