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Exploring the role that is played by race and ethnicity when it comes to influencing voting behaviour in South Africa: a study conducted among students at UKZN.

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Race as a social construct still plays a major role when it comes to being a main factor motivating voters to vote in South Africa. Ethnicity does not fall far behind race as a motivating factor on voters. Ethnicity is a prevalent factor among Black voters whereas the extent to which race is a motivating factor on Black voters is small. Literature from various scholars such as Maart, Modiri, Cashmore suggest that race is a social construct that impacts ones day to day basis due to it being a system put in place to categorize people. General observations such as the history of Apartheid and how during the Apartheid era the majority (Black people) was not allowed to vote tells us that to a great extent, race determined political power in South Africa during the Apartheid era. A quantitative approach is adopted by this research study with the aim of answering the objectives of the study. The research study seeks to explore the role that is played by race as well as ethnicity in influencing voting behaviour in South Africa. One way in which race is deemed a major influence is through the living conditions under which one is raised in. Race plays a role in determining where one is going to be brought up as it is a system put in place for categorization. Such system influence voters. Social characteristics such as ethnicity also plays a major role in determining the voting behaviour of voters. Data collection was done through close –ended self-administered questionnaires. Students from UKZN were used as research study participants and they played a major role in affirming and denying the role played by race and ethnicity in voting behaviour. This dissertation provides a descriptive analysis of the extent to which race and ethnicity are major factors influencing voting behaviour in South Africa. The data collected through questionnaires helps in ensuring that the objectives of this research study are answered. By understanding the role that is played by race and ethnicity in influencing voting behaviour in SA, one gets a chance to have a clear understanding of how events are likely to unfold in the 2019 upcoming elections. Are factors such as race and ethnicity bound to determine the voting behaviour of voters in the 2019 South African national elections? A research study such as this one helps in unpacking such questions.


Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

