An assessment of the potential impacts of climate variability on sugarcane production across Southern Africa.
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The scale and extent of changes to demographic, economic and environmental systems exacerbated by human activities have been rapid and pervasive enough that it has been established that a new geologic era termed the Anthropocene has already begun. One of the most critical and challenging consequences of the Anthropocene has been the accelerated release of greenhouse gases leading to global warming and, consequently, climate change (CC), which has impacted hydrological responses and available water resources by increasing surface temperatures and altering precipitation patterns across spatio-temporal scales. These changes have exacerbated the vulnerability of various systems that sustain livelihoods, placing them at high risk of collapse. One of these systems is sugarcane production, which is a crucially important agricultural activity in many parts of the world, including southern Africa.
There is a consensus that as a region, southern Africa will be subjected to amplified hydrological impacts which will affect the sugarcane production landscape. Further the expansion and intensification of sugarcane production across southern Africa is highly likely due, in part, to the recognition of the economic and social importance of this activity for supporting livelihoods. Sugarcane yields have been declining over the past 25 years in the region because of the increased frequency of climatic extremes. Literature reviews showed that by amplifying precipitation variability, climate change will increase the exposure and vulnerability of sugarcane to water stress and will have a devastating impact on yields. However, knowledge gaps remain regarding climate change impacts on water resources and sugarcane yields. Further, few studies have addressed the vulnerability and adaptation potential of sugarcane production at sufficient spatio-temporal scales. To address these knowledge gaps, an initial review was conducted to understand the dynamics between global change and water resources across southern Africa. The review showed that although global drivers are intricately related, their water resources impacts are highly complex, indirectly coupled and spatially and temporally sensitive.
Having established a general perspective of the impacts of global change in southern Africa, the multi-scale drivers of sugarcane production were analysed using of a frequency analysis. This approach allowed the determination of proximate and ultimate drivers in the uMngeni, uMlaas, and Umvoti catchments in South Africa, the Ubombo catchment in eSwatini, the Shire catchment in Malawi and the Kilombero catchment in Tanzania. The frequency analysis provided quantitative descriptions of the water resource impacts of sugarcane production across southern Africa. Applying a relationship between observed sugarcane yields and future low, medium, and high production scenarios, this study developed water use estimates for sugarcane over multiple growing cycles. Results indicated that ultimate drivers play the most dominant role in the expansion of sugarcane production within each catchment. Drawing from this analysis, a methodology of assessing yield declines was developed based on a yield gap analysis using the AquaCrop crop growth model. The results were used to develop recommendations to mitigate yield declines by offering safeguards for the sugarcane industry against climatic extremes. Modelling results suggested that yield trends can be attributed to existing crop management approaches instead of prevailing hydroclimatic regimes. The importance of recognising the vulnerability and adaptation potential in sugarcane production was highlighted in this study. It was concluded that if sugarcane growers are to adapt to the effects of extreme climatic events, they must consider shifting crop management approaches and be proactively included in related research. This research highlighted the importance of addressing the interactions between activities that drive land use change, such as sugarcane production, and the current impacts of climatic extremes on water resources. This is important in rapidly developing regions and climate change hotspots such as southern Africa. The development of innovative adaptation policies that will safeguard the already-pressured water resources and secure the sustainability of sugarcane production will become increasingly important under an altered climate.
Isikali nobungako boguquko lwezibalo zabantu, ezomnotho, kanye nezinhlelo zemvelo osekonakaliswe imisebenzi yabantu sekwenyuke kakhulu futhi kwasabalala ngokwanele kangangokuthi sekuphakanyiswe ukuthi isikhathi sokwakheka esisha somhlaba nezinto esibizwa nge-Anthropocene sesivele siqalile. Omunye yemiphumela emanzonzo futhi enezinkinga ye-Anthropocene seyibe ukukhuphuka ngesivinini esikhulu sokukhipha isisi esikhishwa umhlaba nokuholelele ekushiseni kakhulu komhlaba futhi, okuholele, ekuguqukeni kwesimo sezulu, iclimate change (CC), nosekube nemithelela ekuphenduleni okusebenza ngamanzi kanye nemisuka yamanzi ekhona ngokwenyusa amazinga okushisa angaphezulu futhi kwashintsha izindlela zokwehla kwemvula kuzo zonke izindawo ezahlukene lapho kwenzeka khona. Lezi zinguquko sezidlondlobalise ukungabi namandla kwezindlela eziningi ezigcina izimpilo zabantu, ngokuzibeka engcupheni enkulu ukuthi zifadalale. Enye yalezi zindlela umkhiqizo womoba, ongomunye umsebenzi obalulekile kakhulu kwezolimo ezingxenyeni eziningi zomhlaba, okubalwa kuzo imazansi le-Afrika.
