Mudaly, Vimolan.Zulu, Mzwandile Wiseman.2024-06-062024-06-0620222022 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.This interpretive qualitative study explores the use of educational technologies by preservice teachers as visualization tools during mathematics teaching at secondary schools. Sfard’s commognitive framework and Koehler and Mishra’s technological pedagogical content knowledge theoretical frameworks undergird the study. Data were collected from ten preservice mathematics teachers at a university in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Performance tests, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and observations were employed to collect data, which was analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. The study found that preservice teachers employed two primary visualization strategies when they engaged in mathematical problem-solving: symbolic mental visualization, which they combined with their understanding of word usage, endorsed narratives and routines to arrive at a solution; and graphic visual mediators, such as diagrams, which they sketched to contextualize the problem statement and verify they solutions and use of mathematical word usage, routines, and endorsed narratives. Participants were found to be unable to solve a mathematics problem if they had not visualized it effectively; using a graphic visual mediator to understand the problem statement did not, however, guarantee success when solving a problem. A relationship was found between the visualization techniques that the participants used in their own attempts to solve mathematical problems and the visualization techniques they used in their lesson planning and teaching of mathematics in the same content area. Participants used innovative strategies to mediate learning, including educational technologies that facilitated visual mediators to enhance learners’ engagement with concepts. Synergies were found between the elements of the commognition and TPACK frameworks as these were used in tandem to analyze data. A model was developed (C+TPACK) that integrates the key elements of these frameworks. Further research is recommended to establish the viability, credibility and generalizability of the model.enMathematical problem solving.Preservice mathematics teachers.Educational Technologies.Visualization tools.An exploration of preservice teachers’ use of educational technologies as visualization tools when teaching mathematics.Thesis