School of Management, IT and Governance
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Item Assessing the implementation of electronic consultation in the Ghanaian health sector.(2023) Nketia, Mark Ofori.; Maharaj, Manoj Sewak.The Covid-19 pandemic sparked the buzz word “e-consultation” because people preferred having medical attention remotely. The researcher carried out this study with the aim to help improve access to healthcare by identifying the key issues in the adoption and use of e-consultation in the Ghanaian Health Sector. The study evaluates how e-consultation systems influence the delivery of health care services in hospitals, assesses the attitudes of clinicians and patients towards e-consultation systems and provides a framework to enhance its usage. To assess the implementation of successful e-consultation, the researcher developed a conceptual model that bridged the Delone & Mclean’s IS success model, and Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory to form a suitable model for the study. The research utilized a sequential exploratory method, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to gain an in-depth understanding of the dynamics and challenges associated with e-consultation in the specific context of Ghana. The study found that the implementation of e-consultation is integrated in the internal hospital management system of very few hospitals. Hence most clinicians resort to using e-consultation informally with the help of WhatsApp video, Zoom, phone calls and other open source platforms. Also, it was found that the attitudes of clinicians and patients towards e-consultation implementation is influenced by various factors that range from system quality, information quality, ease of use, connectivity, and education. Besides, the growing concern of privacy and data security issues shows that healthcare providers should strengthen the development of e-consultation information systems. It transpired that the Ministry of Health does not have a suitable policy on software standards for e-consultation. The poor regulatory framework is a major factor contributing to resistance to the use of e-consultation. The rotated factor matrix extracted using the Principal Axis Factoring shows a high level of correlation and consistency among various factors under study. Attitude came first followed by Regulatory framework, acceptance and diffusion. The study, therefore, proposed a model for e-consultation implementation which would help regularize the implementation of e-consultation as well as enhancing the rate of diffusion of e-consultation, its adoption and usage by hospitals and the public.Item Barriers inhibiting women progression to leadership positions within KwaZulu-Natal municipalities: a case of eThekwini Municipality.(2024) Mfungula, Sibongile Fortunate.; Nzimakwe, Thokozani Ian.Despite these several laws that are enshrined in the Constitution, women are still underrepresented in leadership and senior management positions, and there is still much that needs to be done to address gender inequality in the workplace. Gender equality is a top global priority reflecting Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number five which aims to achieve gender equity and empower girls and women equally to their male counterparts. Although women have made unprecedented strides in climbing the ranks of middle management positions in government, they are still less presented in senior leadership positions, particularly in local government which includes municipalities. The study aims to identify and assess barriers that prevent the progression of women in senior leadership positions in municipalities within KwaZulu-Natal, with specific reference to eThekwini Municipality. The study employed a qualitative approach that opts for a phenomenological research design to identify the socio-cultural phenomenon that predominates in municipalities and creates hurdles that hinder women from advancing into top management positions. The data collection used semistructured one-on-one interviews with a purposive sample of 10 managers in various municipal business clusters. With the use of an interpretative paradigm, the researcher was able to elucidate the various realities that women experience in pursuing senior leadership positions within the eThekwini Municipality. The study found that eThekwini Municipality's organisational culture and climate predominantly supported gender prejudices that favoured men. Other factors identified were associated with gender stereotypes that perpetuate traditional roles and functions, which creates unbalanced opportunities and expectations of what women can and cannot do. Similarly, factors that affect them as individuals, such as their lack of confidence, lack of mutual support, and dual responsibility were found to be hindering women’s progression into senior leadership positions. The study also provided a precis of measures that may be taken by the municipality to ensure that gender transformation occurs with greater speed to enable women to advance to top management roles. These include change management programmes, close monitoring of gender policies, empowerment of women, and redress of political interference.Item Challenges facing the Cuban-South African medical collaboration for medical capacity building in KwaZulu-Natal.