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Child support grant and poverty alleviation in Umlazi ward 84: an impact assessment.

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In South Africa, social security forms part of the government‟s poverty-alleviation programme. Section 27(c) of the Constitution of South Africa of 1996 states that everyone, including children, has a right to social security. The Child Support Grant (CSG) was introduced in 1998 as part of social security to address poverty among children in South Africa. The CSG replaced the State Maintenance Grant (SMG) which benefited only certain racial groups. This study was conducted to assess the impact of the CSG in alleviating poverty. Ward 84 within Umlazi Township was selected as the study site. The study was undertaken using a quantitative approach. A probability sampling was conducted, using a random sampling method, wherein only beneficiaries of the CSG were sampled. One hundred participants completed the questionnaire. Collected data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Various studies have indicated that the CSG has a positive impact on ensuring that poor children have an adequate standard of living. Although positive impacts were evident, some children were reported as lacking basic needs, while other needy children were not in receipt of the CSG. The study was undertaken to assess whether the CSG has any impact on various dimensions that contribute to childhood poverty. The findings supported literature; the CSG was demonstrated as having a significant positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries within Ward 84 in Umlazi Township. CSG impacts positively on indicators such as nutrition, education, early childhood development, health and safety, as well as children‟s material and living environment. Whilst the CSG has been proven to have a positive impact on alleviation of poverty of indigent children, the study also discovered that some needy people still have difficulties in accessing the grant. A number of recommendations were made, included continuous awareness offered to the community, monitoring and evaluation of the utilisation of the grant money, integration of basic services, and sustainable development.


Master of Public Administration in Management Studies. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2016.


Child support--Government policy--South Africa--Umlazi., Child welfare--South Africa--Umlazi., Child support grants., Theses - Public Administration.
