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Item An analysis of pre-service mathematics teachers’ geometric thinking and classroom discourse using a commognitive lens.(2022) Larbi, Ernest.; Mudaly, Vimolan.Learning geometry equips learners with cognitive skills such as visualisation, critical thinking, spatial reasoning and problem-solving abilities, that are necessary for learning mathematics in general. However, geometry is noted to be difficult for learning as well as teaching. An investigation of this difficulty, especially with teachers, will help address its teaching and learning. The purpose of this study was to analyse pre-service teachers’ geometric thinking and classroom discourse using the commognitive lens. The study was guided by three objectives, which were to analyse the pre-service teachers' discursive thinking in geometry; the nature of their routine thinking in solving the geometric tasks, and how these informed their classroom geometric discourse. The study aligned itself to the qualitative approach and was underpinned by the interpretivist research paradigm. Eight pre-service teachers who were second-year university students and had taken geometry as part of their programme modules, participated in the study. The study site was conveniently selected, whilst the participants were selected on purposively. Geometry worksheet (test), interview and classroom observation, were used to generate written, verbal (oral) response, and visual data in relation to the study objectives. The data was analysed using the themes of the commognitive framework. The results show that both literate and colloquial word use were found in the discourses of the pre-service teachers. Many participants in Group A used more literate words to define and explain geometric concepts and how they solved the geometry problems, than the participants in Group B, who used both literate and colloquial words. Also, the routine solution strategies of many in Group A showed more of an explorative way of thinking compared to those in Group B, who demonstrated more of a ritualised way of thinking. In addition, multiple solutions to tasks were found by many of Group A participants than those in Group B. Generally, many of the study participants demonstrated limited geometric thinking. Misconceptions were evident in the discourses of some pre-service teachers in both groups. Other key findings from the classroom observation were that, many participants in Group A demonstrated an explorative instruction that is characterised by developing learner understanding and using different kinds of visual mediators as compared to participants in Group B, whose classroom geometric discourse was ritualised in nature. In other words, their teaching was more procedure-driven than conceptual. The study concludes that many of the PSTs possess limited geometric thinking. In addition, those who possessed good geometric thinking were more capable of engaging learners in explorative instruction compared to those with limited geometric thinking. These findings may have an influence on mathematics teacher educators’ efforts to develop teaching competence among pre-service teachers.Item Investigating the optimisation of South African university library budgets in an austerity environment = Ukuphenya ngokusetshenziswa kahle kweSabelomali somtapo wezincwadi wasenyuvesi yaseNingizimu Afrika endaweni ene-austerity environment.(2023) Chatikobo, Chiratidzo Nyadzai.; Hoskins, Ruth Geraldine Melonie.South African Research University Libraries (SARULs) strive to provide essential information resources to support their universities' learning, teaching, research, and community engagement functions. However, the ever-tightening library budgets reduce library resources in South Africa (SA) and worldwide. The existing optimisation strategies appear to be short-term, spontaneous, and unsustainable. There is, therefore, a need to develop long-term sustainable optimisation strategies. The purpose of this study was to investigate the optimisation of South African university library budgets in an austerity environment. In so doing, the following research objectives were pursued: firstly, to determine if austerity budgets were the only problem causing the shrinking of library resources. Secondly, this study sought to establish what optimisation strategies were in place and their sustainability. Thirdly, to investigate if the Theory of Constraints (TOC) could