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An exploration of the factors promoting academic resilience in socio-economically disadvantaged grade six learners.

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This study explores factors promoting academic resilience in learners from socio-economically disadvantaged families. It is a qualitative research located in the interpretive paradigm. Two theories namely The Resilience and Youth Development Module (RYDM) and The Asset-based Approach were used to frame the study. The objective of the study was to help schools to build academic resilience in learners especially those who are at risk of failure due to hardships they experience. A case study of a primary school in the rural area of the Quthing District in Lesotho was done. Four learners in grade six from socio-economically disadvantaged families were interviewed using semi-structured interviews combined with observations as data collection instruments. The learners were purposively selected with the assumption that they are knowledgeable about the phenomenon under investigation. The main finding from the study is hope for the future. The participants regard education as the only way out of poverty so they want to change their lives together with their families through educational excellence. The findings also revealed that support from parents, school, peers and the community play a significant role in building academic resilience in these learners. In conclusion, this study suggests collaborative efforts among stakeholders because school is not an isolated institution. Therefore there is a need for parents, teachers, peers and the community in which schools are situated to work hand in hand for the benefit of learners and the building of a stable nation. The study shows that support provided to the learners from poverty stricken families encourages them to persevere with their schooling and think positively and hope to prosper in the future.


M.Ed. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2014.


Education--Research., Discrimination in education., Educational sociology., Theses--Education.
