Developing and evaluating comprehensive multiplex peptide array for serological diagnostic and surveillance of infectious disease in Zimbabwe.
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Introduction: Peptides that mimic B-cell linear epitopes may be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis and
surveillance of diseases. Peptide microarray technology provide rapid and high-throughput immunoassay
platforms, for the simultaneous of identification of B-cell linear epitopes. In this framework, a peptide
microarray was designed for the integrated surveillance of infectious diseases endemic in Zimbabwe. The
peptide microarray was evaluated against peptides derived from Ascaris lumbricoides, Necator americanus,
Shistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, Trichuris trichiura, Bacillus anthracis, Mycobacterium
leprae, Wuchereria bancrofti, Rabies lyssavirus, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trypanosoma brucei and severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2).
Methods: Published peptides were retrieved from the Tackling Infection to Benefit Africa infectious diseases
epitope microarray. Novel peptides were predicted using ABCpred. The peptide microarrays were printed in a
laser based approach. IgG and IgM reactivity against the derived peptides were evaluated using peptide
microarray immunoassays. Positive response was defined as fluorescence intensity ≥ 500 relative fluorescence
units. Immunodominant peptides were identified using heat maps and bar graphs reflecting the obtained
fluorescence signal intensities. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis and Mann-Whitney-U test
were performed to determine the diagnostic validity of the peptides.
Results: Species-specific responses with at least one peptide derived from each NTD pathogen were observed.
The reactive peptides included; for S. haematobium, XP_035588858.1-206-220 and XP_035588858.1-206-220
immunodominant for IgG and IgM respectively, for S.mansoni, P20287.1-58-72 immunodominant for both
antibodies and for T. trichuria, CDW52482.1-326-340 immunodominant for IgG and CDW57769.1-2017-2031
and CDW57769.1-1518-1532 immunodominant for IgM. For SARS-CoV-2 derived peptides, 4 (QTH34388.1-
1-14, QRU89900.1-41-54, QTN64908.1-136-149 and QLL35955.1-22-35) showed reactivity against IgG. Four
peptides (QRU89900.1-41-54, QSM17284.1-76-89, QTN64908.1-136-149 and QPK73947.1-8-21) also showed
reactivity against IgM. The SARS-CoV-2 reactive peptide were derived from the membrane glycoprotein and
nucleocapsid protein.
Conclusion: Species-specific sero-reactivity was indicative of exposure to the different NTDs parasites
antigens. Multiplex peptide microarrays are a valuable tool for integrated NTDs surveillance and for screening
parasites exposure in endemic areas. In silico peptide prediction and peptide microarray technology may provide
a powerful platform for the discovery of SARS-CoV-2 B-cell epitopes.
Nhanganyaya: Peptides akafanana nema B-cell linear epitopes akakosha nekuti anogona kushandiswa
kuongorora kuti munhu anechirwere here nekurakidza kutenderera kwezvirwere munharaunda . Peptide
microarray inotibatsira kutsvaka ma B-cell linear epitopes nekukasika panguva imwe. Nekuda kweizvozvo,
peptide microarray yakagadzirirwa kuti tiongorore zvirwere zvinotapukira munyika yeZimbabwe. Iyo peptide
microarray yakaongororwa mashoja emuviri anorwisa zvirwere zvinosanganisira chirwere cheelephantiasis,
bhiraziya, chirwere chemakonye emudumbu (intestinal worms), chirwere chemaziso chetrachoma, chirwere
chemapere mbudzi, chirwere cherabis chirwere che COVID-19 nechirwere cheanthrax.
Maitiro: Mamwe mapeptides akawanikwa kubva ku Tackling Infection to Benefit Africa infectious diseases
epitope microarray. Mapeptides matsva akawandikwa pachishandiswa chirongwa cheABCpred. Ma peptide
microarray akagadzirwa ku Germany nemhando ye laser printer tekinoroji. Masoja emumiviri anoti IgG ne IgM
ezvirwere zvambotaurwa akarongororwa tichishandisa peptide microarray tekinoroji.
Zvakabuda muwongororo: Takaona kuti vanhu vemuZimbabwe vane masoja emuviri anokwanisa kurwisa
mapeptides anowanikwa pahosha dzinokonzeresa zvirwere zvinosanganisira chirwere cheelephantiasis,
bhiraziya, chirwere chemakonye emudumbu (intestinal worms), chirwere chemaziso chetrachoma, chirwere
chemapere mbudzi, chirwere cherabis chirwere che COVID-19 nechirwere cheanthrax. Takaona zvakare kuti
peptide microarray tekinoroji inokwanisa kushandiswa kuongorora zvirwere zvakawanda panguva imwe.
Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.