Chimonyo, Michael.Marufu, Munyaradzi Christopher.Qokweni, Luxolo.2022-10-172022-10-1720222022 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.The broad objective of the current study was to determine gastrointestinal nematode infestation (GIN), goat performance and nutritional status of Xhosa lop-eared does foraging in grassland relative to those browsing in forestland vegetation types. A cross-section survey was conducted to 282 goat farmers from Mbizana Local Municipality in Alfred Nzo district, South Africa to investigate perceptions on the control of GIN infestation. Data collected included household demography, goat health and parasites, goat feeding and management. Variation in the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites and their effect on growth performance in 309 Xhosa lop-eared goats with an average age of 7 months raised in grassland and forestland vegetation types were determined. In this experiment, 165 indigenous Xhosa lop-eared does were conducted to assess the effect of vegetation type, season and parity on the burden of GIN in Xhosa lop-eared does that were foraging in grassland and forestland vegetation types. Morever, 24 indigenous Xhosa lop63 eared does were used to determine the interaction between vegetation type and season on nutritionally-related blood metabolites, liver enzymes and minerals. Farmers in the grassland vegetation type ranked gastrointestinal parasites as the major constraint to goat productivity than those in the forestland. Farmers in the grassland were more likely to experience gastrointestinal nematode infestation than those in forestland 68 vegetation types (P <0.05). Farmers in the grassland vegetation types were more likely to control gastrointestinal nematode infestation than to those in forestland vegetation type (P < 0.05). Xhosa lop-eared goats in the forestland vegetation type had higher (P < 0.05) body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW) and lower faecal egg count (FEC) compared to those in grassland. Goats with higher (P <0.05) BCS and BW had lower FEC in both vegetation types. The higher higher (P < 0.05) BCS was observed in Xhosa lop-eared does foraging in the forestland vegetation type compared to those in the grassland vegetation type. Xhosa lop-eared does from grassland had higher FEC (P < 0.05) compared to those in forestland vegetation type. In the forestland vegetation type body condition scores and FAMACHA scores were significantly higher during the hot-wet season than cool-dry and post-rainy seasons, while FEC were observed higher in the grassland than forestland vegetation type. Strongyles and Strongyloides eggs were higher in does grazing in the grassland than those in the forestland vegetation type during the hot-wet season. It was concluded that goats are constrained by infestation of gastrointestinal parasites, particularly in the hot-wet season. Poor quality and quantity of forage experienced in the grassland vegetation type can be rectified by feeding goats in forestlands, which can cheaply improve growth performance of goat and health and production in does. Xhosa lop-eared does in the forestland vegetation types had higher (P < 0.05) serum concentration of total protein (TP), globulin, albumin/globulin (A/G) ratio and total bilirubin (TB) during the hot-wet than cool-dry seasons. Total bilirubin concentrations werehigher (P < 0.05) in does in the forestland vegetation type during hot-wet season. The serum concentration of calcium was lower (P < 0.05) during the cool-dry season in both vegetation types. Phosphorus concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) in the grassland vegetation type during the cool-91 dry season than hot-wet season. Albumin/globulin ratio was lower (P < 0.05) in the forestland vegetation type during hot-wet season than cool-dry season. It was concluded that Xhosa lop-eared does are constrained by high prevalence and loads of gastrointestinal nematode infestation, particularly in the grassland vegetation type during hot-wet season. Kids were more susceptible to gastrointestinal nematodes than older goats. The interaction of vegetation type and season should be considered in developing control strategies for gastrointestinal nematodes in Xhosa lop-eared goats. Iqoqa Inhloso ebanzi yalolu cwaningo kwakungukuhlonza i-gastrointestinal nematode infestation (i-GIN), okwenziwa yizimbuzi nomumo wezakhamzimba zama-Xhosa lop-eared okwenziwa utshani emadlelweni nokwenzeka emahlathini. Isaveyi ebifaka zonke izigaba yenziwa kubafuyi bezimbuzi abangama-282 bakuMasipala wasekhaya waseMbizana eSifundeni i-Alfred Nzo, eNingizimu Afrikha ukuphenya izindlelakubuka ukulawula ukuqubuka kwe-GIN. Imininingo eqoqiwe okufaka izinhlobo zabantu abasendlini, impilo yezimbuzi nezimuncigazi, ukondla izimbuzi nokubhekana nalokho. Ukwehlukahlukana kokuvama kwezimuncigazi eziba semathunjini nomthelela wazo ekusebenzeni kokukhula kwezimbuzi ezingama-309 ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared ezinesikhathi esiyizinyanga eziyisi-7 ezikhuliselwe edlelweni nasotshanini zahlonzwa. Kulokhu kuhlola, izimbuzi eziyi-165 zendabuko ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared zahlolwa ngomthelela wohlobo lwezimila, inkathi yonyaka nokulingana komthwalo we-GIN kuzona ezaziklaba emadlelweni nasemahlathini. