Yalezo, Bhasela.Lukele, Faith Sanelisiwe.2024-07-252024-07-2520232023https://hdl.handle.net/10413/23220Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.For many years, women worldwide have continued to experience discriminatory practices both in the workplace and in society. One of the discriminatory practices faced by women is their exclusion in leadership positions. Post-1994, the South African government has promulgated several different legislative frameworks and policies to redress gender equality, discrimination and empower women. Despite the government efforts, there seems to be a common consensus among scholarly researchers that gender inequality still prevails in the South African workplace After twenty-nine years of democracy. Against this background, the present study aims to promote gender equality in the South African workplace by focusing on the Department of Public Works. A quantitative research will be conducted to collect data so that information can be quantified and subjected to statistical treatment to support or refute “alternate knowledge claims. The study will be conducted in the Department of Public Works. Given the total population of about 200 employees, the sample size of 132 was selected using simple random sampling. However, the data was were collected from 124 through an online survey (questionnaire). The reliability and validity of the measuring instrument were measured through a pilot study. The data was analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social, version 27.0. The study concluded that the factors such as women empowerment, organisational culture, leadership commitment and organisational structure were the most important factors that contributed to reducing gender inequality in the Department of Public Works. Also, the results revealed that gender equality impacted employee retention and performance significant in the Department of Public Works. On the contrary, the study found no significant relationship between gender equality and employee job security. This study provides a better knowledge of the discriminatory practices against women, especially those in leadership position in the Department of Public Works. Therefore, the study will service as an important tool for promoting gender equality in the Department of Public Works and other Departments in South Africa. The study recommends that organisations, including the Department of Public Works implement gender balance policies and practices to help reduce gender inequality.enDiscrimination.Gender disparity.South Africa.Promoting gender equality in the Department of Public Works in KwaZulu-Natal.Thesis