(2023) Chinniah, Valerie.; Maharaj, Ashika.The South African public healthcare system faces significant disparity between the demand for healthcare services and the availability of skilled medical professionals. To address this, the government collaborated with Cuba to train South African students from disadvantaged backgrounds, with the intention that they would return to serve in underserved areas upon qualification. The aim of the study was to identify challenges at macro, meso, and micro levels of the Cuban-South African medical collaboration. The overarching question was whether the exploration and resolution of the challenges within this collaboration could contribute to optimising the effectiveness of the programme aligned with the WHO’s SDGs for UHC and health care reforms, emphasizing primary health care in South Africa. Drawing on theoretical perspectives including Migration Theory, Resource-Based Theory, and Human Capital Theory, a conceptual model was developed to highlight the importance of investing in human resources for competitive advantage. An exploratory, qualitative study was conducted by reviewing relevant human resources for health policy documents, and through interviews with University of KwaZulu-Natal programme administrators, programme managers and South African students in Cuban cohorts, providing a holistic investigation into the challenges facing the collaboration. Document analysis and purposive snowball sampling methods were utilised to choose pertinent policies, records, and participants for this study. This combined approach aimed to gather comprehensive insights by examining documented policies and capturing the first-hand experiences and perspectives of individuals actively engaged in the Cuban-South African medical collaboration. Thematic analysis of relevant policies revealed misalignment with South Africa's healthcare objectives. Interviews highlighted challenges such as adapting to the institutional and cultural differences, technical, social and psychological hurdles. Despite training in Cuba, students' primary healthcare skills are often under utilised upon their return, emphasizing the need to recognize and preserve these skills for use in underserved areas. Therefore, a model was developed from these findings to guide stakeholders in enhancing the programme experience. The study recommends acknowledging and utilising primary healthcare skills acquired in Cuba to improve healthcare delivery in rural and underserved areas. This could lead to sustained quality healthcare for marginalized communities and contribute to a transformation in healthcare culture.Item Exploring the influence of instant message marketing communication on the attitudes and behavioural intentions of Generation Z consumers in Zimbabwe.(2024) Marumbwa, John.; Govender, Krishna Kistan.The mobile technology revolution has transformed society and business across the globe, with mobile instant messaging applications (MIM apps) now challenging social networking sites (SNS) as the most widely adopted means of communication for individuals and groups. With over 3 billion users across the globe exchanging more than 23 billion messages daily, for marketers, MIM apps present a ubiquitous, pervasive, and rich marketing communications (MC) channel that supports interactive and dialogic communications with young consumers, particularly in developing countries like Zimbabwe. Thus, this study aimed to establish, through a quantitative approach, firstly, the central route and peripheral route characteristics of instant message marketing communications (IMMC) and their influence on the attitude of Gen Z consumers in Zimbabwe, secondly, the influence of subjective norms, perceived control and consumer attitude towards IMMC on behavioural intentions, and thirdly, the moderating role of impulsiveness on the relationship between the attitude of the Gen Z consumers towards IMMC and their behavioural intentions. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire. Stratified sampling method was used to survey 410 Gen Z consumers at Great Zimbabwe University, situated in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. Regarding the central route characteristics of IMMC, the study revealed that informativeness and entertainment did not influence consumer attitude, whereas personalisation had a positive influence and irritation generating a negative association. Notably, all the peripheral route characteristics of IMMC, namely; credibility, interactivity and media richness had a significant and positive influence on the attitude of Gen Z consumers. Concerning the planned behaviour constructs, namely; subjective norms and perceived control, a significant and positive association with consumer attitude was observed, but when tested against behavioural intention, only subjective norms and consumer attitude revealed a significant and positive relationship whilst perceived control demonstrated a negative association. It is recommended that mobile marketing practitioners should consider the peripheral route characteristics of IMMC messages along with personalisation and irritation. It is further suggested that mobile marketing communication planners and designers should consider the influential role of subjective norms and consumer attitude on the behavioural responses of Gen Z consumers.Item The impact of internal marketing and job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector: the case of Zimbabwe=Umthelela Wezokumaketha Wangaphakathi kanye Nokuneliseka Kwezingabunjalo Losizo Emkhakhani wezempilo: Isimo Sase Zimbabwe.