Chikandiwa, Christopher Tarisayi.Chinhoi, Blessward Ngonidzashe.2022-12-202022-12-2020222022 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The Mozambican agricultural sector is a critical one that contributes to the country’s foreign currency earnings, gross domestic product and employment. The industry is the largest employer outside the government, contributing 80% of jobs in the country, of which 70% of the employees reside mainly in rural areas. The sector, including the food processing industry, contributes 33% of Mozambique's GDP. This study investigated the Mozambican sugar industry by identifying the critical efficiency measures, lean waste, critical lean implementation success factors, with the aim to propose a lean implementation framework for the industry. An exploratory sequential mixed method design was employed to achieve the research objectives, namely, to identify efficiency measures, lean wastes, critical implementation success factors and the building of the lean implementation framework. The qualitative component of the design was used to build the framework, while the quantitative part dealt with testing the framework developed. Cane to sugar ratio and overall time efficiency were the two main measures critical to monitoring and driving performance for this vital sector. Various wastes unique to the sugar industry in Mozambique were identified and clustered into the known lean waste for easy analysis. The study identified the wastes and their per cent contribution: overproduction (12.15%), overprocessing (12.15%), waiting time (12.36%), transportation (12.47%), defects (12.57%), human resources (12.57%), inventory (12.63%) and motion (13.11%). Eight success factors of the lean implementation were identified: training, briefing, legal, auditing, culture, rewards, support systems and regular feedback. The framework evaluation at the AD Factory yielded significant improvement in the efficiency performance measures for that sugar mill, registering improvements on main efficiency measures of 7.3% and 0.3% for OTE and CTS, respectively. Iqoqa: Imboni yezolimo eMozambique ibaluleke kakhulu futhi ingenisa imali evela emazweni angaphandle, isambamkhiqizo sezwe, kanye nokunikeza namathuba emisebenzi. Le mboni iyona eqasha kakhulu abantu uma kungabalwa abasebenzi bakahulumeni ngoba idala imisebenzi engama-80% ezweni lonke. Ama-70% alaba bantu bahlala ezindaweni ezisemakhaya. Lo mkhakha okubalwa kuwo izindawo okwakhiwa kuzo ukudla ngezitshalo ufaka ama-33% esambakhiqizweni waseMozambique. Lolu cwaningo lwaphenya imboni kashukela eMozambique ngokuzama ukuthola izindlela ezisebenza ngokufanele, ukuncishiswa kwencithakalo, ukusetshenziswa kwezinto ezincane ekuzuzeni imiphumela emikhulu, ngenhloso yokuphakamisa uhlakakusebenza olungababazeki ngobukhulu kepha lube nemiphumela ephezulu kule mboni. Kwasetshenziswa ucwaningo oluhlwayayo ngokulandelanisa lube lungxube ukuze kutholakale lezo zimo ezisebenza ngendlela efanele, incithakalo engeningi, ukusetshenziswa kwezinto okunesiqiniseko sokuthi zizosebenza ngempumelelo, kanye nokwakha uhlakakusebenza olungadingi okuningi. Ekwakheni lolu hlakakusebenza kwasetshenziswa uhlelo oluyikhwalithethivu kwase kuthi ikhwantithethivu yasetshenziselwa ukuhlola uhlakakusebenza olwase luthuthikisiwe. Ubukhulu bokulinganiselwa komoba noshukela kanye nokesetshenziswa kwesikhathi yizona zinto ezimbili ezibaluleke kakhulu ekuhlolweni nasekwenyuseni izinga lokusebenza kulo mkhakha. Kwatholakala ukuthi kunencithakalo eningi etholakala kuphela eMozambique yase ifakwa ngaphansi kwalena eyaziwayo ukuze ihlaziyeke kalula. Ucwaningo lwathola izinhlobo zencithakalo kanye namaphesenti ayo ekukhiqizeni: ukukhiqiza okungaphezulu (12.15%), ukugaya ngokwedlulele (12.15%), isikhathi sokulinda (12.36%), ukuthuthwa (12.47%), okungakhiqizekile ngendlela (12.57%), abantu abasebenzayo (12.57%), impahla (12.63%) kanye nokunyakaza 13.11%). Kunezimo eziyisishiyagalombili ezakhombisa impumelelo yokusebenzisa indlela engababazeki ngobukhulu bayo: ukuqeqeshwa, ukuyalelwa, ezomthetho, ucwaningomabhuku, usikompilo, imiklomelo, izinhlelo zokuxhasa kanye nokunikeza ibuyiselambiko ngezikhathi zonke. Ukuhlolwa kwalolu hlakakusebenza e-AD Factory kwakhombisa ukuba nemiphumela engcono uma kubhekwa ukusebenza ngendlela efanele kulowo mshini wokugaya ushukela eyayikhombisa ukuba ngcono ngama-7.3% kwi-OTE no-0.3% kwi-CTS. Amagama asemqoka: imizamo esebenza ngokuyikho, i-Overall Time Efficiency (OTE), Isikalosilinganiso soMoba uma uqhathaniswa noShukela (CTS), imfucuza elula, i-Critical Success Factors (CSF), Imboni kashukela eMozambique.enSugar industry--Mozambique.Sugarcane--Mozambique.Sugarcane.A lean manufacturing implementation framework for improved productivity and efficiency in the sugar industry in Mozambique. UHLAKAKUSEBENZA LOKUQALISA UKUSEBENZA UKUKHIQIZWA OKUSEZINGENI OKUHUCUKILE NOLUSEBENZA NGENDLELA EFANELE EMBONINI YOKUKHIQIZA USHUKELA EMOZAMBIQUE.Thesis