Ginindza, Themba Geoffrey.Hlongwana, Khumbulani Welcome.Chola, Mumbi.2024-02-142024-02-1420232023 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The fertility rate in Africa is among the highest in the world, and this trend is projected to continue unless drastic interventions are put in place to avert the situation. Contraceptive use among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa remains very low despite various interventions to improve the uptake. The study aimed to examine the key determinants of contraceptive use among adolescent girls in Zambia; specifically, i) examining patterns, trends and factors that drive poor usage of contraceptives; ii) exploring the motivators and influencers of decision-making regarding contraceptive use among adolescent girls; and finally, iii) understanding their perspectives on existing contraceptive methods. The study examined patterns, trends and factors associated with contraceptive use among adolescents in Zambia, using data from 1996, 2001/2, 2007 and 2013/14 Zambia Demographic and Health Surveys. Qualitative data was collected through focus group discussions and analysed using thematic analysis. Permission to conduct the study was obtained from the Ministry of Health and the National Health Research Authority. Ethical approvals were provided by the Biomedical Research Ethics Committees (BRECs) of the University of Zambia and the University of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. Results revealed that contraceptive use among adolescent girls in Zambia remained low over the 18 years and increased by only 3%, particularly among younger, uneducated, and unmarried sexually active adolescent girls. Marriage or living with a partner contributed the most to the change in contraceptive use (44%), while living in a rural area accounted for approximately 20%. Adolescent girls' experience with contraceptives was affected by various factors such as knowledge of contraceptives, including sources of information and contraceptives, experience with using contraceptives, challenges with access to contraceptives, and misconceptions about contraceptives. The interaction of factors related to their personal experience, their community and the environment in which they access contraceptive services all contribute to the overall patient experience and influence the adolescent girls’ contraceptive decision. Most of the motivators for the use and/or non-use of contraceptives are intrapersonal and interpersonal. Contraceptive use among adolescent girls remains low and is determined by various factors. Key influencers and motivators for contraceptive use involve people in their lives, such as partners, family and community members. Interventions targeting increasing demand, access and use of contraceptives among adolescents must be innovative, participatory and implemented within the context of local cultural norms. IQOQA Izinga lokuvunda e-Afrika libalelwa kweliphezulu emhlabeni wonke, futhi le nkombamvama ihlelelwe ukuqhubeka ngaphandle uma kunokungenelela okunamandla okumele kufakwe ukuze kugwenywe isimo. Izimvimbelakukhulelwa ezisetshenziswa phakathi kwamatshitshi ase-Saharan Africa ziyohlala ziphansi ngale kokungenelela okwahlukene ukuze kuthuthukiswe lokho okukhona okuzosetshenziswa. Ucwaningo lwaluhlose ukuhlola izinkombamthelela ezisemqoka zokusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa phakathi kwamantombazane eZambia; ngokucacile i) ukuhlola izinhlelo, izinkombamvama noma izinto eziqhuba ukusetshenziswa kabi kwezivimbelakukhulelwa; ii) ukuhlola abagqugquzeli nabanomthelela ekuthathweni kwezinqumo ezimayelana nokusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa phakathi kwamantombazane angamatshitshi; ekugcineni, iii) ukuqonda imicabango yabo mayelana nezindlela ezikhona zezivimbelakukhulelwa. Ucwaningo lwahlola izinhlelo, izinkombamvama nezici ezihlobene nezivimbelakukhulelwa ezisetshenziswa phakathi kwamantombazane eZambia, lusebenzisa imininingo esukela onyakeni wowe-1996, 2001/2, 2007 kanye nowezi-2013/14 eZambia Demographic and Health Surveys. Kwaqoqwa imininingo yocwaningo lobunjalo botho kugxilwe ezingxoxweni zeqoqo okwakucwaningwa ngalo lahlaziywa kusetshenziswa uhlaziyongqikithi. Imvume yokwenza ucwaningo yatholakala kuNgqongqoshe WeZempilo kanye NeZiphathimandla Zocwaningo LweZempilo KuZwelonke. Isiqinisekiso SeNqubonhle sanikezelwa Amakomidi eBiomedical Research Ethics (BRECs) aseNyuvesi yaseZambia kanye neNyuvesi YakwaZulu-Natali eNingizimu Afrika. Imiphumela yocwaningo yaveza ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa phakathi kwamantombazane angamatshitshi aseZambia kwahlala kuphansi esikhathini esingaphezu kweminyaka eyi-18 kwase kukhula ngama-3%, kwabancane, abangafundile kanye nakumantombazane abangamatshitshi angaganile kodwa alwenzayo ucansi. Umshado noma ukuhlala nomlingani wakho kube neqhaza elikhulu ezinguqukweni ezisetshenziswayo zokuvimbela ukukhulelwa (44%), ngenkathi ukuhlala endaweni yasemakhaya kubalelwa esilinganisweni esingama-20%. Lokho amantombazane asengamatshitshi aseke edlula kukho mayelana nokusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa kwaphazanyiswa yizinto eziningi njengolwazi lwezivimbelakukhulelwa kubandakanya nemithombo yolwazi nezivimbelakukhulelwa, odlula kukho uma usebenzisa izivikelakukhelwa, izingqinamaba zokusebenzisa izivimbelakukhulelwa kanye nemibono engemihle ngezivimbelakukhulelwa. Ukuxhumanakunikezelana kwezinto ezihlobene kulokho umuntu nomuntu adlule kukho, umphakathi wabantu kanye nendawo lapho abakwazi ukuthola khona izivimbelakukhulelwa konke kunomthelela kukho lokho isiguli esedlule kukho nalokho okuthinta izinqumo zokuvimbela ukukhulelwa ezithathwa ngamantombazane angamatshitshi. Abagqugquzeli abaningi bokusetshenziswa nokungasetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa banobudlelwane bomuntu kanye nobudlelwane kubantu. Ukusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa amantombazane angamatshitshi kuhlale kuphansi futhi lokhu kudalwa yizinto ezahlukene. Abagqugquzeli nabakhuthaza ukusetshenziswa kwezivikelakukhulelwa basemqoka kufaka abantu ezimpilweni zabo, njengabalingani, umndeni namalunga omphakathi. Ukungenelela okuqonde ekukhuliseni isidingo, ukufinyelela nokusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa phakathi kwamatshitshi kumele kufake izindlela ezintsha, kubambe iqhaza futhi kuqaliswe engqikithini yenkambisonqubo yokuyisiko endaweni.enContraceptive Prevalence Rate.Ministry of Health.ASRH.Contraceptive use among adolescent girls in Zambia: a study on adolescents’ needs, preferences and perspectives on contraception methods=Ukusetshenziswa kwezivimbelakukhulelwa ngamantombazane angamatshitshi eZambia: Ucwaningo ngezidingo zamatshitshi, okukhethwayo nemibomo kwezindlela zezivimbelakukhulelwa.Thesis