(2022) Mutanho, Peter.; Soni, Sanjay Shantilal.Despite the growing concern about service quality in the public health sector in the developing world, studies focusing on internal marketing, job satisfaction and service quality in the public health sector are significantly missing in Zimbabwe. The major purpose of this study was to determine the influence of internal marketing and job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector of Zimbabwe. The current study sought to answer the following questions: What is the influence of internal marketing on job satisfaction in the public health sector? What is the impact of job satisfaction on service quality in the public health sector? And, what is the effect of internal marketing on service quality in the public health sector? A pragmatic philosophy was adopted by the researcher in the current study, which resulted in the use of a mixed-method approach. The mixed-method approach allowed the researcher to use quantitative and qualitative techniques in the same study. A case study design was used, which allowed the researcher to concentrate his efforts on public health workers at Chitungwiza Central Hospital found to have an informed and deep understanding of internal marketing, job satisfaction and service quality. In drawing the sample for the current study, the researcher used stratified sampling to select both health workers and patient participants. Data was collected from a sample of 573 participants who comprised 240 health employees and 333 patients using structured questionnaires and interviews. Quantitative data was then tested using descriptive statistics, multiple linear regressions, explanatory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural modelling. The study ascertained that strategic rewards and organisational structure have a positive relationship with job satisfaction; job satisfaction and service quality-patient are positively related; job satisfaction and service quality and service quality-employee rated are positively related; strategic rewards, organisational structure, organisational culture, and employee empowerment have a statistically significant relationship with both service quality employee-rated and patient-rated. Iqoqa Yize kunokukhula ngokukhathazeka ngezingabunjalo emkhakheni wezempilo kumazwe asathuthuka emhlabeni, ucwaningo olubuka izimakethe zangaphakathi, ukweneliseka ngomsebenzi kanye nosizo kulomkhakha kuyagqoza eZimbabwe. Inhloso enqala yalolu cwaningo kube wukuhlola umthelela wezimakethe zangaphakathi kanye nokweneliseka ngokomsebenzi nezingabunjalo emkhakheni wezempilo eZimbabwe. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuphendula lemibuzo elandelayo: Yini umthelela wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Yini umphumela wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Nokuthi, yini umsebenzi wezimakethe zangaphakathi ekugculisekeni ngokomsebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo? Injulalwazi ye-pragmatic philosophy isetshenziswe ngumcwaningi kulolu cwaningo, okuholele endleleni exubile yocwaningo. Le ndlela exubile yocwaningo ivumele umcwaningi ukuthi asebenzise amasu ekhwalithethivu nalawo ekhwantithethivu, kulo lolu cwaningo. Uhlaka locwaningo lusetshenziselwe ukuvumela umcwaningi ukuba agxile kubasebenzi bomkhakha wezempilo base Chitungwiza Central Hospital abavele njengababambi-qhaza abanothile ngolwazi lwezimakethe zangaphakathi, ukuneliseka ngokomsebenzi nezingabunjalo lokusiza. Ukutomula isampula kulolu cwaningo, umcwaningi usebenzise amasampula asakuhleleka ukuqoka abasebenzi bezempilo neziguli ezingababambiqhaza. Imininingo iqoqwe kubabambi-qhaza abangama-573 abaqukethe abasebenzi bezempilo abangama-240 neziguli ezingama-333 kusetshenziswa izinhlolombuzo ezihlelekile kanye nezingxoxo. Imininingo eyiKhwalithethivu ihlolwe kusetshenziswa izibalo ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) , i-multiple linear regressions, ukuhlaziya amaqiniso ngokuchazayo (explanatory factor analysis) , ukuhlaziya okuqinisekisayo (confirmatory factor analysis) kanye ne structural modelling. Ucwaningo lukuqinisekisile ubukhona bomvuzo ohleliwe kanye nokuhleleka kwesikhungo njengezinto ezenza umphumela omuhle ebudlelwaneni bokugculiseka ngokomsebenzi obuzingabunjalo kokusizakala kweziguli kanye nobuzingabunjalo bokusiza abasebenzi kuhlobene kahle; umvuzo ohleliwe, ukuhleleka kwesikhungo, usiko lwesikhungo kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi kunobudlelwane obumqoka ngokwezibalo nabasebenzi kanye neziguli ezikaliwe.Item Retention challenges of medical specialists and medical officers in the KwaZulu-Natal, Department of Health: the case of Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital.