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The effects of tertiary students' financial problems on academic performance: the case of Motheo Technical Vocational Education and Training in Bloemfontein. | 69479 |
The role of high school heads of department as leaders of learning. | 62580 |
A study of the negative impacts of informal settlement on the environment : a case study of Jika Joe, Pietermaritzburg. | 45769 |
Ukuvezwa kokuhlukumezwa kwabesifazane nezingane emibhalweni yesiZulu. | 44873 |
The experiences of teachers about teaching computer applications technology at FET band. | 29591 |
Some gendered African ritual practices : the case of impepho (an indigenous African plant). | 20771 |
The effectiveness of poverty reduction strategy in post-apartheid South Africa. | 19058 |
Section 174 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 : does the interests of justice and the outcome in S v Dewani herald that it is time to eject this provision from our law? | 15874 |
Impact of skills development training on employee motivation, perceptions of organizational climate and individual performance. | 15575 |
Impact of urbanisation on municipal services delivery with particular emphasis on the provision of water in the Durban metropolitan area. | 15240 |