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The role played by reward strategies in improving teachers’ performance in high schools in the Hhohho region in Eswatini :a critical investigation.

dc.contributor.advisorHiggs, Philip.
dc.contributor.authorChipato, Darren.
dc.descriptionDoctoral Degree. Universiy of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.en_US
dc.description.abstractRewards represent an employees’ desire, persistence and commitment which is largely manifested as job performance. In this case, the job which is highly influenced by both growth factors (intrinsic) and hygiene factors (extrinsic) is likely to result in high performance and few complaints among employees. The purpose of this study was to examine the role played by reward strategies in improving teachers’ performance in high schools in the Hhohho region of Eswatini. In this study, a descriptive research design which incorporated quantitative and qualitative research methods was adopted to investigate rewards strategies that can be used to improve teachers’ performance. A survey was carried out with 30 high school teachers and 10 school heads in the Hhohho region. Both heads and teachers were selected using random and convenience sampling techniques. The philosophical framework used were Positivism, Interpretivism, Critical theory, Herzeberg’s two factor theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs , Expectancy theory and McGregor theory Y and X. The research instruments used included questionnaires, interview guides, triangulation which is a way of assuring the validity and reliability of instruments. Data collection procedures were followed by obtaining consent from the Ministry of Education and Training and Principals of high schools. Ethical principles were also followed by observing privacy and anonymity of participants as well as obtaining their consent. Tables and charts were used to present quantitative data which was stored in CDS and flash drives. Data collected from interviews was presented by quoting the voices of the respondents which made the data to be analyzed thematically. Data collected from interviews was analyzed using descriptive statistics of SPSS package. The study revealed that both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards have much influence towards motivation of teachers since different employees have different expectations, values and beliefs. External factors such as political, economic and social have a huge impact on employees’ level of motivation although schools do not have much control over them. The study recommends the immediate increase in the salary of high school teachers in order to cushion them from high inflation and high cost of living and this may help in improving teachers’ performance.The conclusion made from this study was that, different employees have different expectations, values and beliefs hence the need to use both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards when motivating teachers. The study suggests further areas for research and these include the investigation of innovative reward strategies which respond to a competitive and dynamic business environments in order to meet teachers’ expectations. There is also a need to extend the same study to other regions of Eswatini to make the results more generalizable.en_US
dc.subject.otherReward strategies for teachers' performance.en_US
dc.subject.otherHhohho region, Eswatini.en_US
dc.subject.otherTeacher motivation strategies.en_US
dc.titleThe role played by reward strategies in improving teachers’ performance in high schools in the Hhohho region in Eswatini :a critical investigation.en_US


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