(2024) Mkhize, Hendrica Gugu.; Bob, Urmilla.In the Department of Health, the roles of medical specialists and medical officers are crucial in delivering of healthcare services. The Department needs to employ and retain these employees to fulfill the mission of providing the communities with quality health care. This study, therefore, investigates the retention challenges of medical specialists and medical officers in the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health. The study used the case study of Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital. A qualitative research design was employed in this study. A non-probability sampling was chosen, where open-ended questionnaires were designed for three categories of participants: medical supervisors, medical specialists and medical officers, and human resource practitioners. Each of these categories had a separate questionnaire. Fifty (50) questionnaires were distributed, but only 30 responses were received from the participants. The questionnaires aimed to find out if there were retention challenges and any strategies in place to resolve these challenges. The results of the study showed that there are retention challenges and a shortage of medical employees in the Department of Health. Some of the reasons for these shortages are economic and human resources challenges. This has a negative impact on service delivery as the current employees are overworked and the quality of care is compromised. Although there are strategies in place to retain medical employees as implemented by the Department of Health, the study showed that these strategies are not effective in retaining medical employees in the Department. Therefore, to address this, the study recommends that the management must review the current strategies and that salary reviews are crucial as most employees opt to work in the private sector.Item The design and development of an AI based digital forensic protocol for first responders.(2024) Kumar, Deepak.; Subramaniam, Prabhakar Rontala.In today's society, access to computers and the internet has become indispensable, offering a myriad of opportunities such as online shopping, trading, banking, communication, and social media interaction. However, along with the increasing usage of the internet, there is a corresponding rise in cybercrimes, posing constant threats to organizations. Recent years have witnessed a significant surge in cyber incidents and breaches, exacerbated by emerging technologies like the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the availability of tools such as Crimeware-as-a-Service (CaaS), anonymous technologies like Tor, and the utilization of the Darknet. In response to these challenges, cyber forensic experts and digital investigators must possess the necessary skills and expertise to effectively investigate cybercrimes, analyse electronic evidence found on digital devices, and present findings in a legally acceptable manner. To stay ahead of cybercriminals, digital forensic investigators and first responders must leverage AI and cutting-edge technologies of the 4IR era. This study addresses the evolving cybersecurity landscape by designing an AI-based digital forensic protocol tailored for first responders. Employing a design science research (DSR) methodology, the study develops a novel investigation protocol utilising AI prediction modelling. Additionally, it explores various AI models to create an efficient framework for integrating Machine Learning (ML) and predictive modelling in cybercrime data analysis of a cloud-based dataset. The design and development of Intelligent Digital Evidence Extraction Protocol or I-DEEP, a novel protocol provides a framework to make the process of cybercrime investigation more agile using triaging and quick decision making by predictive analysis. This is accomplished by development and implementation of AI and Machine Learning algorithms.Item The Diasporean I: the Southern African perspectives.(CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 2024) Mutula, Stephen M.Item The Diasporean II: perspectives from beyond Southern Africa.(CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 2024) Mutula, Stephen M.Item The emergence of a new precariat? middle class and the elite professionals in Zimbabwe.(2023) Mapuranga, Martha.; Ruggunan, Shaun Denvor.The purpose of this study was to establish how a precarious socio-economic environment has reconfigured the status of elite professionals from a human resource management perspective in Zimbabwe. There is dearth of empirical studies in human resource management on the effects of the reconfigured middle class and elite professionals in the Global South particularly in Southern Africa. Focus was on three elite professions, namely the medical, legal and the academic. Qualitative research was employed in this study. Fifteen purposively sampled participants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview. Observations and documents were also used to strengthen the data from interviews. Data from interviews was analyzed through phenomenological analysis, while content analysis was used for documents. Data analysis was also aided by QSR also known as NVIVO, a qualitative data analysis software. Findings revealed that elite professionals feel a sense of disequilibrium in their salaries and income. This is due to the fact that they are now comparing themselves with other occupations in lower categories within their country as well as professionals in the same category but beyond their boarders. This therefore causes high outmigration of elite