be used successfully to optimise SARULs’ budgets in an austerity environment. This study adopted the qualitative research approach and employed in-depth interviews to collect primary data from purposively sampled respondents through WhatsApp, Skype, and Microsoft Teams. The study’s target population consisted of 42 respondents selected from six research universities in SA according to the Carnegie Cooperation of New York (CCNY) classification. The universities were Rhodes University (RU), Stellenbosch University (SU), University of Cape Town (UCT), University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), University of Pretoria (UP), and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). Data on the reasons for shrinking library resources and optimisation strategies were collected. Thematic content analysis was used to clarify the meaning of the qualitative data. Qualitative data collected were analysed using ATLAS ti.22. The findings of this study revealed that only paid-for resources were shrinking, while there was an information explosion on alternative Open Access (OA) resources for libraries to access. Several reasons for the shrinking of library resources and optimisation strategies were brought to the fore by the librarian and Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research (DVC:R) respondents. It was of concern that some optimisation strategies were not long-term but aimed at short-term solutions. The study concluded that there was a need to develop long-term, sustainable optimisation strategies that would help strengthen SARULs role as a learning resource centre. The study would contribute to the body of knowledge by recommending policies and practices that would help optimise budgets. This would help decision-makers make informed decisions when supporting libraries with financial and technical assistance. Extending this study to other SA universities with different resources and experiences could be a valuable avenue for future research. Iqoqa. Imitapo yolwazi yamanyuvesi aseNingizimu-Afrikha ilwela ukuhlinzeka ngezinsiza zolwazi ezibalulekile ukuze isekele ukufunda, ukufundisa, ukucwaninga, kanye nemisebenzi yamanyuvesi. Kodwa-ke, isabelomali semitapo yolwazi esihlale sincipha siletha izithiyo ekuhlinzekweni kwezinsiza eNingizimu-Afrikha nasemhlabeni jikelele. Amasu okuthuthukisa akhona abonakala engezesikhathi esifushane, ayazenzekela, futhi angasimami. Kunesidingo sokuthuthukisa amasu okuthuthukisa okuzoletha imiphumela yesikhathi eside. Lolu cwaningo luphenye ukwenziwa kahle kwesabelomali semitapo yolwazi yamanyuvesi aseNingizimu-Afrika esimweni esinzima. Izinhlosongqangi ebezifezwa yilolu cwaningo yilezi: okokuqala, ukuthola ukuthi ngabe isabelomali sokungabi namali bekuyiyona yini inkinga edala ukuncipha kwezinsiza zomtapo wolwazi. Okwesibili, ukuthola ukuthi yimaphi amasu okwenza kahle abekhona kanye nokusimama kwawo. Okwesithathu, ukuphenya ukuthi injulalwazi yokuncishishwa kwezinto, iTheory of Constraints, ingasetshenziswa yini ngempumelelo ukuze kuthuthukiswe ibhajethi yomtapo wolwazi. Lolu cwaningo oluyikhwalithethivu lukhiqize imininingo lusebenzisa izingxoxo ukukhiqiza imininingo njengoba injalo kubahlanganyeli abakhethwe ngenhloso kusetshenziswa uWhatsApp, iSkype kanye neMicrosoft Teams. Abahlanganyeli bocwaningo kwakungabantu abangu-42 abakhethwe emanyuvesi ayisithupha eNingizimu-Afrikha kulandelwa uhlelo lweCarnegie Cooperation yaseNew York. Amanyuvesi abandakanyeka kulolu cwaningo yiRhodes, iStellenbosch, iNyuvesi yaseKapa, iNyuvesi yaKwaZulu-Natali, iNyuvesi yasePitoli, kanye neNyuvesi yaseWitwatersrand. Kwakhiqizwa imininingo ngezizathu zokuncipha kwezinsiza zomtapo wolwazi namasu okuzithuthukisa. Imininingo eyikhwalithethivu yahlaziywa kusetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziya ngokwezindikimba kusetshenziswe ukucacisa incazelo yedatha yekhwalithethivu. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo iveze ukuthi izinsiza ezikhokhelwe kuphela ebezincipha, kanti ukusebenzisa ulwazi olutholakala kwezobuchwepheshe kona kwenyuke ngesivinini esikhulu. Izizathu ezimbalwa zokuncipha kwezinsiza zemitapo yolwazi kanye namasu okuzithuthukisa zabekwa phambili ngabahlanganyeli ukuthi amanye amasu okuthuthukisa ayengezona izixazululo zesikhathi eside. Ucwaningo luphethe ngokuthi kunesidingo sokuthuthukisa amasu aletha imiphumela yesikhathi eside naqhubekayo azoqinisa imitapo yolwazi njengezikhungo zezinsizakufunda. Lolu cwaningo lukwazile ukwengeza olwazini olukhona ngokuphakamiswa ukubhalwa kwezinqubomgomo nezinqubo ezingasiza ekuthuthukiseni isabelomali. Lokhu kuzosiza abasemandleni ukuthi benze izinqumo ezinolwazi lapho besekela imitapo yolwazi ngosizo lwezezimali nobuchwepheshe. Ukusabalalisa lolu cwaningo nakwamanye amanyuvesi anezinsiza ezahlukene kanye nolwazi kungasiza ekwenziweni kocwaningo lwangomuso.Item Performance evaluation of service quality and user satisfaction in selected Zimbabwe university libraries.