Chummun, Bibi Zaheenah.Msane, Nontuthuko Thobile.2022-08-222022-08-2220192019 Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In recent times, companies have come to realise that much attention should be afforded to human resource management considering it is now one of the most significant developments in human resource practice. People are a key to an organisation’s success and an enterprise’s sustainability is highly dependent on the ability to recruit and select high-quality employees. The purpose of this study is to investigate the selection and recruitment practices on business performance and Richards Bay Minerals. The study focused on assessing the existing recruitment and selection practices adopted by the mining company, whether these recruitment and selection practices have an impact on business performance, identifying challenges encountered and making necessary recommendations for improvement based on the findings of the study. The study reviewed literature on recruitment and selection and business performance. The study obtained feedback from a total of 128 respondents, which comprised of one hundred and twenty-five employees in leadership roles and three staff members in the Human Resources Department, by using questionnaires. The Cronbach alpha coefficient was used to measure the internal reliability of the questionnaires and all coefficients were above 0.70. The results of the study revealed that out of all identified recruitment and selection methods, the most frequent used selection was, in the order of ranking, internal recruitment, internet and newspaper advertising. The studies showed that most of the respondents believed that the recruitment and selection practices had an impact on organisational performance. It was discovered that the selecting and recruitment methods were characterised with challenges such as ineffective job analysis, poor human resource planning and poor working conditions. Recommendations were made for RBM to develop and implement an effective communication strategy with all stakeholders involved in the recruitment process which will assist in aligning and understanding the recruitment and selection practices of the business.enRecruitment--Richards Bay Minerals.Business performance--Richards Bay Minerals.Recruitment--Communication strategies.Job analysis--Recruitment process.Investigating the selection and recruitment practices on business performance at Richards Bay Minerals.Thesis