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Student nurses’ perceptions on bullying behaviour during clinical placement in a selected private nursing institute in KwaZulu-Natal.

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Background Workplace violence in health care is a worldwide phenomenon. In nursing, the nature of workplace violence is predominantly non-physical in nature. Literature reveals the devastating consequences for the individual nurse, both non-physically and/ or emotionally. Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of student nurses towards bullying behavior during clinical placement. Methodology A quantitative research design, utilizing a survey, was chosen for the study. A non- probability convenience sampling method was selected. A sample of n=120 students was selected, all those who were found in that research period and met the inclusion criteria. Findings The study revealed that the perpetration of non-physical violence against student nurses is widespread, particularly that perpetrated by co-workers, more specifically registered, staff- and assistant nurses including doctors, patients and patient’s relatives. Recommendations The recommendation arising from this study therefore focuses on the nursing practice, regarding the formulation of the policy addressing workplace violence. Nursing education regarding the inclusion of the policy addressing workplace violence in the curriculum. As well as further research that will include all nurse categories.


Master of Nursing in Nursing Education. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2017.

