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Item The application of microcomputer technology for information retrieval in library resource centres of Indian secondary schools in South Africa.(1990) Govender, Gopal.; Horton, Weldon J.Abstract available in pdf file.Item Perceptions and utilization of media centres in South Africa.(1991) Kistan, Ganas.; Horton, Weldon J.; Peel, Harold Alexander.Abstract available in pdf file.Item Principles for museum documentation.(1993) Immelman, Helene Ferda Lelong.;Abstract available in pdf file.Item The effect of apartheid on the provision of public, provincial and community library services in South Africa with particular reference to the Transvaal.(1994) Kalley, Jacqueline Audrey.; Horton, Weldon J.Abstract available in pdf file.Item The effects of teacher-librarianship training at the colleges of education in the former Transkei on school libraries.(1994) Pholosi, Tsosane Jonas.; Horton, William H.; Radebe, Thulisile Eddista.This study investigated whether there is any significant difference between the training of teacher-librarians with the use of library facilities and the training which does not use library facilities. The study was based on the colleges of education in the former Transkei where the training of teacher librarians is mostly conducted with the use of very little or no library facilities. The research sample of 50% was selected from second year teacher-librarianship students who do the course as part of their teacher training at one of the colleges of education in the region mentioned above. This college was chosen on the basis that it has the best library facilities of all of them, and also that the teacher-librarianship programme offered in all these colleges is the same. A test was used as a method of gathering data. The statistical testing of the data indicated a significant difference between the two methods of instruction mentioned above, thus leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis in favour of the research hypothesis. The major conclusion drawn was that: The use of school modelled college library facilities in the training of teacher-librarians is the basic and useful tool towards the provision of functional school libraries.Item An investigation into the effects of closed market book distribution on libraries in Kwazulu Natal.(1994) Vahed, Laila.; Horton, William H.The usual route for purchasing a book is for an end user, eg. a library to place an order with a bookshop, eg. Mast. The bookshop places the order for that book directly with the publisher, who may be overseas or local. There are however, some overseas publishers who do not supply their books directly to bookshops in South Africa. Their books are available through one wholesale distributor of books in South Africa who is given an exclusive contract for the supply of that imprint to the local market. The route for an order therefore is from the end user to the bookshop, from the bookshop to the book distributer, and then from the book distributor to the publisher. The book is shipped from the publisher to the book distributor, from the book distributor to the bookshop, and finally from the bookshop to the end user. This is closed market book distribution. The market has effectively been closed to all but one supplier for South Africa. A contract to this effect exists between the book distributor and the publisher.Item An analysis of the curricula of school librarianship programmes in colleges of education in Transkei, Venda, Bophuthatswana and Ciskei.(1994) Majaja, Vatiswa Violet.; Horton, Weldon J.Abstract available in PDF.Item The impact of the Economic Structural Adjustment Programme on small and medium-sized special libraries in Zimbabwe.(1995) Chanetsa, Bernadette.; Verbeek, Jennifer Ann.Abstract available in PDF.Item An analysis of staff perceptions of the structure of the provincial library services and their affiliated public libraries in the light of socio-political circumstances, 1990 - April 1994.(1995) Stilwell, Christine.; Horton, Weldon J.; Kaniki, Andrew M.Abstract available in pdf file.Item A comparative study of interlibrary loan functions and the development of a model interlibrary loan network among academic libraries in Saudi Arabia.(1995) Siddiqui, Moid Ahmad; Horton, Weldon J.The purpose of this study was to survey and analyse the condition of the present system of academic libraries, defined in this study as the seven university libraries, in Saudi Arabia; determine the perceptions of academic libraries in Saudi Arabia toward cooperation and design a model interlibrary loan network (ILLN) for the academic libraries of Saudi Arabia.............A document review, questionnaire survey and structured interview were used for data collection......Major findings are that six out of seven libraries do not meet the ACRL standards in respect of collections....all seven inducated that they cooperated with all other academic libraries but did not borrow / lend materials or only occasionally. ............This study proposed that an ILLN that will both be a distributed and centralized network in which academic libraries will coordinate and communicate directly with each other......Item Information seeking patterns among natural scientists, social scientists, and Humanities scholars at the University of Transkei.(1995) Jacobs, Daisy.; Kaniki, Andrew M.Abstract available in PDF.Item An investigation of the reading interests of Zulu speaking standard two children in the Department of Education and Training (DET) in Pietermaritzburg 1 circuit.(1995) Radebe, Thulisile Eddista.; Stilwell, Christine.The reading interests of black Standard Two children in Pietermaritzburg were tested in the study. This was in response to the need, expressed by parents, teachers, information workers, media-teachers and publishers, for information and guidance regarding reading interests of black children in South Africa. Two opposing trends were identified in the international literature (including South Africa) on the reading interests of children. The literature is reviewed and the two trends are discussed. A sample of children was selected from a sample of primary schools in the Pietermaritzburg 1 Circuit of the former Department of Education and Training. A sample of children's books was selected and presented to the children to test their interests. Some of the findings were: The children did not necessarily prefer settings and situations which were familiar to their own circumstances; they did not necessarily prefer books which were written in their vernacular; reading emerged as an individual matter regardless of ethnicity or race; children's preferences had no significant relationship to the ethnic origin of the story. From the children's preferences of books and from their responses to questions regarding their reading involvement, conclusions are drawn and suggestions are made.Item An implementation plan for the development of school libraries in the KwaZulu-Natal region.