Stewart, Michelle.Velaphi, Limo.2024-02-062024-02-0620232023 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg.A critical analysis of the South African identity in South African animation, focusing on the representation of a South African identity within the animation. The study looks at contemporary South African animations, both, television series and feature films examining the visual language, narratives, themes, and use of language within the animations as well as the key developments within South African animation. The majority of the inquiry is seen through a qualitative collective case study approach looking primarily at the analysis of The Adventures of Noko Mashaba (2013) by Jonas Lekganyane Seal Team (2021) by Triggerfish, followed by a practice-led reflection analysis on the creation of Midnight Escapade. The study is guided by the social identity theory relative to animations’ ability to represent social and cultural identities. Through this analysis, an attempt will be made to assess the current state of representation within South African animation and whether it represents a uniquely South African Identity while attempting to answer the question; to what extent does South African animation explore cultural themes of identity and representation unique to South Africa?enCultural identities.Animation.South Africa.South African.The South African voice in South African animation: a critical examination, via the case study approach, of the South African animation industry and its commitment to representing a local identity.Thesishttps://doi.or/10.29086/10413/22672