professionals with remaining professionals resorting to other strategies of augmenting/supplementing their meagre salaries. These include less engagement in training and development programs, career planning and progression as well as job satisfaction and job engagement level. It was also revealed that financial rewards are not hygiene factors but motivational factors when it comes to unstable economic environment like the current situation in Zimbabwe. This was evidenced by findings, which indicated that elite professionals are engaging in unorthodox means to supplement their salaries. Therefore, responsible entities dealing with professionals should restructure their reward polices to suite elite professionals so as to improve their job satisfaction, job engagement as well as development programs since these professionals offer their expertise that improves the performance of the country. It was concluded that, there is no universal definition of middle class as elite professionals no longer hold the middle class characteristics like other elite fields globally.Item The impact of irregular expenditure and non-compliance on the financial sustainability of the eThekwini Municipality.(2023) Mdluli, Brian Ayanda.; Pelser, Theunis Gert.; Dubihlela, Jobo.Municipal Financial Management Act No.56 of 2003 (MFMA) was passed by the National Treasury to ensure the effective management of municipal finances. The Act requires that municipalities should have sound and sustainable management of their financial affairs and establish measures to prevent irregular expenditure. However, there have been persistent irregular expenditure reports every year, which is an indication of non – compliance. The study's main aim is to investigate the impact of irregular expenditure and non-compliance on the financial sustainability of the eThekwini Municipality. The research addresses the following questions: ⮚ What is irregular expenditure in the eThekwini municipality as described by Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA)? ⮚ What is the implication of non-compliance with the Supply Chain Management (SCM) and Municipal Financial Management Act (MFMA)? ⮚ Why has eThekwini municipality not implemented measures to keep irregular expenditure as low as possible? ⮚ What actions have been taken to decrease the growing number of irregular expenditures and corruption? Despite the MFMA's being passed into law, research shows that several legislative Acts related to municipal finance management are in place to guarantee better municipal budgeting and effective procedures for controlling spending. The literature was made up of books, journal articles, laws, and government policy documents. A qualitative research strategy provided the most effective tools to investigate the study topic. Interviews with 20 top officials who are important figures in the Municipality were scheduled to gather data. These officials included members of the provincial and local governments, and the auditor general. Data was analyzed using content analysis. According to the report, the eThekwini Municipality has become unstable because of the improper hiring of officials and a high rate of senior and experienced personnel turnover. Other difficulties were the Internal Audit unit's insufficient capacity and the absence of an independent audit committee to ensure a functional and effective Internal Audit unit and compliance with supply chain management principles. The report suggests that a highly competent Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Deputy City Manager of Trading Services, Head of Expenditure, and Internal Audit unit be appointed to improve governance. It also advises that an independent Audit Committee be established.Item The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the taxi industry in South Africa.(2024) Moeng, Thabo Olehile Zacharia.; Mubangizi, Betty Claire.The overriding purpose of this study was to determine the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) on the South African Taxi Industry. The study draws on a statistical model that put into account the socioeconomic and/or sociodemographic framework of the taxi industry in the country. As such, the study adopted an explorative quantitatve research approach for collecting and analysing the collated data. The use of an explanatory research approach allows the researcher to provide an in-depth evaluation, investigation, understanding and insight analysis about the impact of the Covid-19 on the industry and the current state of the industry postpandemic. Consequently, a survey research design was used to enrolled 152 participants to participate in the study. The findings of this study demonstrated how the pandemic exposed the precarious working conditions faced by taxi drivers and taxi marshals. The phenomenon is not new, but for the first time in the speculation of this phenomenon, the current study was able to quantify the extend this phenomenon has on rank marshals and taxi drivers. For example, the descriptive analysis of this study revealed that most of the respondents (92.8%) reported that the taxi industry experienced loss of income during the heat of the pandemic. As for job insecurity being elevated during the pandemic, the results showed that (38.8%) of respondents were neutral about