(1996) Bawa, Rookaya.; Horton, Weldon J.; Kaniki, Andrew M.; Verbeek, Jennifer Ann.The study presents the status of school libraries in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa in the period 1990 to April 1996. The status quo is examined in order to provide a backdrop to the development of an implementation plan for resource provision in the region. This is because access to resources at school level is important for the enrichment of the learning experience and the development of skills needed to access information effectively. It was not easy to obtain data. Several different instruments such as questionnaires, interviews and talks were resorted to, to collect the information required in the study. The study reports on the library and education context in the Province in the period 1990 to April 1996, locating school libraries within both the education arena and the library and information profession. The study reflects on the policy, provision and service of the five former Departments of Education in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. International trends in school libraries and librarianship are also reviewed, particular attention being paid to the provision of school library services in Africa. The international perspective was reviewed to help inform the plan for school library provision in the KwaZulu-Natal region. The study suggests that a school library in each school in the Province of KwaZulu-Natal is not affordable in the near future. It suggests the planning of joint school/public libraries, for resource provision to schools in the region. This joint provision is suggested on the basis of incorporating the school library provisioning section into the Provincial public library system and the removal of the procurement function from the school library advisory service in the Department of Education. An exact plan to enable the above is suggested in the study, prioritising both short-and long-term goals. The study suggests the development of teachers' centres that promote resource-based teaching and learning at school level. It is clear that the exact details of the school/public library partnership have to be clearly mapped out, before the joint project is undertaken, in order to ensure that all stakeholders understand their responsibilities, and that the provision of resources to enhance and optimise the teaching experience needs to interact with the cultural context of the child for the benefits of a library to be fully experienced. The above, will only be possible if a co-ordinated Provincial policy and plan for resource provision are accepted and acted upon; that is, translated into minimum standards for provision. The lack of policy, standards and plan have, in the past, led to ad hoc provision of resources in the Province. The challenge is to convince all stakeholders of the advisability of the above as an interim arrangement in the school sector.Item A performance evaluation of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries (PCTL) in order to determine whether it meets the demands of its users.(1996) Van Rooyen, Karen M.; Kaniki, Andrew M.The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries, a network of theological libraries in an around Pietermaritzburg. The Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries is an association of the libraries of the Evangelical Bible Seminary of Southern Africa, St. Joseph's Theological Institute, the University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, the Evangelical House of Studies, Anglican House of Studies and the Las Casa Dominican Community. The library network is a component of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Institutions (PCTI). An analysis of literature related to resource sharing between libraries and the evaluation of information services was conducted. The performance of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries was evaluated primarily from the viewpoint of the users of the network. The research problem addressed in the study was: "Does the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries meet its objectives and satisfies the needs of its users?". The research problem was broken down into three subproblems, namely: 1. Awareness of the target population of the existence of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries. 2. How much use is made of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries? 3. Overall performance of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries in meeting objectives. Site visits, document review, transaction records, questionnaire survey and interviews were used for data collection. A questionnaire, accompanied by a cover letter, was the main tool used in data collection. The questionnaire was administered to the primary targets, the theological students from the various institutions, to obtain data related to their awareness and understanding of the Pietermaritzburg Cluster of Theological Libraries (PCTL), whether they use the facility and the reasons for use of non-use, as well as the overall perception of and attitude towards the service by the users. Interviews were conducted with staff members from the various institutions to determine their usage of the library network. Major findings of the questionnaire survey were: a high awareness of the PCTL among the respondents, the majority of the lending were by the users from the University of Natal; the main reason for non-use of the network was that the home library is sufficient; majority of the respondents were satisfied with the regularity of the service, found the lending polices satisfactory or good and requested material usually or most often available; the service