Kheswa, Siyanda Edison.Mtshali, Noluthando Cynthia.2023-12-182023-12-1820232023 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzurg.The study aimed to explore the role of school libraries and teacher-librarians in promoting reading culture at uThukela District, Bergville Circuit. The circuit currently has 110 schools, and only seven have functional libraries. The Circuit has one public library, which is in town. Studies on the reading culture have been done before, but studies have yet to be conducted within the Bergville Circuit. Most of the studies on this topic were conducted internationally, with a few in the African and South African contexts. The study was guided by an interpretivism paradigm and adopted a qualitative research method using a multiple case study design to collect data through in-depth interviews. The study adopted a purposive sampling technique to select teacher-librarians and principals from seven schools with functional school libraries. The researcher found that factors contributing to the poor reading culture of learners from uThukela District, Bergville Circuit, were: Access to the reading material, poor economic background, illiterate parents, educators’ workload, learners with special needs, and child-headed households. The role of school libraries and teacher-librarians in the promotion of reading culture at uThukela District, Bergville Circuit were: opening the library, organising the books on the shelves, assisting learners in choosing the reading material, providing learners access to books and information, identifying and help learners who are struggling with reading, encourage learners to read, managing and keeping library books safe, monitoring library monitors and creating reading corners and reading competitions. Based on the findings, the study recommends that school libraries should effectively create and sustain a strong reading culture in schools at uThukela District, Bergville Circuit, by ensuring the following: Proper library setup and infrastructure, ensuring learner’s favourite genres are stoked up, Curriculum Integration Plan by educators and school-librarians, attracting new readers and marketing the library, developing programs encouraging learners to read library material and read continuously, storytelling, book recommendation, book clubs, readers cup competitions, read aloud and speeches, getting all educators involved and having the SMT’s involvement in the promotion of the school library usage.enReading in schools.Reading culture.School libraries.The role of school libraries and teacher-librarians in the promotion of reading culture at uThukela district, Bergville Circuit.Thesis