Characterisation of quantum channels in plasmonic metamaterials and bulk optical systems.
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Quantum channels are key to our understanding of how quantum information can be
processed and transmitted. In this respect, over the past decade light has become an
important carrier of quantum information. More recently, metamaterials have opened up
many new exciting ways of controlling and manipulating light in the quantum regime,
and in particular, controlling the polarisation and orbital angular momentum of light.
In this work, we undertake an indepth characterisation of quantum channels made from
plasmonic metamaterials and bulk optical systems by probing them with quantum states
of light. We rst experimentally demonstrate the active control of a plasmonic metamaterial
operating in the quantum regime. Using an external laser, we control the temperature
of the metamaterial and carry out quantum process tomography on single-photon
polarization-encoded qubits sent through, characterizing the metamaterial as a variable
quantum channel. We nd that the overall polarization response can be tuned by up to
33%. Second, we experimentally realise a more complicated type of quantum channel in
the form of a non-Markovian process made from the sum of two Markovian processes,
and a Markovian process from two non-Markovian processes in a comparable bulk optical
system. We perform quantum process tomography, and obtain high process delities. We
discuss how these more complex types of quantum channel may be implemented using
Doctoral degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.