was generally seen as an advantage by the respondents because they have access to more materials; the long waiting period and the process of acquiring material were identified as problems; and a user education programme, interavailability of borrower cards and streamlining the process were suggested by the respondents. The transaction records reflected that the users of the University of Natal use the service most heavily. Of the requests submitted by the University of Natal, 40,32 % was for national interlending via SABINET. The delivery rate of the network is 86,58 %. It was determined that the users, although they have complaints about the network, are satisfied with the network and view it as an asset. The study proposed a combined user education on the activities of the library network, the inter-availability of tickets and/or a more regular service and improved access to the online union catalogue at St. Joseph's Theological Institute and the Evangelical Bible Seminary of Southern Africa.Item An evaluative study of the psychology collection at the University of Transkei.(1997) Breakfast, Kholeka.; Kaniki, Andrew M.The study focused on the evaluation of the psychology book collection at UNITRA library. In particular, the study investigated the adequacy of the psychology book collection in terms of accessibility, availability, and pertinence. A sample of 264 respondents was selected from a population of 1123 students. A proportionate random sampling was used to select respondents from each stratum. The survey method was used, and questionnaires were administered to the sample of 1995 registered psychology students at UNITRA from Year 1 to Honours level. The questionnaire focused on the research questions, relating to accessibility , availability, and pertinence of the psychology collection. The data was analysed by means of a statistical package, SAS. The results were interpreted in relation to the variables. The findings revealed that accessibility and availability were affected by: the attendance of the first library orientation programme which is usually offered at the beginning of the year; the availability of library services at high school; the number of copies of the same title in the library; library opening hours; attitude of the librarians; procedure for locating books; number of borrower cards; and the age of books in the library. The identification of entries representing books on the catalogue, and the location of books on the shelves were found to be easier for those users who had attended library orientation and those who had libraries at their high school. It was recommended that lecturers and librarians should encourage students to also use the subject catalogue in order to get more books on the same subject. A number of other recommendations were suggested taken from the findings and other authorities on the subject to improve the accessibility, availability and pertinence of the psychology collection. The development of a written collection development policy would make the implementation of the above recommendations easier.Item Oxidation at the wet/dry interface in the deterioration of paper in library and archival collections in humid climatic conditions.(1998) Peters, Dale Patricia.; Kaniki, Andrew M.; Ford, Thomas Anthony.Three primary mechanisms of paper deterioration in library and archival collections are driven by climatic conditions of excessive relative humidity. These are chemical reactivity, mechanical stress and biological deterioration. It is the view of the researcher that the role of chemical reactivity has not been adequately assessed in relation to the deterioration of paper. The significance of an autoxidative phenomenon, similar to the brown tideline staining at the wet/dry interface, has not been previously recognised as a cause of deterioration as an accelerated function of time under humid conditions of the macroclimate, and as a function of the unstable equilibrium moisture content of materials in a microclimate, but has been obscured by the accepted explanation of biological deterioration. An analytical procedure was developed to enable the comparison of oxidative degradation products found in stained areas of naturally aged samples with those formed during a dynamic simulated ageing programme to induce cellulosic discolouration. A relationship between the degradative mechanism and humid climatic conditions was established. Based on the findings of the analytical investigation, this study forms a contribution towards the development of a theory of deterioration. Evidence is presented of a chemical process of degradation in the oxidation of paper at the wet/dry interface, following the condensation and evaporation kinetics induced by cycling relative humidity (RH) driven by temperature fluctuations in diurnal and seasonal ranges. Sites of moisture accumulation at which the oxidative reaction readily take place, and which constitute a wet/dry interface, are identified at surface areas exposed to atmospheric exchange, in physical defects, in uneven adhesive lamination, in local wet treatments, in impervious storage enclosures or adjacent to an impervious surface which acts as a vapour barrier to the transudational force of capillary action. In advancing the theory of a chemical response of library and archival materials in the fluctuating moisture content as an explanation for the causation of cellulosic staining, the evidence of foxing is redefined. Librarians, archivists and conservators are thus assisted in the identification of the basic chemical reactions involved in the process of deterioration, and in recognising the role of oxidative degradation relation to environmental conditions.Item Access to gender and development information by rural women in the Tanga region, Tanzania.(1998) Kiondo, Elizabeth.; Stilwell, Christine.Rural women play significant roles in both food and cash crop production, however, the majority of them lack access to productive resources, including information. To enhance the process of development and to ensure that rural women participate in and benefit from rural development processes, it is important that productive resources such as land, technology and information are made accessible to them. