Tefera, Orthodox.Mbanje, Samson.2022-12-192022-12-1920222022https://researchspace.ukzn.ac.za/handle/10413/21195Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Mobile telecommunication service providers in developing countries, particularly southern African mobile telecom operators outsource a range of activities like logistics, assembly operations, manufacturing, and design. The results of such decisions have not been proved empirically. Empirical evidence on whether or not outsourcing is beneficial lacks in the industry. Furthermore, there has been a minimum focus on the effects of outsourcing on the operational performance of firms.In light of the above, the study proposes a CPP framework that can be used to evaluate the impact of business process outsourcing (BPO) on the operational performance of mobile telecommunications industry in developing Southern African countries with particular reference to South Africausing cost, productivity and profitability (CPP) as the underpinning quantitative performance metrics by taking into consideration the drivers, benefits, and risks of the business strategy. The study is informed by the positivism research paradigm using deductive approach. A descriptive research design was adopted for the collection of quantitative data. Chi square test were conducted to establish the statistically significant relationship between business process outsourcing and cost efficiency, productivity and profitability and the operational performance of mobile telecommunication firms. A structured closed-ended questionnaire was used to collect raw data using the drop-off method in which questionnaires were distributed to two hundred and ten employees of the two mobile communication companies. The findings of this current study reflect that majority of the participants alluded that there is an improvement in cost efficiency, increase in productivity and profitability after BPO thereby improving the operational performance of the mobile telecom operators. These results suggest that there is a statistically significant relationship between BPO and cost, productivity and profitability. The results were reflected in the proposed cost, productivity and profitability (CPP) framework as part of the business performance outcome. The results are important to corporate management as this avoid relying on managers’ estimates in place of quantifiable metrics in deciding on whether to outsource or in source and can also assist management, policymakers and supply chain Practitioner in developing BPO policies. Iqoqa Abahlinzeki besevisi yezokuxhumana ngomakhalekhukhwini emazweni asathuthuka, ikakhulukazi opharetha bezingcingo zamaselula e-Afrika eseningizimu banikeza ngaphandle uchungechunge lwemisebenzi efana nokuhlela, ukuhlanganisa, ukukhiqiza, nokuklama. Imiphumela yalezi zinqumo ayizange ifakazelwe ngokwamandla. Ubufakazi obunamandla bokuthi ukukhishwa kwemisebenzi kuyazuzisa ukushoda embonini. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kube nokugxila okuncane emiphumeleni yokukhishwa kwemisebenzi ekusebenzeni kwamafemu. Ngokwalokhu okungenhla, ucwaningo luphakamisa uhlaka lwe-CPP olungasetshenziswa ukuhlola umthelela wokukhishwa kwezinqubo zebhizinisi (BPO) ekusebenzeni. ukusebenza kwemboni yezokuxhumana ngomakhalekhukhwini ekuthuthukiseni amazwe aseNingizimu ne-Afrika ikakhulukazi iNingizimu Afrika isebenzisa izindleko, ukukhiqiza kanye nenzuzo (CPP) njengesisekelo samamethrikhi okusebenza esilinganisweni ngokucabangela abashayeli, izinzuzo, kanye nobungozi besu lebhizinisi. Ucwaningo lwenziwa yi-positivism research paradigm kusetshenziswa indlela yokudonsela phansi. Kwamukelwa umklamo wocwaningo oluchazayo ukuze kuqoqwe idatha yobuningi. Ukuhlolwa kwe-Chi square kwenziwa ukuze kutholwe ubudlelwano obubalulekile ngokwezibalo phakathi kokukhishwa kwenqubo yebhizinisi kanye nokusebenza kahle kwezindleko, ukukhiqiza kanye nenzuzo kanye nokusebenza kokusebenza kwamafemu ezokuxhumana ngomakhalekhukhwini. Uhlu lwemibuzo oluvaliwe oluhlelekile lwasetshenziswa ukuqoqa idatha eluhlaza kusetshenziswa indlela yokushiya lapho imibuzo yasatshalaliswa kubasebenzi abangamakhulu amabili neshumi bezinkampani ezimbili zokuxhumana ngomakhalekhukhwini. Okutholwe kulolu cwaningo lwamanje kukhombisa ukuthi iningi labahlanganyeli likhombe ukuthi kukhona ukuthuthuka ekusebenzeni kahle kwezindleko, ukwanda kokukhiqiza kanye nokwanda kwenzuzo ngemuva kwe-BPO ngaleyo ndlela kuthuthukiswe ukusebenza kokusebenza kwabaqhubi bezingcingo zamaselula. Le miphumela iphakamisa ukuthi kunobudlelwano obubalulekile ngokwezibalo phakathikwe-BPO nezindleko, ukukhiqiza kanye nenzuzo. Imiphumela yabonakala ohlakeni oluhlongozwayo lwezindleko, ukukhiqiza kanye nenzuzo (CPP) njengengxenye yomphumela wokusebenza kwebhizinisi. Imiphumela ibalulekile ekuphathweni kwebhizinisi njengoba lokhu kwagwema ukuthembela esilinganisweni sabaphathi esikhundleni samamethrikhi angabalulekayo ekunqumeni ukuthi bazonikezwa yini inkampani yangaphandle noma emthonjeni futhi kungasiza futhi abaphathi/ abenzi bezinqubomgomo/ Umsebenzi wochungechunge lokuhlinzeka ekuthuthukiseni izinqubomgomo ze-BPO.enOperational performance.Profitability.Cost.Productivity.Mobile telecom operators--South Africa.A framework for evaluating the impact of business process outsourcing (BPO) on the operational performance of the mobile telecommunications industry, South Africa=Uhlaka lokuhlola umthelela Wokunikezela Ngaphandle Indlelakweza Yebhizinisi (Business Process Outsourcing - BPO) kokwenzeka ekusebenzeni kwemboni yomakhalekhukhwini eNingizimu Afrika.Thesis