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The influence of supply chain management on service delivery in KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport.

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Supply chain management is the tool that was introduced by government to ensure that services are delivered effectively and efficiently through citizens of the country. Goods and services are provided to serve the interest of the people to deal with macroeconomic factors such as unemployment, poverty eradication, economic growth, health and education. The Department of Transport’s core functions are to construct, repair and maintain the provincial road network, as well as plan, regulate and provide an integrated transportation system. The Department is also responsible for managing road traffic systems. In conducting its business, the Department should ensure that it creates job opportunities and develops human resources and communities in support of the provincial growth and development plan. Supply chain management is the vehicle that will drive the department in fulfilling its mandate. If service delivery is compromised, the country could face huge protests, which often result in vandalising of the infrastructure that is very costly to the state. Supply chain management plays a crucial role in influencing service delivery. Hence, the decision to conduct this study to explore the influence of supply chain management on service delivery at KwaZulu-Natal Department of Transport. Non-probability sampling, the purposive sampling method, was used to select 15 participants. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were used to generate data from participants to understand the phenomenon under the study. This data collection technique gave the researcher an opportunity to follow up on interesting issues that emerged during the interviews and it also enables valuable information to be gained through probing the participants. Data collected was analysed using a thematic method. Findings revealed that proper planning is very important for linking demand management with the budget available. Accountability and responsibility is important when making decisions that will compromise service delivery. Supply chain management must be implemented to yield the results that will benefit all the stakeholders and necessary precautions should be taken to eliminate fruitless and wasteful expenditure.


Master’s Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.

