Analysing the effects of flexible working conditions in the workplace: a case of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of co-operative governance.
Shandu, Ruth Bhekekile.
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Currently, South African government departments face common problems such as punctuality, frequent leave requests, lack of engagement, absenteeism, and poor management of employee wellbeing, resulting in high absenteeism rates. These issues affect the work-life balance, which negatively impacts employee performance, thereby affecting delivery of services to the department and community at large. This study investigated how flexible work arrangements can reduce time management issues while increasing job satisfaction and performance in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Flexible working schedules can increase the level of contentment and performance, which has been discovered to benefit both the employer and the employee. A qualitative research method was chosen for the study because it provided an opportunity to explore the research objectives in greater detail. The sample size and strategy used comprised organising focus group interviews as well as individual interviews, representing the population by using a sample of 10 participants from different levels, namely senior managers to lower levels in the Department. The study reviewed aspects of analysis of the impact of workplace flexibility and its effect on employee performance by looking at previous research on similar topics. This review was designed to explore workplace flexibility in order to delve deeper into the need for it and the benefits it could provide. The findings of the study revealed that offering flexibility could help and support the emotional health of the employees, as well as improving their relationship with the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. A call for a flexible work strategy is of interest to most employees in the Department, since flexibility provides for a work-life balance that is essential to everybody. The conclusion and recommendations were that the Department should consider implementing and making provision for flexible working arrangements, which can achieve greater job fulfilment, a better balance between work and life and motivate employees, as well as reducing absenteeism and increasing the quality of service delivery at all employee levels.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.