Improved water infrastructure delivery and management model.
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Water plays a vital role in poverty reduction, economic growth, business competitiveness and enhancement of societal living in developing countries in particular. Provision of infrastructure involves a complex process and utilizes considerable amount of resources including construction materials, energy, finance and time. Infrastructures have long life span and they could create long-term impact on the environment and society. To achieve efficient and equitable economic growth of economy is an important way of managing water. Better access to sanitation services, clean water and water management creates tremendous strategy for economic growth of any country. There is a close link between water and economic growth of country. Water Mangement brings more efficiency and certainty in productivity across the health of nation and contributes to economic. Water is a critical part of most environmental services on which our ecosystems depend. Water requires optimal management to control competition for use due to population growth and scarcity, climate change, increasing demand and declining water supplies.
This research has attempted to develop a model for improving the delivery of water services in developing countries such as South Africa. The model lays a foundation for development of appropriate policies, regulations and procedures to improve water service delivery at EThekwini municipality. A triangulation approach was employed to develop the model using Delphi method and a structured questionnaire survey. The Delphi study involved three rounds with ten experts participating in all rounds until consensus was achieved. After the Delphi study, a conceptual model was developed and validated using data collected from experienced professionals that deals with water infrastructures at EThekwini metro. The data collection was based on convenience sampling where 306 questionnaire were distributed and 210 complete responses were received. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and Maximum Likelihood
with Promax rotation were used to determine the validity and reliability of the nine constructs of the conceptual model. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted using AMOS, software program to further test validity and reliability of constructs. The findings revealed that the structural model data was acceptable and eight out of eight hypotheses tested were significant.
The findings of this research indicates that stakeholders in Civil Engineering and construction industry have to improve their delivery practice in order to deliver good water services in the context of developing countries such as South Africa and also the work has contributed to the evolving current body of knowledge in the area of Water management and delivery.
Amanzi adlala indima ebalulekile ekwehliseni ubuphofu, ukukhula komnotho, ukuncintisana kwamabhizinisi kanye nokwenza ngcono impilo yomphakathi emazweni asathuthuka ikakhulukazi. Ukuhlinzekwa kwengqalasizinda kubandakanya inqubo eyinkimbinkimbi futhi kusebenzisa inani elikhulu lezinsizakusebenza kubandakanya izinto zokwakha, amandla, ezezimali kanye nesikhathi. Ingqalasizinda inesikhathi eside sokuphila futhi ingadala umthelela wesikhathi eside emvelweni nasemphakathini. Ukuphatha amanzi njengenzuzo yezomnotho kuyindlela ebalulekile yokuthola ukukhula komnotho okusebenzayo futhi okulinganayo. Ukutholakala okungcono kwamanzi
ahlanzekile, izinsizakalo zokuthuthwa kwendle nokuphathwa kwamanzi kudala isu elikhulu lokukhula komnotho wezwe. Kukhona ukuxhumana okusondele phakathi kwamanzi nokukhula komnotho wezwe. Ukuphathwa kahle kwezinsizakusebenza zamanzi kuletha ukuqiniseka okuthe xaxa nokusebenza kahle komkhiqizo kuyo yonke imikhakha yezomnotho futhi kuneqhaza empilweni yesizwe. Amanzi ayingxenye ebalulekile yezinsizakalo eziningi zemvelo lapho imvelo yethu incike khona. Amanzi adinga ukuphathwa okuphelele ukulawula ukushoda nokuncintisana kokusetshenziswa ngenxa yokwanda kwabantu, ukwanda kwesidingo, ukuguquka kwesimo sezulu kanye nokwehla kokuphakelwa kwamanzi.
Lolu cwaningo luzame ukusungula imodeli yokwenza ngcono ukulethwa kwezinsizakalo zamanzi emazweni asathuthuka njengeNingizimu Afrika. Le modeli ibeka isisekelo sokwakhiwa kwezinqubomgomo, imithethonqubo kanye nezinqubo ezifanele zokuthuthukisa ukulethwa kwezidingo kumasipala weTheku. Kwasetshenziswa indlela yoonxantathu ukuthuthukisa imodeli
kusetshenziswa indlela yeDelphi kanye nocwaningo lwemibuzo oluhleliwe. Ucwaningo lweDelphi lubandakanye imizuliswano emithathu nochwepheshe abayishumi ababambe iqhaza kuyo yonke imizuliswano kuze kutholakale ukuvumelana. Ngemuva kocwaningo lwaseDelphi, kwasungulwa imodeli yokuqagela yaqinisekiswa ngokusebenzisa imininingwane eqoqwe kochwepheshe abanolwazi ababhekene nengqalasizinda yamanzi kuMasipala weTheku. Ukuqoqwa kwedatha kwakususelwa kusampula elula kwakukhona imibuzo yemibuzo engama-306 nokusatshalaliswa izimpendulo eziphelele ezingama-210. Ukuhlaziywa kwesici sokuhlola (i-EFA) kusetshenziswa inguqulo ye- Statistical Package yeSayensi Yezenhlalakahle (SPSS) kusetshenziswa Ubukhulu obukhulu ngokushintshana kwePromax kusetshenziselwe ukuthola ubuqiniso nokwethembeka kokwakhiwa okuyisishiyagalolunye kwemodeli yomqondo. Ukuhlaziywa kwesici sokuqinisekisa (i-CFA) kwenziwa ngokusebenzisa i-, uhlelo lwesoftware ukuqhubekisela phambili ukuvivinya ubuqiniso nokwethembeka kokwakhiwa. Okutholakele kuveze ukuthi idatha yemodeli yokwakhiwa yamukelekile futhi yonke imicabango eyi-9 ehlolwe ibalulekile. Okutholwe yilolu cwaningo okubandakanya ukunikela okusebenzayo, okwezemfundo Kanye nokwenziwa kwemigwaqo kunomthelela omkhulu ekuthuthukisweni kolwazi lwamanje endaweni yokuthuthukisa ukulethwa kwezinsizakalo zamanzi emazweni asathuthuka njengeNingizimu Afrika.
Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu- Natal, Durban.