McCabe, Danny.Bright, Glen.2013-09-122013-09-1220112011 (MBA)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2011.Total Quality Management, (TQM), is an internationally recognized system of improving quality in industry. Globally, academic institutions have also adopted the principles of TQM systems to enhance the quality of their operations. The main aim of this study was to determine whether a TQM system can be implemented at faculty level in a University and what resources would make it sustainable. Research data was obtained by surveying staff and students at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, (UKZN). A probability sample of 330, from a population size of 2500, was drawn from the Faculty of Engineering at UKZN. Qualitative and quantitative data from questionnaires and phenomenological interviews was collected for analysis to meet the studies objectives. A salient feature of the study was that all candidates surveyed believed that a TQM system was needed for the Faculty of Engineering at UKZN. The study also showed that staff and students believed that a TQM system would lead to improved quality, standards, operational efficiency, image and reputation for the Faculty of Engineering. The overall results revealed that a University faculty‟s operations would benefit from improved quality. A TQM system would be the most appropriate method of achieving improved quality across the board. The study led to the development of a TQM system framework and model that would benefit operations in a University faculty. The study can assist other University faculties that want to improve their operations, across the board, by using a TQM system.en-ZAQuality control--KwaZulu-Natal.Education, Higher--Standards--KwaZulu-Natal.Theses--Business administration.Total quality management--KwaZulu-Natal.A total quality management system for a university faculty.Thesis