(2024) Ndinde, Shadreck.; Olasina, Gbolahan.This study examines the performance evaluation of service quality and user satisfaction in selected Zimbabwe university libraries. The study objectives were to establish reasons for the criticality of performance evaluation in university libraries, to identify the aspects of performance evaluation standards that contribute the most to service quality and user satisfaction, to examine how the service quality of libraries is affected by technologies, to assess service quality characteristics that contribute to user satisfaction, and to evaluate the decline in the usage statistics of the selected university libraries This study aimed to determine the centrality of the performance assessment of service quality and user satisfaction. The focus is on the selected institutions in Zimbabwe. The study further identifies the contextual areas affecting service quality, user satisfaction, and performance evaluation methods. It provides an opportunity to advance our knowledge of library operations and services, improve our understanding of user expectations, and enhance efficient service delivery. This is crucial in the Information Science fraternity in several ways. For instance, the theoretical perspectives of the study are intended to provide and contribute to the knowledge of performance evaluation of service quality and user satisfaction in university libraries in Zimbabwe. The study adopts the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) as the theoretical lens to view the research hypotheses. It also uses a pragmatic paradigm to address the different research questions. The study also employs a combined quantitative and qualitative approach using a survey questionnaire, interviews, and observation for data collection. A survey questionnaire was administered to 1330 postgraduate library users, and semi structured interviews were conducted with nine purposively selected library managers. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic analysis, while quantitative data were analysed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) 2021 to generate descriptive and inferential statistics to actualise the study's objectives. The reliability and validity of the instruments were ascertained through test retest reliability using Cronbach’s alpha on 30 postgraduate students from a university that was not selected. A reliability analysis was conducted on an instrument comprising 43 items. The Cronbach’s alpha showed that the questionnaire had acceptable reliability (α = 0.852). The study adhered to the ethical protocol of the University of KwaZulu Natal. The study findings established that respondents strongly felt that performance evaluation, user feedback, and user suggestions of library services are more critical to library performance and improving library services. The results revealed that library policies, procedures, and regulations affect most service quality and user satisfaction. The findings of this study showed that the use of computers has increased library performance. It was also found that physical library visits declined owing to the proliferation of technologies. The findings indicate that libraries have resources and facilities that meet users’ needs. The library staff were highly commendable. The study concludes that variables such as performance evaluation, service quality, and user satisfaction contribute to library service quality. The study also concluded that university libraries that subscribe to local and international associations and organisations develop more in their management. The selected libraries can raise their standards by becoming members of local and international associations. It was concluded that the availability of electronic resources enhances research quality by supplementing hard copies. University libraries should invest in electronic resources and ensure that they subscribe to various of these