Hoque, Muhammad.Naidoo, Sudhindra.2023-07-252023-07-2520172017https://researchspace.ukzn.ac.za/handle/10413/21984Master’s Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.ABSTRACT Post-Apartheid, KwaZulu-Natal has experienced positive changes in the field of education. While the government has invested heavily in state run educational facilities, the rapid emergence and expansion of private education institutions should not go unnoticed. These institutions have played a critical role by assisting in the country’s transformation process and continue to have an important impact on society’s progression. Recently, the field of private education in KwaZulu-Natal has encountered a significant decrease in employee confidence and an ascent in worker turnover, both of which are suggestive of diminished worker inspiration and reduced employee fulfilment. Research on job satisfaction has become rather popular in recent years. This is mainly due to the beneficial consequences noted as a result of studies conducted within this area of focus. Based on this background, this quantitative study was conducted with the main aim to determine those factors which significantly affected job satisfaction at the C21 Private School in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal. Survey questionnaires were used as the tool for data collection. The questionnaires were self-administered and collected from the respondents upon completion. This was followed on by the process of data analysis. The sample size equalled the population size of 50 individuals. 47 of the 50 individuals eventually participated in the study survey which yielded a relatively high response rate of 94%. Some of the noticeable findings in this study include: age and race were the only two socio-demographic variables to exhibit significant association with job satisfaction (p<0.05), the negative perceptions of staff in relation to job satisfaction mainly revolved around two factors – advancement and leadership, and strong positive correlations were found to exist between environment and culture with relationship with colleagues (r=0.697, p<0.05), environment and culture with job security (r=0.650, p<0.05), relationship with colleagues and job security were found to be significantly associated with each other (r=0.660, p<0.05) and leadership with advancement (r=0.300, p=0.043). The main recommendations that this study proposes is, firstly for leadership at private education institutions like C21 Private School to develop, or regularly revisit if already in place, plans that address team building and better communication among staff members. Secondly, the staff composition should be reviewed and informed by national guidelines in terms of racial transformation. Lastly, it is recommended that the management ensures that working conditions are conducive to skills development and empowerment of staff in order to promote job satisfaction.enEmployee.Motivation.Satisfaction.Factors affecting job satisfaction at Private Education Institutions in KwaZulu-Natal: a study on C21 Private SchoolThesis