their responses, but (38.8%) were equally in agreement that it was elevated. Despite the descriptive results indicating that many of participants (71%) did not lose their jobs during the pandemic, the analysis revealed that the majority (57.2%) feared losing their businesses and/or jobs during the pandemic. In addition, there was agreement among most respondents (91.5%) that the pandemic resulted in a loss of taxi drivers and operators. Unfortunately, taxi owners and taxi drivers have a long history of exploitative labour arrangements in South Africa's minibus taxi industry, which seems to maximize profits at all costs for taxi owners at the detriment of the rank marshals who are at the lowest rank of the food chain followed by taxi drivers. A lack of formal work contracts was one of the primary reasons for this. Since minibus taxis operate in the informal sector and do not receive subsidies, it is not possible to implement subsidies within the industry without an accounting system.Item The perception and attitude of generation Z consumers on e-cigarette marketing: a University of KwaZulu-Natal perspective.(2022) Zungu, Lindeliwe.; Oodith, Devina.E-cigarette awareness over the past few years, has experienced a notable increase especially among the youth. E-cigarettes have been promoted heavily on the internet and on social media websites which reach millions of young people (Payne, Orellana-Barrios, Medrano Juarez, Buscemi and Nugent, 2016). E-cigarette marketers also use eye-catching, colourful and innovative packaging to attract the youth. Therefore, this study aims to quantitatively examine the perception and attitude of Generation Z consumers on e-cigarette marketing. The study focuses on the perception and attitude of Generation Z (UKZN) students on e cigarette marketing. In particular the perception and attitude of students towards e-cigarette use, smoking cessation, health risks/benefits, packaging as a marketing tool and regulation of e-cigarettes will be examined. A sample of 375 students from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Westville campus was drawn using a non-probability convenience sampling technique to generate the results. Participants completed the online questionnaire compromising of four sections. Section A was based on the biographical information of participants. Sections B, C and D were related to questions pertaining to the sub-dimensions of the study. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were assessed using factor analysis and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha respectively. Descriptive and inferential statistics were employed to initiate the results of the study. The empirical results of this study indicate that there is a significant positive relationship between the marketing influence of e-cigarettes and the influence of packaging regulation in South Africa respectively, at a 1% level of significance. There is a significant difference in the perceptions of students, varying in biographical profiles (gender, age, race, study programme and level of study) regarding each dimension of the study. Recommendations from the results of the study provide insight to policymakers and provide them with the power to counter these marketing strategies appropriately.Item Understanding the influence of organisational culture on service quality in private hospitals in Ghana=Ukuqonda umthelela wesiko lenhlangano kukhwalithi yesevisi ezibhedlela ezizimele eGhana.(2023) Ashley, Nicholas.; Parumasur, Sanjana Brijball.Abstract The idea that organisational culture influences service quality, which in turn has effect on both clients and employees, has gained extensive recognition in both academia and organisational practices. This study investigates the influence of organisational culture on service quality in private hospitals in Ghana. The present study also utilised employee engagement as mediating variable. Organisational culture, service quality and employee engagement all remain a major issue in Ghana, both in private and government institutions. Hence, creating a culture that is favourable to providing quality services and encouraging employee engagement is significant for ideal organisational results. The study adopted a mixed method approach using both qualitative and quantitative data. This study was carried out on a sample of 367 participants using a simple random sampling approach and 15 participants selected using a purposive sampling method from selected private hospitals located in Accra-Ghana. The researcher collected data electronically using both questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The psychometric properties (validity and reliability) were statistically evaluated using Factor Analysis and Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha respectively. The quantitative data was evaluated using both descriptive and inferential statistics and the qualitative data was examined using thematic analyses. There were high perceptions of organisational culture (involvement, consistency, adaptability, mission), service quality (reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy, responsiveness) as well as employment engagement (vigour, absorption, dedication). This study specifies that there is no significant relationship between organisational culture