resources to increase the accessibility of their collections. The study recommended that work on performance measurement and evaluation be performed regularly. Every academic library's measurement and evaluation team must suggest proper planning for conducting performance surveys. The study also recommends that specific standards be observed to allow university libraries to use different indicators and the revised standards procedures in their operations. There was a need for collaborative efforts through national associations (ZimLA), Zimbabwe Library Consortia, and other international associations (IF LA, AFLIA and American Library Association (ALA). The study recommends that university libraries keep pace with the latest technological advancements. The study also recommends that library management create a section in the library dedicated to eliciting user needs. This study also recommends that library staff be trained and retrained on how to maintain library statistics. The findings, conclusions, and recommendations will help university libraries strengthen their systems and strategies for improving the provision of their services. More importantly, evidence based modern benchmarking tools will usher in a new dimension of managing university libraries. The study proposes a more refined model and instrument for measuring the service quality and user satisfaction of libraries. Finally, this study has the potential to improve the user experience of university libraries. Iqoqa. Lolu cwaningo luhlola ukusebenza kwezingabunjalo kanye nokwaneliseka kwabasebenzisa imitapo yolwazi ekhethiweyo enyuvesi yaseZimbabwe. Inhloso yocwaningo ngukuthola izizathu zobucayi bokuhlola ukusebenza emitwapweni yolwazi yenyuvesi, ukuveza izinkomba zamazinga okuhlola ukusebenza aholela kakhulu ezingabunjalweni lokusebenza kanye nokwaneliseka kwabayisebenzisayo, ukuhlola ukuthi izingabunjalo lokusebenza kwemitapo yolwazi linomthelela onjani ekusebenzeni kwezobucwepheshe, ukubheka ubunjalo bezinga lokusebenza obunomthelela ekwanelisekeni kwabayisebenzisayo, kanye nokuhlola ukwehla ekusebenzisekeni ngokwezinombolo kwemitapo yolwazi ekhethiweyo enyuvesi. Lolu cwaningo luhlose ukuthola isizinda sokuhlola kokusebenza kwezingabunjalo lomsebenzi kanye nokweneliseka kwabayisebenzisayo. Kugxilwe ezikhungweni ezikhethiweyo eZimbabwe. Ucwaningo luphinde lukhombe izizinda okugxilwe kuzo ezinomthelela wezinga lokusebenza, ukweneliseka kwabayisebenzisayo kanye nezindlela zokuhlola ukusebenza. Lunikeza ithuba ukuthuthukisa ulwazi lwethu lokusebenza kwemitapo yolwazi kanye nemisebenzi yayo, ukuthuthukisa ukuqonda kwethu kokulindeleke ngabayisebenzisayo, kanye nokukhulisa izidingo zokusebenza ezigculisayo. Lokhu kusemqoka kakhulu emphakathini weSayensi Yezolwazi ngezindlela eziningi. Njengokuthi nje, izindlelakubuka ngenjulalwazi yocwaningo zihlose ukunikeza futhi zibe nomthelela elwazini lokuhlola ukusebenza kwezingakusebenza kanye nokweneliseka kwabayisebenzisayo emitapweni yolwazi enyuvesi yaseZimbabwe. Ucwaningo lusebenzisa iNjulalwazi Yokuvumelana Kokulindelekile, i-Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) njengesibuko senjulalwazi ukubuka izihlawumbiselo zocwaningo. Lusebenzisa futhi ipharadaymu yokungenzeka ukuphendula imibuzo yocwaningo eyehlukene. Ucwaningo luphinde futhi lusebenzise ngokuhlanganyela indlelande yezinombolo kanye neyobunjalo botho ngokusebenzisa uhlamibuzo lwesaveyi, izingxoxo, kanye nokubukela ukuqoqa imininingo. Uhlamibuzo lwesaveyi lwasetshenziswa kubasebenzisi bomtapo wolwazi asebeneziqu abayi-1330, kanye nezingxoxo ezisakuhleleka zenziwa nabaphathi bomtapo wolwazi abakhethwe ngenhloso. Imininingo yekhwalithethivu yahlaziywa ngokusebenzisa ukuhlaziya ngezindikimba, kanti imininingo yezinombolo yahlaziywa ngokusebenzisa iStatistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) 2021 ukuthola izinombolo ezichazayo kanye nezibalo zokungase kwenzeke ukuqondisa kahle izinhloso zocwaningo. Ukwethembeka kanye nokukholakala kwamathuluzi asetshenzisiwe kwaqinisekiswa ngokuvivinya okuphindaphindayo kusetshenziswa iCronbach’s alpha kubafundi asebeneziqu abangama-30 basenyuvesi ekhathethiwe. Ukuhlaziya kokwethembeka kwenziwa ngethuluzi elinezinhlaka ezingama-43. ICronbach’s alpha yaveza ukuthi uhlamibuzo lwaba nokwethembeka okwamukelekile (α = 0.852). Ucwaningo lwahambisana nenqubo yenkambiso elungileyo yasenyuvesi yaKwaZulu-Natali. Imiphumela yocwaningo yaveza ukuthi abahlanganyeli bezwa sengathi