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which rural women access gender and development information. It therefore investigated how the rural information delivery system is organised and operates in order to gain an understanding of the factors which hamper the accessibility of information to the majority of rural women. This understanding will enable rural development planners and information professionals to design and implement information services which are accessible to all members of the rural community. In conducting this study in the Tanga region of Tanzania, a sample of 773 households was drawn from an estimated 155,863 households to acquire a sample of rural women. A structured interview protocol was used to collect data from the rural women. A total of 64 human information providers out of a total of 90 targeted to be included in the study, was interviewed. Data was also collected through document reviews and informal discussion with key informants at regional and district levels as well as through personal observations during field work. The findings of the study indicate that at least 40 percent of rural women are still functionally illiterate and at least 30 percent head rural households. Tt:1e majority of them still live in poverty with limited incomes. On the other hand the information providers are predominantly male, constituting a male/female ratio of 3: 1. The information needs of rural women are practical and strategic in nature. Information providers used are mainly friends and relatives, village leaders, health extension workers and hospitals and clinics. The communications used in information exchange processes are oral in nature with face to face communication being the main channel used. Formal sources of information such as printed and audio-visual sources are rarely used. Furthermore, this study has shown that socio-economic factors impact on levels of access and use of information providers. Information made accessible to women is mainly health information, followed by community affairs which is mainly about community problems discussed at village meetings. Very few women benefit from rural training programmes and information on development projects because these are limited to specific project areas. Information delivered is therefore not adequate to satisfy rural women's needs whereas information accessed is moderately relevant as far as their health information needs are concerned. The main barriers to rural women's access to information include: workload, attitudes of information providers, customs and traditions and non availability of other sources such as printed and audio-visual sources, as well as low income and relatively low education levels of women. This study has identified several weaknesses in the rural information delivery system which need to be addressed. It is therefore recommended that in order to make information readily accessible to the majority of women, there is a need (i) to formulate gender sensitive policies and institute mechanisms for implementation, which should include the training of information providers in gender issues in services-provision; (ii) to make available adequate financial resources to support rural information seryices; (iii) to use a variety of sources of information to cater for ; the heterogenous needs of users; (iv) to have a political will not only to address gender issues but also to sensitize entire rural communities to gender issues.Item Mangosuthu Technikon Resource Centre and its involvement in the Umlazi community with particular reference to high schools : 1991-1997.(1998) Msimango, Highness Lucy.; Stilwell, Christine.Academic libraries are concerned about being involved in the communities in which they exist by rendering library and information services. In order to maintain effective community involvement, academic libraries find it is important to find ways in which they can serve the community. The study investigated the Mangosuthu Technikon Resource Centre's (MTRC) involvement in the community. The intention was to determine the extent of usage of the MTRC services by Umlazi high school teachers and to identify problems which these teachers experienced with regard to the MTRC services. Umlazi high school teachers as users of the MTRC services and MTRC staff as providers of the services, were the two groups chosen for the study. Two questionnaires, one for external respondents, the Umlazi high school teachers, and another for the internal respondents, MTRC staff: were hand delivered to and collected from the respondents. The results of the survey indicated a very low percentage of usage of the MTRC services by Umlazi high school teachers and a high percentage of interest in and lack of knowledge of the MTRC services by Umlazi high school teachers. There was agreement of opinions between Umlazi high school teachers and MTRC staff on the reasons for non-use of the MTRC services by Umlazi high school teachers. Reasons indicated were that teachers did not know they could use the MTRC. There was a lack of promotional brochures and newsletters, and teachers obtained what they needed elsewhere. It was recommended that MTRC staff be educated on the MTRC's responsibility to community involvement; that the MTRC provide library user education to Umlazi high school teachers; that the MTRC base its services on community needs assessment; that marketing practices be injected into the MTRC services; that consultation with the community during planning stages of community services be maintained; that MTRC provide the community only with services not provided elsewhere; and that the MTRC take initiative in establishing a multitype area network with Umlazi Public Library and Umlazi high schools.Item A bibliometric study of the publication patterns of South African scientists.