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Exploring lecturers' experiences of e-learning resources in the teaching of history at universities in South Africa=Ukuhlola ulwazi lwangemuva lwabafundisi oluthinta ukufundisa ngohlelo lwezobuchwepheshe uma kufundiswa ezomlando emanyuvesi aseNingizimu Afrikha.

dc.contributor.advisorKhoza, Simon Bhekumuzi.
dc.contributor.authorTshabalala, Dongwa Timothy.
dc.descriptionDoctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.en_US
dc.description.abstractA call for 21st century teaching and learning places History among the critical disciplines of the century. In response to this call, the teaching and learning of History becomes critically placed in a trajectory discourse of connectivity, affordability, most importantly pedagogical contextual dichotomy. The contextual dichotomy between the traditional conventional pedagogic context and the e-learning pedagogic context is exacerbated by various contextual issues. The advent of globalisation, massification, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and currently COVID-19 pandemic all have a bearing on pedagogic implications. This study explored lecturers’ experiences of e-learning resources, since they bear the brunt of the above. The study consulted prominent international and local scholars’ contributions to the topic to fuse the horizons of conceptualisation. The literature suggested three reflective representations of lecturers’ experiences: the personal, social, and professional. The study connects e-learning experiences to the three reflective experiences, as well as to e-specialisation (professional), egeneralisation (social) and e-connection (personal). An interpretive paradigm is employed, as it is appropriate for interpreting the phenomenon of experiences. A qualitative research methodological design is employed with hermeneutic phenomenological strategies. Semi-structured interviews, observation, and document analysis are the data generation methods used. Non-probability sampling methods were employed with purposive sampling of six participants from two universities in South Africa. Ethical protocols were followed in conducting the study. Participants responded to three main research questions: What e-learning resources do lecturers use in the teaching of History?; How do lecturers use e-learning resources in the teaching of History?; and Why do lecturers use learning resources in the way they do? Three themes emerged from participants’ responses: the expository (exposure) to e-learning resources, empirical (practical) experiences, and scientific (disciplinary) experiences with e-learning resources. Three more themes emerged from the philosophical thinking of participants, which involve subjectivisation (personal), socialisation (social) institutionalisation (professional). Findings were theorised employing the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) and UTAUT2 extension. Participants reflected six variables of the UTAUT and UTAUT2 theory: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, behavioural intention, facilitating conditions, technology use, and social influence. The study shows that lecturers do not apply an e-leaning pedagogic theoretical analysis in the use of e-learning resources. IQOQA Ikhwelo lekhulu leminyaka engamashumi amabili nanye mayelana nokufunda nokufundisa kubeka isifundo somlando phakathi kwezinye izifundo ezihlaba inhlali kulelikhulu leminyaka. Ukuphendula leli khwelo, ukufunda nokufundisa umlando kuvela kubekwa ngendlela enokusola emgudwini wengxoxo yokuxhumana, amandla okwenza, okubaluleke kakhulu ngesimo sokufundisa esiphikisanayo. Isimo sokuphikisana phakathi kwesimo sokufundisa ngendlela endala kanye nokufunda nokufundisa ngokwesimo sobuchwepheshe kuqhubezela phambili izimo ezahlukene zamaphuzu. Ukufika komhlababuhlangane, udungadubelwenhlanganiso, ukuphenduka kwesine kowezimboni kanye nesimo sobhubane (COVID-19) konke kuba nogcobho mayelana nokufundisa. Lesi sifundo sihlola abafundisi basenyuvesi mayelana nekhono lesu lokufunda ngobuchwepheshe, njengoba kuveza ubunzima. Isifundo sithungele injobo kwabaziwayo emhlabeni jikelele kanye nomkhaya wezifundiswa ukuhlanganisa imiqondo esabalele. Imibhalo iphakamisa okuthathu okuveza ukumeleka kokwazi kwangaphambili kwabafundisi kuqobolwabo, enhlalweni, kanye nangokomsebenzi. Isifundo sixhumana nokwazi kwaphambilini kokuthathu okubonisa ulwazi lwangaphambili, kanye nobungoti ngobuchwepheshe, nobucwepheshe ngokufunisela ngokwenhlalo kanye nokuxhumana ngokobuchwepheshe bomuntu ngqo. Ipharadama ehumushayo isetshenzisiwe, njengoba kufaneleka ukuhumusha isimo sokwazi kwangaphambili. Umqopho wendlela yokucwaninga ngekhwalithethivu usetshenzisiwe ngesu lokubhala ngqo okucwaningwayo. Inhlolokhono enesakhiwo esincane, ukuhlola, kanye nokuhlaziya imiqulu kuyizindlela ezisetshenzisiwe ukuphehla ulwazi. Amasampula angenawo amathuba asetshenziswa nesampula lenhloso kwabayisithupha ababamba iqhaza abezikhungo ezimbili zaseNingizimu Afrikha. Izimiso zokuziphatha zalandelwa ekwenzeni lesi sifundo. Ababambi qhaza baphendula imibuzo ngqangi emithathu: (1) Anjani amasu okufunda ngobuchwepheshe asetshenziswa abafundisa umlando? (2) Ngabe bawasebenzisa kanjani abafundisi bomlando amasu okufunda ngobuchwepheshe? (3) Kungani abafundisi bomlando besebenzisa amasu okufunda ngobuchwepheshe ngendlela abenza ngayo? Izindikimba ezintathu zavumbuka ezimpendulweni zababambiqhaza: (1) ukwaziswa ngamasu okufunda ngobuchwepheshe, (2) ikhono lokwenza kanye (3) namasu omkhakha wolwazi lwangaphambili wokufunda ngobuchwepheshe.en_US
dc.subject.otherLecturer perspectives.en_US
dc.titleExploring lecturers' experiences of e-learning resources in the teaching of history at universities in South Africa=Ukuhlola ulwazi lwangemuva lwabafundisi oluthinta ukufundisa ngohlelo lwezobuchwepheshe uma kufundiswa ezomlando emanyuvesi aseNingizimu Afrikha.en_US


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