ukuhlola kokusebenza, izimpendulo zabasebenzisa imitapo yolwazi, kanye neziphakamiso zabasebenzisa umtapo wolwazi ngokusebenza komtapo wolwazi kugxile kakhulu ekusebenzeni komtapo wolwazi kanye nasekuthuthukiseni ukusebenza komtapo wolwazi. Imiphumela yaveza ukuthi imigomo yomtapo wolwazi, izinqubo, kanye nendlelakusebenza kunomthelela omkhulu kwizingabunjalo lomsebenzi kanye nokweneliseka kwasebenzisi bemitapo yolwazi. Lolu cwaningo lwaveza ukuthi ukusebenzisa amakhompyutha sekwenyuse ukusebenza komtapo wolwazi. Kwatholakala futhi ukuthi ukuvakashela umtapo ngumuntu bukhoma sekwehlile ngenxa yokusabalala kokusebensa ngobuchwepheshe. Imiphumela iveza ukuthi imitapo yolwazi inezinsizakusebenza ezihlangabezana nezidingo zabasebenzisi bemitapo yolwazi. Abasebenzi basemtapweni wolwazi banconywa kakhulu. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokuthi amavarebhuli afana nokuhlola ukusebenza, izingakusebenza, kanye nokweneliseka kwabasebenzisi bomtapo wolwazi kunomthelela kwizingakusebenza lomtapo wolwazi. Ucwaingo luphinde luphethe ngokuthi imitapo yolwazi yasenyuvesi iyahambelana nezinhlangano zangaphakathi zezwe nezamazwe angaphandle futhi izinhlangano zithuthukisa amakhono azo okuphatha kakhulu. Imitapo yolwazi ekhethiweyo ingaphakamisa amazinga ayo ngokuba amalunga ezinhlangano zamazwe angaphakathi kanye nezamazwe ngamazwe. Kwavela ukuthi ukuba khona kwezinsizakusebenza zobuchwepheshe kukhuphula izingabunjalo locwaningo ngokuthatha indawo yamakhophi aqoshiwe. Imitapo yolwazi yasenyuvesi kumele ifake amandla emali ezinsizeni kusebenza zobuchwepheshe bese iqinisekisa ukuthi bayabhalisa kulezi zinsizakusebenza ezahlukehlukene ukukhuphula ukungeneleka kwamaqoqo abo olwazi. Ucwaningo luphakamisa ukuthi umsebenzi wokukala ukusebenza kanye nokuhlola kumele kwenzeke njalo. Zonke izikalo zomtapo wolwazi wemfundo kanye nethimba lokuhlola kumele kuphakamise uhlelo olufanelekile ukuqhuba umsebenzi wamasaveyi. Ucwaningo luyaphakamisa futhi amazinga athile kumele abhekwe ukuvulela imitapo yolwazi yenyuvesi ukusebenzisa izinkomba ezehlukahlukene bese kubuyekezwa izinqubo sokusebenza. Bekunesidingo semizamo yokusebenzisana nezinhlangano zesizwe (ZimLA), Inhlangano Yemitapo Yolwazi yaseZimbabwe, kanye nezinye izinhlangano zamazwe angaphandle (IFLA, AFLIA kanye ne-American Library Association (ALA)). Ucwaningo luphakamisa ukuthi imitapo yolwazi yasenyuvesi ihambisane nokuthuthuka kokusebenza kobuchwepheshwe. Ucwaningo luphakamisa ukuthi ubuholi bomtapo wolwazi buqambe uhlaka olubhekelela izidingo zabasebenzi bomtapo wolwazi. Ucwaningo luphakamisa futhi ukuthi abasebenzi bomtapo wolwazi baqeqeshwe ngokuphindiwe ukugcina izinombolo zomtapo wolwazi. Imiphumela, isiphetho, kanye neziphakamiso kuzokwelekelela imitapo yolwazi yasenyuvesi ukuthi kukhulise izindlela zabo kanye namasu okuthuthukisa ukunikezela ngemisebenzi yabo. Ikakhulukazi, amathuluzi okusebenzisana nabanye esimanje nanobufakazi kuzokwelekeleka ukubhekelela ubungako obusha bokwengamela imitapo yolwazi enyuvesi. Ucwaningo luphakamisa imodeli ecolisekile kanye nethuluzi lokukala izingakusebenza lemitapo yolwazi kanye nokweneliseka kwabayisebenzisayo. Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo lunokukwazi ukuthuthukisa isimo sabasebenzisa imitapo yolwazi yenyuvesi.Item Racial integration in post-apartheid South African desegregated high schools: a case study of multi-racial teacher perspectives at one high school in the Western Cape.(2022) Chetty, Kumresh Sivalingum.; Mutereko, Sybert.The literature reveals the deleterious role of race and racism and its impact on society, particularly at post-apartheid desegregated schools, including the concomitant racial integration challenges. It also suggests that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is among the most apt approaches to effect social change and social justice at these beleaguered schools. Data/research from several studies highlights that racism and racist incidents have plagued post-apartheid desegregated schools since the advent of democracy. Most recently, media reports have again highlighted newer cases of racism and racist incidents taking place at post-apartheid desegregated schools. The field of research interest focusing on teachers in relation to the challenges of reintegration in post-apartheid schools has not been totally exhausted. The research to date has tended to focus more on teacher reactions and responses but rarely propound teacher-led initiatives