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Knowledge and utilisation of contraception in Indian females attending an urban general practice.

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459 Indian female patients between the ages of 16 and 50. attending the practice of the researcher were asked to complete a confidential questionnaire on the knowledge and utilisation of contraception. The results of the study revealed that the majority of the participants were literate and possessed some knowledge of contraception. The contraceptive choice was the Pill with many participants also favouring the use of the intra uterine device. Condoms were used by only ten percent of the group while the use of the injection - Depot Provera - was negligible. Most peri menopausal women had completed their families and had undergone Tubal Ligation even though a fair number had the intra uterine device in place and also had continued using the Pill as their contraceptive.


Theses (M.Fam.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban 1995.


Birth control., Contraception., Contraceptives., Theses--Family medicine.