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izimbuzi zendabuko ezingama-24 ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared zasetshenziswa ukuhlonza ukusebenzelana phakathi kohlobo lwezimila nenkathi yonyaka ezintweni ezihlobene nezakhamzimba ezingamamethabholaythi atholakala egazini, ama-enzayimi esibindi namaminerali. Abalimi abasemadlelweni otshani bathi izimuncigazi ezitholakala emathunjini ziyinkinga enkulu enqinda ukukhiqizeka kwezimbuzi kunalezo ezisemadlelweni asemahlathini. Abalimi abasemadlelweni otshani banethuba elikhulu lokwehlelwa yi-gastrointestinal nematode infestation kunalabo abanamadlelo angamahlathi (i-P < 0.05). Abalimi abasezindaweni ezinamadlelo asemahlathini yibona okubukeka bengakwazi ukulawula i-gastrointestinal nematode infestation kunalabo abanohlobo olwehlukile (i-P < 0.05). Izimbuzi ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared ezihlala endaweni eyidlelo okunezihlahla anezinga eliphezulu lezibalo zesimo somzimba (i-P < 0.05) (i-BCS), isisindo somzimba (i-BW) nezinamaqanda asemasimbeni anesibalo esiphansi (i-FEC) uma kuqhathaniswa nalezo ezisemadlelweni otshani. Izimbuzi ezine-BCS ne-BW ephezulu (i-P < 0.05) zazine-FEC ephansi kuzo zombili izinhlobo zamadlelo. I-BCS ephezulu kakhulu yabonakala ezimbuzini ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared ezazidla ifolishi ezindaweni ezingamahlathi uma kuqhathaniswa nalezo ezidla emadlelweni otshani. Izimbuzi ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared ezazidla emadlelweni otshani zazine-FEC ephezulu (i-P < 0.05) uma kuqhathaniswa nalezi ezidla emahlathini. Izimila lapho kunezihlahla, izibalo zesimo somzimba kanye nezibalo zeFAMACHA zaziphezulu kakhulu kunangesikhathi sokushisa nezimvula kunangesikhathi sokuphola nokoma nangasemuva kwesikhathi sezimvula, ngesikhathi i-FEC ibonakale iphezulu emadlelweni kunasemahlathini. Amaqanda e-strongyles nama-strongyloides ayephezulu kulezo eziklaba emadlelweni kunalezo eziklaba emahlathini ngenkathi yokushisa nobumanzi. Kwaphethwa ngokuthi kuvinjelwe ukuqubuka kwezimuncigazi ama-gastrointestinal parasites ikakhulukazi ngezinkathi zonyaka ezishisayo nezinezimvula ezimbuzini. Ikhwalithi nekhwantithi ebhedayo yokwehla ngenxa yefolishi ezimileni emadlelweni kungalungiseka ngokupha izimbuzi ezindaweni ezinezihlahla, okungaphucula ngendlela engabizi kuphucule ukusebenza kokukhula kwezimbuzi nezimpilo zazo kanye nokukhiqizwa kwazo. Izimbuzi ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared ezindaweni ezinezihlahla (i-P < 0.05) ukunqwabelana kwesiramu yamaphrotheyni aphelele (i-TP), i-globulin, i-albumin/i-globulin (i-A/G) isikalisilinganiso nesamba sebhilirubhini (i-TB) ngesikhathi sokushisa nezimvula ukuna ngesikhathi sokuphola nokoma. Ukunqwabelana kwebhilirubhini okuphelele kwakuphezulu (i-P < 0.05) endaweni enamahlathi ngesikhathi senkathi yokushisa nezimvula. Ukunqwabelana kwesiramu yekhalsiyamu kwakuphansi (i-P < 0.05) ngesikhathi sokuphola nokoma kuzo zombili izinhlobo zezimila. Ukunqwabelana kwefosiforasi kwakuphezulu (i-P < 0.05) endaweni engamadlelo ngesikhathi sokuphola nokoma kunangesikhathi sokushisa nezimvula. Isikalosilinganiso se-albumin/globulin sasiphansi (i-P < 0.05) endaweni enokuxhobelanamahlathi ngesikhathi sokushisa nobumanzi kunangenkathi epholile neyomile. Kwaphethwa ngokuthi izimbuzi ze-Xhosa lop-eared azivinjelwa wukuvama okuphezulu kanye nezinqwaba ze-gastrointestinal nematode infestation, ikakhulukazi ezimileni okusemadlelweni otshani ngesikhathi sokushisa nobumanzi. Amazinyane ayesengcupheni enkulu yama-gastrointestinal nematodes kunasezimbuzini ezindala. Ukusebenzelana kohlobo lwezimila kanye nenkathi yonyaka kumele kubhekwe ekuthuthukiseni imiqondosu yokulawula ama-gastrointestinal nematodes ezimbuzini ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared. Amagama asemqoka: isibalo samaqanda asemasimbeni, izimbuzi zendabuko, izikalo zesimo somzimba, isisindo somzimba, isikalo se-FAMACHA, umthamo weseli egcwele.Faecal egg count.Parasites.Indigenous goats.Body condition scores.Famacha score.Gastrointestinal nematode infestation, goat performance and nutritionally-related blood metabolites of Xhosa lop-eared does foraging in grasslands and forestland vegetation types = Ukuqubuka kwe-gastrointestinal nematode, ukuhamba kwebhizinisi lezimbuzi namamethabholaythi asegazini ahlobene nokondleka kwezimbuzi ezingama-Xhosa lop-eared eziklaba ezindaweni ezinotshani obusemadlelweni nasemahlathini.Thesis