and interventions. This research study sought to explore how teacher-led initiatives and interventions relate to their directly addressing the challenges of racial integration in post-apartheid desegregated schools, especially the schools in which they actually teach. This research project was a mono-method interpretivist qualitative study. It employed one qualitative data collection method and a corresponding qualitative analysis procedure. Purposeful or judgmental sampling was the sampling procedure used to select the research participants. Data was collected through interviews from four multi-racial teachers who were based at President High School in the Western Cape. The computer-aided qualitative analysis of the data gathered through thematic analysis compared the responses of the four teachers. It indicated that there was significant variation in their responses based on race. This was beneficial due to their intimate knowledge of the racial integration challenges faced at post-apartheid desegregated schools. This related to a disjuncture between policy and practice; teachers lacked formal conflict management skills which were needed to teach in racially diverse classrooms. This Political Science study highlights that the national and provincial departments of education need to be cognisant of the research inputs and outputs of teachers as political actors. This is informed by their interventions and recommendations in addressing the current educational crises of racism and racist incidents taking place at schools.Item Second-year Social Science students’ perceptions of electronic information resources at the University of Kwazulu-Natal.(2024) Jalubane, Joyfull Bongumusa.; Kheswa, Siyanda Edison.This study was aimed at investigating the perceptions of second-year social science students about electronic information resources offered by the UKZN library. The study sought to establish the extent of use and perceptive factors that influence the use of electronic information resources. The study was based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) developed by Davis (1989). This study adopted a quantitative research approach as it is underpinned by a positivist worldview that has been adopted as an underpinning paradigm. Furthermore, this approach is consistent with the adopted descriptive research design, which allowed the researcher to generalise the findings of the study to a greater audience. This study's population was comprised of second-year students registered for the Bachelor of Social Science programme offered at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. This population was important to this study as it sought to uncover student perceptions based on their first-year experiences using electronic information resources. The study adopted probability sampling by specifically employing random sampling. The researcher randomly selected participants from the Howard College campus and Pietermaritzburg campus to make up the sample. The sample size was 310 randomly selected participants from both Howard College and Pietermaritzburg campuses. The sampled participants were surveyed using an online questionnaire made available via Google Forms. A staggering 295 students completed the survey, translating to an excellent 95% response rate. Descriptive data analysis was employed in line with the research paradigm underpinning this study and the research design as well as the approach adopted. The findings revealed that (78.6%) of respondents utilised electronic information resources offered by the library. Furthermore, (34.1%) of respondents considered electronic information resources ‘very much useful’. A notable (42.7%) of respondents indicated that they regarded electronic information resources as relatively easy to access. The findings also revealed that (34.1%) of respondents perceived electronic information resources as ‘relatively easy to use’. Some of the challenges cited by the respondents include internet connection, printing-related problems, staff not always available to help, uncertainty as to which database to use and password requirements. Recommendations based on the significant findings and conclusions were made, which involved the library's need to conduct targeted user education programmes. These programmes should address specific challenges that have been identified instead of having a blanket approach to training. Moreover, there should be strong communication channels for students to interact with library personnel when they encounter problems and need assistance, especially when they cannot be physically in the library. Suggestions for further research were also given.Item The attitudes and perceptions of academics in the College of Humanities, School of Social Sciences (Sss) towards open access (OA) journal publishing at the University of KwaZulu-Natal.