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The Black Apostles shaped the black political history of South Africa.

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The rationale of this thesis is premised on the view that the Black Apostles shaped the Black political history of South Africa. It reacts to the unmentioned of their Exile Human Resource Contribution (EHRC) and Exile Financial Contribution (EFC) in Exile Military Training (EMT) of Azanian Peoples Liberation Army (APLA) and Umkhonto Wesizwe (MK). The ground-breaking of this research is the discovery of the Archival Research Methodology (ARM) to mine and uncover the substantial data from Nabatu Archives to supplement the EFC and EHRC of the Black Apostles in supporting the EMT of the military wings of the African national Congress (ANC) and Pan African Congress (PAC). The main objective of this thesis is to discover the significance of Jim Scotch Ndlovu in the history of Old Apostolic Church (OAC), Twelve Apostles of Africa (TACA) and The Twelve Apostles Church in Christ (TTACC), and in the political context of South Africa between 1960 and 1982. The ARM assists the research to study behind, into and ahead of the diary of Ndlovu, and comprehends the EFC and EHRC of his successor in completing his mission of overthrowing the Protestant Apartheid Christian State (PACS) from 1982 till 1994. The thesis espouses the fall and rise theory to explain the completion of the mission of the Black Apostles and Hlathilist in shaping the Black political history of South Africa from 1948-1994. The above mentioned theory outlines the rise and fall of hlathiletism, colonialism, post colonialism, apartheid and the rise of democracy in 1994. The financial contribution of the Black Apostles to the liberation of South Africa from the PACS is estimated to the amount of R1 511 150.00. The founding and the current State Presidents of the Democratic Government of South Africa were elected from the ANC. Therefore, the Black Apostles shaped the Black political history of South Africa.


Masters Degree.University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.

