Power quality improvement in low voltage distribution network utilizing improved unified power quality conditioner.
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The upgrade of the power system, network, and as it attained some complexity level, the voltage related problems and power loss has become frequently pronounced. The power quality challenges load at extreme end of the feeder like voltage sag and swell, and power loss at load centre due to peak load as not received adequate attention. Therefore, this research proposes a Power Angle Control PAC approach for enhancing voltage profile and mitigating voltage sag, voltage swell, and reduced power loss in low voltage radial distribution system (RDS).
The amelioration of voltage sag, voltage swell, weak voltage profile, and power loss with a capable power electronics-based power controller device known as Improve Unified Power Quality Conditioner I-UPQC was conceived. Also, the same controller was optimally implemented using hybrid of genetic algorithm and improved particle swarm optimization GA-IPSO in RDS to mitigate the voltage issues, and power loss experienced at peak loading. A new control design-model of Power Angle Control (PAC) of the UPQC has been designed and established using direct, quadrature, and zero components dq0 and proportional integral (PI) controller method. The simulation was implemented in MATLAB/Simulink environment.
The results obtained at steady-state condition and when the new I-UPQC was connected show that series inverter can participate actively in ameliorating in the process of mitigating sag and swell by maintaining a PAC of 25% improvement. It was observed that power loss reduced from 1.7% to 1.5% and the feeder is within the standard limit of ±5%. Furthermore, the interconnection of I-UPQC with photovoltaic solar power through the DC link shows a better voltage profile while the load voltage within the allowable range of ±5% all through the disturbance and power loss reduction is 1.3%.
Lastly, results obtained by optimal allocation of I-UPQC in RDS using analytical and GA-IPSO show that reactive power injection improved the voltage related issues from 0.952 to 0.9989 p.u., and power loss was further reduced to 1.2% from 3.4%. Also, the minimum bus voltage profile, voltage sag, and power loss are within statutory limits of ±5 % and less than 2 %, respectively. The major contributions of this research are the reduction of sag impact and power loss on the sensitive load in RDS feeder.
Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.