(2024) Magwaza, Nomusa Faith.; Hoskins, Ruth Geraldine Melonie.The development of OA journal publishing has opened opportunities for the scholarly community to create, disseminate, and share knowledge beyond the confines of traditional subscription journals. However, the inception of OA journal publishing for the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) academic community is still at its infancy. There are several contributing factors such as lack of institutional drive to promote OA, lack of awareness and general misconceptions about OA journals such as poor quality, low impact factor, lack of peer review, amongst other reasons. OA journal publishing is not a new phenomenon. It dates back to the 1970’s, and it has operated in parallel with the traditional subscription mode of publishing. The uptake of OA journal publishing has been more prevalent amongst the pure scientists, for example, physicists when compared with Social Scientists and the Humanities. Thus, the objective of the study was to ascertain the attitudes and perceptions of academics in the School of Social Sciences towards OA journal publishing at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The study was guided by the following key questions: (1) What were the attitudes and perceptions of the Social Sciences academics towards OA journal publishing? (2) What was the level of awareness of OA journal publishing? (3) What were the challenges Social Sciences academics faced when publishing on OA platforms? (4) What strategies could be used to encourage Social Sciences academics to publish on OA platforms? and (5) Where were UKZN Social Sciences academics publishing their research? The study was informed by the attitude theory which is a branch of Social Psychology. The main focus of the research study was to examine the factors leading to the non-participation by academics in OA activities at UKZN. The study unpacked the problems that academics encounter when publishing in OA journal platforms and recommended strategies to be adopted to support academics. The target population of the study is 42 academics in the School of Social Sciences at the University of KwaZulu-Natal. The study used a pragmatic paradigm as a lens in which to view the subject of OA journal publishing. The researcher employed mixed methods which included both a quantitative and qualitative methods approach. The study used questionnaires and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools. Analysis of data was achieved using a statistical software package and thematic analysis. To gain an in-depth understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of OA publishing amongst the academics of the School of Social Sciences a comparison was drawn from each cluster using quantitative data analysis. Interviews were analysed using thematic content analysis. The main results of the study indicated that academics were aware of OA publishing, and the benefits and disadvantages of OA as an alternative model of publishing. The study also revealed that academics understood the principle of knowledge sharing and dissemination as a public good. However, there was a lack of understanding of the economic and political dynamics of OA publishing. Strategies that supported and improved the knowledge academics have of OA publishing were highlighted. Such strategies included advocacy and capacity building, incentives schemes which may include funding, expansion of the exiting accredited OA journals base, and improved quality and archiving of OA journal articles in the UKZN institutional repository (ResearchSpace).Item The impact of Coronavirus on the rural households headed by African women “breadwinners”: anthropological case study Of Mkhambathini in Kwa-Zulu Natal.