Quantitative Feedback Theory design of line current commutated HVDC control systems.
Chetty, Leon.
Ijumba, Nelson Mutatina.
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SAIEE Publications.
Line Current Commutated (LCC) HVDC systems consists of uncertain plants. These
uncertainties are result of changes/disturbances in the ac networks or in the LCC HVDC system itself.
Further uncertainties can be introduced due to simplified system modelling techniques. Quantitative
Feedback Theory is a frequency-domain technique that utilises the Nichols chart to achieve a robust
design over a specified region of uncertainty. The Quantitative Feedback Theory design philosophy
was applied to design the LCC HVDC control system parameters. The stable start-up and step
responses of the LCC HVDC system, for varying ac system conditions, conclusively validate the
Quantitative Feedback Theory design method of the LCC HVDC control system parameters.
Quantitative feedback theory., Electric power systems., Electric power systems--Control., Robust control.
Chetty, L., Ijumba, N.M. 2013. Quantitative Feedback Theory design of line current commutated HVDC control systems. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers 104 (1) pp. 2-10.