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Exploring teacher belief of teaching and learning and its influence on learner performance.

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Teaching and learning is a prominent component of schooling system with divergent planes, inclusive of belief system of teachers, teacher knowledge, nature of curriculum, school context and teacher self-efficacy. The South African schooling system puts more emphasis on teaching and learning which is directed at producing good quality learner performance, making learner performance the main concern for education departments, parents and other relevant stakeholders in education. However, very little increase in learner performance has been recorded in the education system in spite of many intervention strategies implemented to improve teaching, learning and learner performance. Literature, suggests that teaching and learning in any subject is influenced by teachers’ belief systems, knowledge base of teachers, curriculum reforms and availability of resources, to mention but a few. The focus of this study was to explore teacher belief of teaching and learning and its influence on learner performance in six schools ranked quintiles one to five. The purpose of this study was to explore teacher beliefs as a phenomenon on teaching and learning and the influence on learner performance by exploring beliefs that inform teachers to teach in a particular way. Furthermore, the study explored teachers’ beliefs on schooling, teaching, learning and learner performance to ascertain how the said factors are aligned with their teaching practices. Data was generated from semi-structured interviews, lessons observations and by studying various documents. Eleven teachers were purposively selected for this study on the basis that they were teaching critical or gateway subjects, with varying teaching experience. The data was analysed utilising content analysis within specific themes formulated. This study used Bandura’s Self-efficacy theoretical framework as well as Naicker’s conceptual framework of inspirited and dispirited teachers as the focus on teacher beliefs on teaching and learning and their influence on learner performance. The findings in this study revealed that teacher knowledge and teacher belief should always be taken into consideration if schools were to improve learner performance. The results revealed that teachers had different beliefs about schooling and beliefs on how learner performance can be improved. The study further highlighted the influence of teachers’ beliefs on teaching and learning and learner performance as a result thereof. In this study, I argue that there are various factors and beliefs teachers have that influence teaching, learning and teaching practices which should be adhered to in order to improve learner performance. Teacher passion was also a finding that was prominent in this study. The findings revealed that if teachers are passionate then teaching and learning occur with few hitches. Thus, taking into cognisance teachers’ beliefs, teachers’ knowledge, teachers’ self-efficacy, teachers’ professionalism and school context are paramount in order to improve teaching and learning and to produce quality results and improved learner performance in schools.


Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

