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A literary analysis of ideophones as a stylistic technique in D.B.Z. Ntuli’s poetry.

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This Study on ‘A Literary analysis of Ideophones as a Stylistic Technique in the poetry of D.B.Z. Ntuli’ investigated the incidence, classification, frequency, and the functions of ideophones in the poetry of D.B.Z. Ntuli. An attention was devoted on the critical analysis on his poetry with specific reference to the use of ideophones as a stylistic feature in his poetry. The researcher’s attention has been attracted by the high frequency in which ideophones are used by different Nguni poetry writers to achieve effects. It has also become abundantly clear to the researcher that ideophones are useful ingredients capable of producing impressive linguistic effects in literary works. To this end, Ngcongwane (1988:141), in The use of the Ideophone in the novels of Sibusiso Nyembezi, has the following comment to make: Zulu is reputed to use ideophones more frequently than any other African language in the whole of southern Africa. There are some languages in central Africa that eclipse it in the use of ideophones. Ntuli has used the ideophones in different parts of the verse lines. Sometimes they appear as independent verses. This study has attempted to suggest how this arrangement of ideophones has impacted on the delivery of meaning in Ntuli’s poetry. Ideophones have also been classified into meaningful categories and how each type of ideophone describes the intended acttions to the readers. Finally, the functions of ideophones have been highlighted, focussing on how Ntuli has has manipulated them to add colour and taste to his literary works.


Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