(1998) Jacobs, Daisy.; Kaniki, Andrew M.One of the legacies of the apartheid system was the discrepancy in funding and support for various activities, including research work in science and technology based on racial grounds. Some institutions of higher learning and research institutes were favoured more than others in terms of resources. Presently, despite the fact that there is national democracy, previously disadvantaged institutions with their culture of minimal research and poor publication output continue to produce inadequate quantities of research and publications while the historically developed universities are at the forefront of research and publication.This research is a bibliometric study of the publication patterns of South African scientists. The subjects were academic scientists from ten selected universities of the Eastern Cape, Western Cape and KwaZulu Natal, which vary considerably, with regard to standards of education, quantity of publications, development and overall progress. The general purpose of this study was to investigate the patterns used by scientists in publishing the results of their research, provide valuable information and play a significant role in evaluating the research and publication patterns of scientists from these different institutions The study collected two sets of data through lists of publications and a questionnaire. The questionnaire was pretested and the comments of the respondents enabled the investigator to make the necessary revisions in the subsequent questionnaire. The questionnaire was sent to 350 full-time academic scientists in the departments of physics, chemistry, botany, zoology and biochemistry / microbiology in the selected universities. Out of the 350 scientists, 174 responded. Twenty one returns were discarded, hence only 153 were used in the data analysis. Further data was obtained from the Science Citation Index and the Foundation for Research Development. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, one way ANOVA and Pearson Chi-Square test. The results obtained in this study showed that the five null hypotheses were rejected. It was found that there was a : - • direct relation between academic rank and productivity; academic status and productivity. • direct relation correlation between prestige and productivity. • higher impact of "A" grade scientists over non-"A" grade scientists. • significant difference in productivity between areas of science that are funded and areas which receive little or no funding.Item The use and sustainability of information technology (IT) in academic and research libraries in Tanzania.(1998) Katundu, Desdery Rutalemwa Mushumbusi.; Kaniki, Andrew M.The main purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of information technology (IT) and strategies which academic and research libraries in Tanzania can adopt in order to facilitate the sustainability of information technology which has been acquired through external donor assistance. The motivation for undertaking the study emanated from the researcher's long working experience of twelve years in a university library. Through this experience it has been observed that many of the donor-funded or supported information projects like the introduction of information technology in libraries, thrive well and offer good information services when donor support is still available. However, once the donor project or donor support comes to an end very few of these have been able to continue delivering the intended information services and products. What this implies, is that very little is known by both donors and recipient libraries alike about factors or strategies which can affect the future sustainability of such donor-funded information projects in libraries. The study assumed that if information technology is effectively sustained it would reduce the vulnerable dependence of libraries on donor funding and support, and in turn facilitate effective local planning and development of the technology and related information services which responded to the needs of the library clientele. Eighteen libraries possessing and using some form of information technology were studied. The survey research method comprised the questionnaire; interview schedule and observation through visits as data and information gathering instruments was used in the investigation. Its selection was determined by the under-researched nature of the problem. Data and information generated by the instruments was content analyzed and formally presented by the use of descriptive statistics. The major findings of the study revealed that despite donor support to libraries, the status of information technology reflected early stages of its introduction in almost all the libraries. No all-round IT infrastructural development existed. Shortages or non-availability of various IT equipment and accessories resulted in differences in the quantity of the technology possessed by each of the libraries studied. Consequently, effective use of the technology was hampered by the scarcity or inadequate availability of the equipment and accessories as well as limited IT skills, knowledge and competence among library staff. While all the libraries indicated that they had great needs for IT training, the levels at which it was required differed from one institution to another. As a result, not many of the IT-related information needs were currently being satisfied. The findings also reflected positive concurrence on the feasibility of IT sustainability by the libraries. Most of the libraries agreed that despite being under-resourced, the sustainability of information technology based upon own library resources could be feasible provided all or most of the proposed sustainability strategies were effectively and concurrently implemented by the libraries. Proposed sustainability strategies have been presented in the study. These could be conceived within three broad categories namely, strategies related to: the need for adequate resource-generation, formulation of IT policy informed by effective IT planning and management practices, and the enhancement of the role and value of information and related services as vital elements for its adequate support. All these strategies affect library parent organization managements, library managements and professionals as well as donors of the technology. The study concludes that libraries need to become more involved in charting out the required direction of IT development which would ensure the availability of adequate and appropriate technology in response to user needs and its effective sustainability. This would involve improvement of the status of IT; formulation and actual implementation of IT policies and planning; the need for continuous assessment of user needs, and effecting continuous IT education and training in libraries. The recommendations and areas for further research put forward by the study were based on the implications reflected by the study findings.