On weather and waves : applications to coastal engineering.
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Shoreline erosion in response to extreme wave events can be severe. The reduction in
beach width leaves development within the hinterland exposed and vulnerable to future
wave attack. Wave climates are a fundamental driver of coastal erosion and changes to
wave height, direction and period can severely impact a coastline. These changes are
directly linked to changes within the principle drivers of wave climates namely synoptic
scale atmospheric circulation. The links are complex and if they can be clarified they
can be used to provide insight into wave climates and improve the evaluation of future
climate scenarios. The coupling between atmospheric circulation and wave climates
provides a tool for risk assessment that is strongly based on fundamental physical
processes. This study is focused on exploring this relationship and its effect on coastal
A statistical classification algorithm is utilized to explore the relationship between
synoptic scale circulation patterns and regional wave climates. The algorithm is fully
automated and discrete atmospheric patterns are derived through an optimization procedure.
It is driven to an optimal solution through statistical links between regional
wave climates and atmospheric circulation patterns (CPs). The classification is based
on the concept of fuzzy sets and differs from standard classification techniques. It employs
a "bottom–up" approach as the classes (or CPs) are derived through a procedure
that is guided by the wave climate. In contrast existing classification techniques first
explore the atmospheric pressure space while links to the variable of interest are only
made post classification.
The east coast of South Africa was used as a case study. Wave data off the Durban
coastline were utilized to evaluate the drivers of the wave climate. A few dominant
patterns are shown to drive extreme wave events. Their persistence and strong high–
low coupling drive winds toward the coastline and result in extreme wave events.
The sensitivity of the algorithm to key input parameters such as the number of CP
classes and temporal resolution of the data was evaluated. The Shannon entropy is
introduced to measure the performance of the algorithm. This method benefits from incorporating the link between atmospheric CPs and the wave climate.
A new stochastic wave simulation technique was developed that is fundamentally
based on the CPs. This technique improves the realism of stochastic models while
retaining their simplicity and parsimony relative to process-based models. The simplicity
of the technique provides the framework to evaluate coastal vulnerability at
site specific locations. Furthermore the technique was extended to evaluate changes
in wave behaviour due to climate change effects.
Ph. D. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.
Soil erosion., Coastal engineering., Shore protection., Beach erosion., Coast changes., Theses--Civil engineering.