Maharajh, Lokesh Ramnath.Ramdhani, Nivendhar Krishnapersad.2016-01-192016-01-1920142014 Ed. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.I have located my study within the parameters of qualitative research and interpretivist paradigm, in order to undertake a phenomenological study to explore grade eleven Mathematics teachers’ experiences in implementing the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement in schools in the Durban area of South Africa. This study draws on the experiences of four Mathematics teachers, purposefully selected from schools of varying social environment. These teachers were representative of a rural school, a Township school, an ex-Indian school and an ex-coloured school. A focus group discussion was conducted to: determine these teachers’ experiences in implementing Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement; understand factors that inform these experiences; and understand teachers’ views on the effectiveness of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. In order to understand their experiences in their grade eleven Mathematics class, I analysed the recorded data collected from the focus group discussion and arranged and discussed them in the following themes: Ownership of the curriculum, Clarity and understanding of the policy document, Teacher training, Knowledge and skills in teachers, Curriculum material and resources, and Contextual factors affecting curriculum implementation. Findings emanating from the analysis of the themes that data have been grouped in reveal a myriad of lived experiences of these teachers that inform how grade eleven Mathematics teachers coped with the implementation of curriculum reform. I have recommended Future Trends to resolve critical conclusions drawn from the themes which emphasises the teacher as the primary component of curriculum implementation. Further, I have recommended future areas of research that emanate from this study.en-ZATeacher participation in curriculum planning--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Mathematics teachers--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Curriculum evaluation--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Curriculum-based assessment--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Curriculum change--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Mathematics--Curricula--KwaZulu-Natal--Durban.Theses--Education.Exploring grade eleven mathematics teachers' experiences in implementing the curriculum and assessment policy statement in schools in the Durban area of South Africa.Thesis