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The evaluation of the implementation of change management initiatives at Bulk Connections.

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Businesses and organisations have been compelled to restructure their working models in the light of the latest information, technological advances, and the way in which these advances affect them; also worldwide competition is a significant factor. This change will inevitably have an influence on the employees as well as on the organisation. It is therefore imperative that the employer introduce such changes gradually, taking care that managers become au fait with those changes to be implemented, so that they may not only assist the lower echelons to accept the changes, but be confident of employing the most apposite action should the need arise. The main objective of this study was to understand the effect of organisational restructuring at Bulk Connections employees. In establishing the research methodology, an exhaustive study was made of the pertinent literature. Perceptions on restructuring were examined in the light of the theory of such restructuring as would be of value to organisations. Several strategies are identified by modern literature on the subject. An empirical study was then conducted at Bulk Connections who had recently undergone the first phase of the organisational restructuring process in the Operations Department. One hundred and five Operations employees regardless of occupational level, race, gender and grade participated in the study. The findings were analysed and the effect upon the employees was reflected in the results and conclusions; while the recommendations gave helpful advice on choice of approaches which would have the intended positive outcomes.


Master of Commerce in Leadership Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville 2015.


Organizational change--Management., Total quality management., Corporate reorganizations., Theses--Leadership and management., Organizational restructuring., Bulk Connections., Change management.
