Hlongwa, Nobuhle Purity.Ximba, Nonjabulo Princess.2022-07-312022-07-3120212021https://researchspace.ukzn.ac.za/handle/10413/20726Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: “AN ANALYSIS OF STORTELLING TECHNIQUES IN VUSI XIMBA’S MUSIC.” This research looks at Vusi Ximba's storytelling techniques in his music. This is done because it is believed that Ximba is one of the arts' innovators who has demonstrated immense talent in music by employing a variety of techniques to present his work to the public. The purpose of this research is to look at the artist's storytelling techniques, as well as to examine the themes that Ximba uses in telling stories and, finally, to analyze the use of language in Ximba's music. The qualitative research method is used to collect data for this study, and it is used to learn more about the research's reasons, ideas, and motives (Tesch, 2013) and then to look under the analytical method using the criterion. The interpretive paradigm is used to analyse information that had been collected. All Ximba's songs that have storytelling elements in them have been collected and are being listened to and recorded for easy access to information. Several publications have been read to support the study's findings. Narratology and structuralism are the theories employed in this study. Because this research focuses on storytelling techniques, these are the theories that are relevant to it. The findings of this study show that, while Ximba did not receive the same acclaim as other artists and his music, there is something to be learned from his work and a notable talent. IQOQA LOCWANINGO: “UKUHLAZIYA AMASU OKUXOXA INDABA EMCULWENI KAVUSI XIMBA.” Lolu cwaningo lubheka amasu okuxoxa indaba asetshenziswa uVusi Ximba emculweni wakhe. Lokhu kwenziwe ngoba kunenkolelo yokuthi uXimba ungomunye wezingqalabutho ebucikweni oveze ikhono elikhulu emculweni esebenzisa amasu ahlukene ekuthuleni umsebenzi wakhe kubantu. Izinjongo zalolu cwaningo yilezi, ukubheka amasu okuxoxa indaba, kwalandelwa ukuhlola izindikimba ezisetshenziswa uXimba ekuxoxeni izindaba kanye nokuhlaziya ukusetshenziswa kolimi emculweni kaXimba. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzise indlela yekhwalithethivu ukuqoqa ulwazi ngoba isetshenziswa ukwazi kabanzi izizathu, imibono nezisusa zocwaningo (Tesch, 2013) lwayobheka ngaphansi kwendlela yokuhlaziya kusetshenziswa inaretholoji. Kwaphindwa kwasetshenziswa ipharadayimu ehumushayo ukuhlaziya ulwazi oseluqoqiwe. Kuqoqwe amaculo kaXimba wonke okubonakale enezimpawu zokuxoxa indaba kuwona, abe eselalelwa, abe esebhalwa phansi ukuze ezoba ulwazi olutholakala kalula. Kufundwe izincwadi ezahlukene ukuze kusekelwe konke esikuthola ngalolu cwaningo. Izinjulalwazi ezisetshenziswe kube yileyo elandayo noma yenaretholoji “narratology” kanye nenjulalwazi yesakhiwo “structuralism”. Lezi izinjulalwazi ezilufanele lolu cwaningo ngoba ucwaningo olubheka ukuxoxwa kwezindaba kanye namasu asetshenziselwa lokho. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iyasivezela ukuthi nakuba uXimba engatholanga ukubungazwa njenga banye abaculi kanye nomculo wakhe kepha kukhona okungafundwa ngomculo wakhe nange khono lakhe.otherStorytelling techniques.Vusi Ximba's music.Structuralism theory.Ukuhlaziya amasu okuxoxa indaba emculweni kaVusi Ximba = An analysis of storytelling techniques in Vusi Ximba’s Music.Thesis