(2022) Goqo, Nontokozo Fundiswa.; Kgari-Masondo, Maserole Christina.The literature surveyed for this study reveals that there is a gap in academia about studies on rural African women breadwinners’ experiences during the Coronavirus pandemic. The study was undertaken to investigate and understand the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on rural African women and also to determine the strategies they used to cope during the era of the pandemic. The study employed a qualitative research method and a case study design. Guided by ethical considerations in research, semi-structured interviews were used to collect data from 30 African women between 20 to 60+ from KwaZulu Natal province, Pietermaritzburg in Mkhambathini municipality that were recruited through the purposive and snowballing sampling and the generated data is analysed thematically. The theoretical framework employed in the study is family systems theory, social capital theory, and coping theory. The symbiotic relationship of these theoretical frameworks revealed the impact of COVID-19 which is nuanced and complex on African women in rural households. Secondly, the study revealed a prevalent Eurocentric analysis of the experiences of rural communities especially rural African women who are homogenized as if their lives are static. Narratives of rural women revealed that they never felt intimidated by being breadwinners in their households. The study also revealed that the impacts were felt differently by diverse women as some experienced more hardships than others but they never gave in to marginalisation due to the impacts of the pandemic. These women worked hard and used their agency to navigate the ramifications of the pandemic by creatively starting businesses to navigate and escape the economic hardships that came with Coronavirus pandemic as many of them lost their jobs or their working hours curtailed. They also used creative financial management of the little money they received from welfare funds, businesses, or pension funds to ensure resilience during this era of the pandemic. Hence the recommendation of the thesis is the decolonisation of anthropological studies by ensuring that studies about women especially the previously colonised and poor experience social justice and are studied from within their own context and are not homogenised. The recommendations propose that economic and welfare policies responses must be immediate and consider the concerns of women.Item The role of school libraries in teaching and learning in the Umhlali Circuit, ILembe District, KwaZulu-Natal: a case study of Dinuphozo Primary School library.(2023) Mnyandu, Phumelele.; Nsibirwa, Zawedde Gulikomuseesa.The school library is arguably the backbone of the teaching and learning process in South Africa. The National Curriculum Statement Grade R-12 (28 December 2012) clearly states that schools must “produce learners that can identify, solve problems and make decisions using critical and creative thinking and also learners who can communicate effectively….” and an efficient and effective school library is crucial in this regard. The primary aim of this study was to investigate the role of school libraries in teaching and learning. In pursuing this aim, a case study approach was adopted and the focus was on the Dinuphozo Primary School in the Umhlali Circuit of the ILembe District, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The resource-based learning model based on constructivism theory underpinned the study. Resource-based learning is a model where learners, teachers and teacher-librarians use a range of print, non-print and human resources efficiently and effectively. Purposive sampling was used to select the study participants. The participants, who were all members of the School Library Committee, comprised the Acting Principal, the Deputy Principal, Heads of Department, a teacher from each of the phases (foundation, intermediate and senior phases) and the school’s teacher-librarian – a total of nine participants. The study adopted a qualitative approach using telephonic interviews, observation and document analysis as data collection methods. The findings revealed that teachers and the school teacher-librarian require basic library services training. It was found that teachers do not utilise the library and its information resources sources for daily teaching and learning. It was also found that the library collection does not satisfy either the teachers’ or learners’ needs; hence, they seek information elsewhere. Recommendations included the need for the School Management Team, the School Governing Body and the teachers to be involved in discussions on how to improve the school library and its financing.