and service quality. Additionally, this study indicates that there is no significant between relationship between employee engagement and service quality. This study examined the inter-connections of the variables and their effect on the biographic profiles. Additionally, the study states that there is a significant relationship between organisational culture and employee engagement. Furthermore, organisational culture and employee engagement significantly account for 26.1% of the variance service quality. Iqoqa Umbono wokuthi isiko lenhlangano lithonya izinga lesevisi, elibuye libe nomthelela kuwo womabili amaklayenti kanye nabasebenzi, usuthole ukuqashelwa okubanzi kuzo zombili izinqubo zezemfundo nenhlangano. Lolu cwaningo luphenya umthelela wesiko lenhlangano ekhwalithini yesevisi ezibhedlela ezizimele eGhana. Ucwaningo lwamanje luphinde lwasebenzisa ukuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi njengokuguquguquka kokulamula. Isiko lenhlangano, ikhwalithi yesevisi nokusebenzelana nabasebenzi konke kusalokhu kuyindaba enkulu eGhana, ezikhungweni ezizimele nezikahulumeni. Ngakho-ke, ukudala isiko elivumela ukuhlinzeka ngezinsizakalo ezisezingeni eliphezulu nokukhuthaza ukuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi kubalulekile emiphumelweni ekahle yenhlangano. Ucwaningo lwamukele indlela exubile esebenzisa idatha esezingeni eliphezulu kanye neyobuningi. Lolu cwaningo lwenziwe ngesampula yabahlanganyeli abangu-367 kusetshenziswa indlela elula yokusampula okungahleliwe futhi ababambiqhaza abangu-15 bakhetha ukusebenzisa indlela yesampula ehlosiwe ezibhedlela ezikhethiwe ezizimele ezise-Accra-Ghana. Umcwaningi uqoqe idatha nge-elekthronikhi esebenzisa kokubili uhlu lwemibuzo kanye nezingxoxo ezihlelekile. Izici ze-psychometric (ukufaneleka nokuthembeka) zihlolwe ngokwezibalo kusetshenziswa i-Factor Analysis kanye ne-Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha ngokulandelanayo. Idatha yobuningi yahlolwa kusetshenziswa kokubili izibalo ezichazayo nezingenangqondo futhi idatha yekhwalithi yahlolwa kusetshenziswa ukuhlaziya okuyindikimba. Kube nemibono ephezulu yesiko lenhlangano (ukuzibandakanya, ukungaguquguquki, ukuzivumelanisa nezimo, umgomo), ikhwalithi yesevisi (ukwethembeka, isiqiniseko, izinto ezibambekayo, uzwela, ukusabela) kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini (ukuqina, ukumunca, ukuzinikela). Lolu cwaningo lucacisa ukuthi abukho ubudlelwano obubalulekile phakathi kwesiko lenhlangano nekhwalithi yesevisi. Ukwengeza, lolu cwaningo lubonisa ukuthi akukho okubalulekile phakathi kobudlelwane phakathi kokuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi kanye nekhwalithi yesevisi. Lolu cwaningo luhlole ukuxhumana phakathi kwezinto eziguquguqukayo kanye nomthelela wazo kumaphrofayili e-biography. Ukwengeza, ucwaningo luthi kunobudlelwano obubalulekile phakathi kwesiko lenhlangano nokuzibandakanya kwabasebenzi. Ngaphezu kwalokho, isiko lenhlangano nokusebenzelana nabasebenzi kubaluleke kakhulu ku-26.1% wekhwalithi yesevisi ehlukile.Item Unhealthy food advertising to South African children through television: a content analysis.(2022) Bissoon, Tasvir Neeraj.; Arbee, Aradhna.The extensive advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages has been identified by the World Health Organization as a factor that contributes significantly to childhood obesity. In 2020, one in eight African children were either overweight or obese. The South African government has yet to establish a law that tackles the issue of food advertising to children. This study aimed to determine the extent to which children in South Africa are exposed to unhealthy food advertisements on television, as well as the advertising appeals and promotional strategies used by advertisers of such foods in an effort to appeal to children. Previous South African content analyses have only sampled free-to-air channels whereas this study incorporated one free-to-air channel (SABC 1) and one subscription-based channel (M-Net), thereby including children from different socio-economic backgrounds. This study used a descriptive research design and a mixed methods research approach that was largely qualitative in nature. A total of 41 hours (spread over 14 consecutive days) of television was recorded on M-Net and SABC 1, during popular viewing hours for children. Data was extracted from the recorded television advertisements and analysed using deductive content analysis, to address the research questions about the extent and nature of such advertising. The findings show that 67% of food-related advertisements involved unhealthy foods. Furthermore, fast foods were the most frequently advertised unhealthy food category. Therefore, this study serves as a rationale for the implementation of stronger regulations for food advertising to children in South Africa. This study also revealed that South African children are exposed to more unhealthy foods on free-toair television than on subscription-based television. This indicates that middle-to-low-income households view advertisements for unhealthy foods more regularly than middle-to-high-income households. The findings further indicate that, within unhealthy food advertisements, emotional appeals and jingles or slogans were the most-utilised advertising appeals and promotional strategies.