Kunokuvumelana okukhona ukuthi njengesifunda, imazansi kuzomele ibhekane nesimo somthelela wokusebenza kwamanzi esidlondlobele kakhulu nesizoba nomthelela emkhakheni wokukhiqiza umoba. Okunye futhi, kuyacaca ukuthi ukukhula kanye namandla okukhiqizwa kukamoba kuzo zonke izindawo ezimazansi ne-Afrika zingaba kakhulu ngenxa, yokunye kwakho, ukukhomba ezomnotho kanye nokubaluleka kwenhlalo yabantu, kwalesi senzeko ukwesekela izimpilo zabantu. Izivuno seziya ngokwehla esikhathini esiyiminyaka engama-25 edlule esifundeni njengomphumela wokwenyuka njalo kwezimo zezulu ezimanzonzo. Ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo kuveze ukuthi ukwenyuka nokuhleleka kokwehla kwemvula, i-CC izokhuphula ukungabi namandla komoba, okuya engcindezini yamanzi futhi kuzoba nomthelela omubi kakhulu ezivunweni. Yize noma kunjalo, amagebe olwazi asekhona mayelana nemithelela yokuguquka kwesimo sezulu emisukeni yamanzi kanye nezivuno zomoba. Okunye futhi, imibhalo embalwa ikubukile ukungabi namandla kanye nokukwazi ukuhambisana nomkhiqizo womoba ngokwanele ezindaweni ezahlukene. Ukubhekana nalezi zikhala zolwazi, ukubuyekezwa kokuqala kwenziwa ukuqonda ubukhephukhephu phakathi kokuguquka kwesimo sezulu kanye nemisuka yamanzi kuzo zonke izindawo ezisemazansi ne-Afrika. Ukubuyekeza kwaveza ukuthi yize noma izimo ezihola inhlanganisela yomhlaba wonke zihlobene, imisuka yamanzi yabo inomthelela omkhulu, ngokuhambisana okungaqondile futhi okuyingxenye futhi okwesikhashana ukuzwelana nesimo.
Emva kokuhlanganisa ukuqonda okwejwayelekile ngemithelela yokuguquka kwesimo sezulu emazansi ne-Afrika, izimo eziyimbangela eziningi ezithinteka ekukhiqizweni komoba zahlaziywa ngokusebenzisa ukuhlaziya kwesibalomvama. Le ndlela ivumela ukukhomba izimbangela ezihlobene futhi ezinesigqi emithonjeni elawula ngamanzi yaseMngeni, eMlaas, kanye naseMvoti eNingizimu Afrika, umthombo olawula amanzi wase-Ubombo eSwatini, umthombo olawula amanzi waseShire eMalawi kanye nomthombo olawula amanzi waseKilombero eTanzania. Ukuhlaziya kwezibalomvama kwanikeza izincazelo zezinombolo nemithelela yomsuka wamanzi wokukhiqiza umoba kuzo zonke izindawo ezisemazansi ne-Afrika. Ukusebenzisa ubudlelwane phakathi kwezivuno zomoba ezabukwa kanye nobuphansi besikhathi esizayo, iphakathi nendawo, kanye nokuphakama kwezihlandla zomkhiqizo, lolu cwaningo luqambe izihlawumbiselo zokusetshenziswa kwamanzi emobeni ngesikhathi eziningi zokukhula kwawo. Imiphumela iveze ukuthi izimbangela eziyizo zibamba iqhaza elikhulu kakhulu ekwandiseni umkhiqizo womoba emthonjeni wokusebenzisa amanzi ngamunye. Ukuthatha kulokhu kuhlaziya, indlela yokuhlola eveza ukwehla yaqanjwa ngenxa yokuhlaziya kwesikhala somphumela ngokusebenzisa isifanekiso sokukhula kwesivuno i-AquaCrop. Imiphumela yasetshenziswa ukuqamba izincomo zokulwisana nokwehla kwemiphumela ngokunikeza izindlela zokuqapha umkhakha womoba uma kubukwa izimo zesimo sezulu ezimanzonzo. Imiphumela yokufanisa iveze ukuthi umgudu wemiphumela ungahlotshaniswa nezindlela zokwenganyelwa kwesivuno okukhona njengokuphikisana nezindlela ezihambelana nokuguquka kwesimo sezulu esinamanzi, ukubaluleka kokukhomba ukungabi namandla kanye nokukwazi ukumelana nesimo emkhiqizweni womoba kwavezwa obala kulolu cwaningo. Kwaphethwa ngokuthi abatshali bomoba kumele bahlangabezane nemithelela yezigameko zokuguquka kwezimo zezulu ezimanzonzo, kumele babuke ukuthi bangaguqula izindlela zokwenganyelwa kwesivuno futhi bazimisele ukuzibandakanya ocwaningweni oluhlobene. Lolu cwaningo luveze ukubaluleka kokubhekana nokuxhumana phakathi kwezinto ezenziwayo eziqhuba uguquko lokusebenzisa umhlaba, ezifana nomkhiqizo womoba, kanye nemithelela yamanje yokuguquka kwesimo sezulu ephakeme emisukweni yamanzi. Lokhu kubalulekile ezifundeni ezithuthuka ngesivinini ezivama emazansi ne-Afrika. Ukuthuthuka kwemibono emisha yezinqubomgomo zokulwisana nesimo ezizoqapha imisuka yamanzi esivele icindezelekile futhi zigcine ukuqinisekisa ukulondolozeka komkhiqizo womoba, kuzoba into ebaluleke kakhulu ngaphansi kwesimo sezulu esesiguqukile.
Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.